Ontario First Nations protesting HST measures agree to meet with Canada Finance minister

From Sault Ste Marie SooToday.com

Regional Chief Isadore Day statement on HST measures

By SooToday.com Staff - May 22, 2010


SHAWANAGA FIRST NATION - "Our treaties prove that our citizens did not agree to taxation," says Lake Huron Regional Grand Chief Isadore Day of Serpent River First Nation.

Citizens from Whata First Nation joined Anisnabek First Nations in the territory of Chief Dan Pawis supported by his Shawanaga citizens to say "No to HST."

Yesterday, a peaceful demonstration took place on Highway 69 just north of the Shawanaga First Nation to show support for a unified position and stance on the Canada-Ontario imposition of the harmonized sales tax scheduled to come into full effect on July 1, 2010.

Chief Dan Pawis introduced Lake Huron Regional Chief Isadore Day and highlighted the importance of unity and working together to stand against this government policy.

This week, Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty agreed to meet with First Nations to talk about the issue.

First Nations Leaders are guarded about their planned protests, but say they will step back from more intense demonstrations such as supporting roadblocks or traffic slowdowns.

Protesting the G20 Summit to draw greater international attention to Canada's poor relationship with First Nations is another potential avenue First Nations leaders are considering to make their point that the unilateral imposition of the HST on First Nations by the federal and provincial governments is not an option.

"We have a crystal clear message for both Ontario and Canada – undermining our treaty rights by unilaterally imposing the HST on our people is not an option. We need to preserve the 'point of sale' exemption for all of our citizens. There is no other alternative - our treaty annuity of four dollars a year is proof that one Nation cannot impose a tax on another," concluded Chief Day.

In an effort to express solidarity and gratitude to Shawanaga, the Lake Huron Regional Grand Chief, supported by the UOI Highway 69 corridor chiefs, presented Chief Pawis and his citizens with an Anishnabek flag.