Powerful message of thanks from Wab Kinew to First Nation fasters for their leadership and sacrifice

From WabKinew.ca blog

Miigwetch Chief Spence

January 24th, 2013

Ahow Ogichidaakwe Theresa, nimiigwetchiwiyin. Aazhaa kigiigichiminochige. Kidaagiigiiwe noongom. Gegoo chaaniminoken. Gigaminoayaamin. Kidaagiimawadisaag kidaanisag nongom. Miigwetch ndikid. [Translation to follow]

To Chief Theresa Spence,

Honouring Chief Theresa Spence as Assembly of First Nations support declaration

Full text of declaration that will end Attawapiskat chief's six-week protest

The final text of the declaration that has now been signed by representatives from the Assembly of First Nations, the New Democrat caucus and the Liberal caucus:

First Nations Trust Fund as of March 31, 2009 information from AANDC web site

From ElyseBruce.wordpress.com blog

About That FN Trust

January 21, 2013 - Elyse Bruce

The Treaties: Recent Violations by the government and Court Rulings favouring First Nations

From the law firm oktlaw.com

The Treaties: A Primer On Recent Violations

Bryce Edwards - January 17, 2013

First Nations United for REAL Change ... from the Assembly of First Nations executive

AFN Press Release

Assembly of First Nations National Executive Release Statement: First Nations United for Real Change

OTTAWA, Jan. 11, 2013 /CNW/ - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, together with the AFN National Executive today released the following statement expressing the need to continue all efforts to achieve the transformative change required for First Nations in Canada:

First Nations United For Real Change

Leaders recognize the importance and opportunities of working with First Nations and INM

From CBC.ca

Paul Martin says Ottawa has 'no understanding' of native issues

Former prime minister was the architect of the 2005 Kelowna Accord

By Jennifer Clibbon, Jan 17, 2013

Paul Martin has a keen interest in the issues raised by the Idle No More movement.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation First Nation leaders Invitation to Community Safety Forum

January 11, 2013

Re: Invitation to Community Safety Forum

Our community does not feel safe. Recent disturbing allegations including public reports of a racially motivated attack on a young woman and an investigation of police misconduct involving our youth have added to the anxiety felt by parents and students alike.

Now more than ever it is essential that we make an effort to work with leaders of all communities to restore public confidence and a sense of safety.

Understanding the relationship between First Nations and Canada and their treaties

From MediaCoop.ca

What if Natives Stop Subsidizing Canada?

January 7, 2013 - Dru Oja Jay blog posting

Talks and protests continue as First Nations and government determine how best to work together

From CTV.ca

Harper, Atleo to hold 'high-level' talks on aboriginal issues

CTVNews.ca Staff - Jan. 11, 2013

Prime Minister Stephen Harper sat down with aboriginal leaders Friday and agreed to work on improving conditions in First Nations communities, but the chief who demanded the meeting says she will continue her liquids-only diet.

Powerful messages for ALL peoples from First Nation writers sharing their teachings and respect

From Rabble.ca

An open letter to all my relations: On Idle No More, Chief Spence and non-violence

By Aaron James Mills| January 10, 2013

All my relations,