Community News

Promoting health and well-being celebrating National Aboriginal History Month

Health Nexus - 25th Anniversary - Monthly Series of '25' Ideas

At Health Nexus, we’re celebrating our 25th year with several events, including a monthly series of 25 ideas to help service providers in their work.

This month, we recognize National Aboriginal History Month by giving you a list of 25 programs, services, and other resources that you can use to help promote health and well-being with your Aboriginal clients.

4,600 year old burial site near Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation attracts attention

Press Release

Research Led by Lakehead University Archaeologist Receives International Attention

An archaeological team led by Dr. Scott Hamilton of Lakehead University's Department of Anthropology has recently made media headlines all over the world. Dr. Hamilton and his team members are working with the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation after a 4,600-year-old burial was discovered at the mouth of the Bug River, located on the south side of Big Trout Lake in northern Ontario.

First Nations leaders call on Canada to advance fundamental rights recognition and protection

AFN press release

AFN National Chief Comments on June 24 Day of Action: "First Nations are Ready to Move Forward"

OTTAWA, June 25 - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo issued the following statement responding to the National Day of Action held in locations across Canada on June 24, 2010:

Corporate sector highlights its partnership with First Nations and benefits to development

Economic and community development key to Aboriginal success: RBC

RBC marks National Aboriginal Day with release of two new reports - Action Plan with the AFN and new Aboriginal Partnership Report

Toronto, June 21 - To mark National Aboriginal Day, RBC today announced the release of its second annual A Chosen Journey: RBC Aboriginal Partnership Report and is providing highlights from the two-year Corporate Challenge Action Plan with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN).

First Nation groups and allies call for Canada's endorsement of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Aboriginal Peoples and Civil Society Call for Meaningful Endorsement of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Ottawa, June 18 - In an Open Letter, 39 Aboriginal and civil society organizations across Canada are calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to endorse the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples without qualifications and in a manner consistent with international human rights law.

Residential school experiences helping people learn and heal at TRC gathering in Winnipeg

From the Montreal Gazette

Strahl breaks down at hearings into residential schools

By Larry Kusch and Mary Agnes Welch, Canwest News Service June 17, 2010