During the NAN Education Committee Conference this past week in Thunder Bay, the Honourable James Bartleman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario announced his plans to expand the number of literacy camps in First Nations next summer ...
from http://www.nan.on.ca ...
Kakegamic and Bartleman Attend NAN Education Committee Meetings
Posted by cpedri@nan.on.ca 12/8/2005 11:22:12 AM
NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic and the Honourable James Bartleman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario attended NAN Education Meetings held this week to address both positive developments in Aboriginal education and areas requiring vast improvements.
NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic and the Honourable James Bartleman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario attended NAN Education Meetings held this week to address both positive developments in Aboriginal education and areas requiring vast improvements.
Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic commented on the need to close the gap between Aboriginal education and education received by the rest of the province, highlighting the fact that while NAN communities only have schools, other urban cities have many other resources such as school boards and consultants.
During his presentation Bartleman remarked on how he looks forward to expanding the youth literacy camps which took place this past summer in five NAN Communities to include an additional 15 First Nations next year.
The literacy camps ran in the NAN communities of Kingfisher Lake, Fort Albany, North Caribou Lake, Neskantaga and Fort Hope.
The Aboriginal Literacy Summer Camp initiative is led by a steering committee representing seven organizations belonging to the Lieutenant Governor’s Literacy Coalition. These organizations include Scouts Canada, the YMCA of Greater Toronto, Frontier College, the National Indigenous Literacy Association, PhotoSensitive, the Toronto District School Board, and World Literacy Canada.
from http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/050/Viewer_e.cfm?SrchPg=1&CEAR_ID=13610
NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT of an environmental assessment
North Spirit Lake First Nation New School Construction Project
North Spirit Lake Indian Reserve (ON)
August 10, 2005 -- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada will conduct a screening commencing on August 10, 2005 of the project: North Spirit Lake First Nation New School Construction Project.
The proposed project will be developed on-reserve in the central area of the community and involves development of a 4.75 ha. area which is currently undeveloped, forested land in close proximity to the Flanagan River and North Spirit Lake. The school building will house Grades K4-10 and will have a floor space of 1,545 m2 encompassing 4 standard classrooms, 1 kindergarten, and rooms for administration, library/resource centre, auditorium/gymnasium, computer, staff room, educational storage, councillor and quiet room. On-site fuel storage will be limited to a 2-week supply complying with current TSSA standards. In addition to the school construction, the project scope includes development of a new bus turn around to serve the school, extension of the munipical water system to the school site, connection to the community sewer line, construction of an unheated warehouse with a footprint of 100 m2, and construction of fenced playfield including soccer fiels and baseball diamond, play structures, hard surface play area, hockey rink with lighting, bus loop, and parking area. The project will confirm to a number of standards including the National Building Code and the Canada Labour Code. Disposition of the existing school and remediation of any contaminated soils associated with this site are being addressed under a separate project.
Under section 5 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, an EA is required for this project because Indian and Northern Affairs Canada may provide financial assistance to the proponent for the purpose of enabling the project.
For further information on this environmental assessment, please contact:
Dan Baxter
Capital Management Officer
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Suite 101, 100 Anemki Drive
Thunder Bay ON P7J 1A5
Telephone: (807) 624-1569
Fax: (807) 623-3616
Email address: baxterd@inac.gc.ca
and refer to CEAR reference number 05-01-13610
Renewal Commission's 18-month long study affects all First Nations peoples
OTTAWA, ON, Canada – December 7, 2005 – The Assembly of First Nations Renewal Commission (AFNRC - http://www.afnrenewal.ca/english/home.htm), formed 18 months ago to examine the purpose and structure of the national organization representing nearly a million First Nations citizens across Canada, today released its nearly 300-page report containing 47 recommendations for the renewal of the AFN.
Among other recommendations, the report calls for the National Chief of the Assembly to be elected through a universal vote of all First Nations citizens. It says the AFN should be given greater standing in the Canadian confederation. And it recommends that the AFN focus on political advocacy of aboriginal rights and issues, forging protocols and strategic alliances with First Nations themselves and with other aboriginal organizations to develop a unified voice and to facilitate the delivery of services to First Nations communities.
The report, subtitled “A treaty among ourselves,” will be presented to First Nations leaders at a Special Assembly in December, at which time the recommendations will be considered by the First Nations-in-Assembly.
The Renewal Commission was struck in December 2003 when National Chief Phil Fontaine requested its creation to examine the charter of the AFN and make recommendations on how to improve the organization. The AFN was more than 20 years old, and its structures and processes had not evolved in step with the First Nations communities. With recent court cases and land claims literally changing the landscape of Canada's First Nations, a huge contingent of First Nations peoples living in major urban centres, and an increasingly young demographic, it was time for a change.
First Nations citizens responded enthusiastically to the renewal initiative, and their input is the basis of the report, said Commission Co-chair Wendy John. “We listened to the First Nations peoples of Canada and this report is wholly representative of our peoples' thoughts and wishes for the national organization that represents them,” she said. “The recommendations are far-reaching, covering topics from self-government to women's rights, from organizational structure to youth initiatives.”
Co-chair Joe Miskokomon said the report is a powerful opportunity for AFN chiefs to strengthen their ability to represent their people, and he called on First Nations people to get behind the report. “The recommendations in the report effect all of our peoples,” he said. “The citizens' voices can and must be heard by the AFN chiefs. Our peoples need to become champions of their recommendations so that their chiefs will support the report.”
About the Assembly of First Nations Renewal Commission
The Assembly of First Nations Renewal Commission was struck in December 2003 to consult widely with First Nations people and to make recommendations on improving the only national organization representing all First Nations citizens. Its 11 commissioners were experienced individuals who, collectively, were representative of different geographic regions and of the different interests within First Nation society, including elders, youth and women, and urban, rural and remote communities. The Commission held 24 hearings across Canada attended by more than 1,100 people. More than 380 presentations were made at these meetings, with further input coming from three focus group sessions and nearly 90 additional submissions delivered by mail or email.
Media contact – For further information or to arrange interviews:
Linda Woods
inmedia Public Relations Inc.
(613) 234-7227 x234
(613) 769-7386 (cell)
As part of the National Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN - http://smart.knet.ca/satellite), technical team members from each of the partner founding organziatons became certified KA-Band satellite system installers today. Working with a trainer from Barrett's Xplornet, nine technicians successfully completed their training program to be able to install these units in the NICSN partner Aboriginal communities.
Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services is now an enterprise distributor for KA-Band units. In partnership with Barrett Xplore, the NICSN team will be installing a KA-Band unit in each of the satellite served partner communities to explore technical strategies for reducing the traffic load on the present C-band network. The goal is to increase the amount of video traffic that can be supported on the C-Band system.
As well, First Nation schools that presently are using the two way KU-band satellite services will see these units replaced with the lower cost KA-band systems in the near future.
Four members of the Manitoba First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organization team (Justin, Sam, Harvey and Dominic) travelled from Winnipeg to receive this training. JF Delorme travelled from Kuujjuaq in Northern Quebec to participate in the training. As well, John Moreau, Jamie Ray, Terence Burnard and Adi Linden from the K-Net team successfully completed the training.
Drew Perry from Health Canada's e-Health Solutions Unit in Winnipeg joined the training to familiarize himself with this system as well as learn about the Kuhkenah Network. While in Sioux Lookout, Drew was provided with tours of the local network infrastructure as well as the teleradiology and telehealth systems in place at the local Menoyawin Health Centre.
Pandemic Influenza Planning – preparing for a quickly moving strain for which people have no immunity, and which is estimated to reach us within the next 5 years according to experts.
Dr. Kim Barker from the AFN presented the following information on Pandemic Influenza Planning.
Preparedness Status
Roles and Responsibilities
Next Steps
Questions & Answers Related to the Above Presentation
Six Nations has developed a comprehensive plan and an emergency preparedness plan and is willing to share their plan.
No template link is available at this time.
National Chief Phil Fontaine challenged participants attending the AFN Special Chiefs Meeting in Ottawa this week to judge the work done and ignore the innuendo and conjecture that some people have been spreading about the First Nations meeting with the First Nations on Aboriginal Issues last month in Kelowna, British Columbia.
Fontaine described the settlement as “just”, “comprehensive”, “wholistic” and will “finally bring closure” for Residential School Survivors. It allows for payment for general damages immediately and still leaves the door open for legal cases for specific damages such as physical and sexual abuse.
Fontaine said there are three specific goals for the Residential School Schools settlement; healing, reconciliation and investment and development.
“Any deal,” he said, “must deal with the legacy of the past.” He told the Chiefs that this process is quicker and fairer for the victims than putting them through the court system.
Under the terms of the agreement, each residential school survivor will receive a flat fee of $10,000 and additional $3,000 for year of attendance. “The settlement is only for lost of language and culture,” he said. “Claims of abuse are beyond the lump sum payment.”
Fontaine said the proposed truth and reconciliation commission will provide a vehicle for residential school survivors to talk about their experiences. “More importantly, it will ensure that all Canadians understand the past and the present,” he said.
He said that this is a court-ordered agreement and not will not change if a new political party forms the government after the next federal election in January.
Key Elements of the Settlement:
The AFN estimates survivors spent an average of 5.2 years in the residential school system therefore this would equal a payout of $28,000. There is an estimated 79,000 living survivors of which 80% are estimated to apply, while the remaining 20% will not pursue. The $1.9 million available for this payout is in an interest bearing account and the interest will go to the survivors through an additional $3000 for individual survivor healing strategies and the remaining dollars will go to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. This will be in addition to the $125 million being directed to the AHF.
Catholic schools are now part of this process. Therefore if individuals received only 70% of their settlement they may now go back and apply for the remaining 30%.
This new process includes:
A further $60 million is available for a “Truth & Reconciliation Process”. This will include the recording, sharing, education and informing Canadians of the Residential School Experience. This is a 5 year project and includes 3 commissioners and an advisory body consisting of former students and regional representatives. The project will include two initiatives; community based initiatives, and a 2 year national component.
A National Archive and Research Center will be established. School records from governments and churches will be open in this archive while respecting privacy legislation.
In addition, $125 million is being allocated for Aboriginal Healing Foundation activities. Since the AHF is administered by survivors rather than government, the AHF mandate will reflect the change of ownership.
The total funds available in this settlement are $4 billion.
Items not part of the package include:
A question was presented regarding eligible schools in the compensation package. Chief Fontaine responded that the schools are listed on the AFN website but this is not a finalized list – claims should still be filed and can still be paid.
For more information go the AFN website at http://afn.ca. To see the AFN, questions and answers link about the residential school settlement.
Watch for more stories about the Special Chiefs meeting in Ottawa this week by Cheryl Klassen and Brian Walmark
During the Chiefs briefing on the First Ministers Meeting Health Blueprint, there were plenty of questions and few answers for now.
Bill Erasmus, the co-chair on Health and Regional Chief O’Brien, and Saga Williams from the AFN promised to return on Wednesday with the answers.
The “Blueprint on Aboriginal Health: A 10 year transformative plan” was accepted by the Federal, Provincial governments and National Aboriginal Leaders. There was initial concern from the provinces regarding off-loading by the federal government however, it was stressed that this was an “exercise of governance and recognizing jurisdictions of First Nations”. The blueprint deals with new and existing federal initiatives. It is a framework with guidelines – intended to be flexible to recognize regional differences.
The First Nation Framework includes several commitments:
5-year funding
Following this brief presentation a myriad of questions arose regarding priorities and assurance as the Federal government has not honoured the political accord. Concerns regarding “The One Window Concept”, “Pan Aboriginal Approach”, or “Horizontal Aboriginal Framework” were expressed. While questions regarding moving this forward to achieve policy were also presented.
The “recognition of regional differences” statement generated the following comment “a common approach is better than regional as it is divisive and causes AFN to act as the police”.
Generally participants expressed difficulty with understanding the Blueprint’s benefit to First Nations. In addition, it is a difficult framework to implement. Further discussions and meetings are planned. The AFN has declared that it is responsible for membership wherever they reside including off-reserve.
No link available at this time for the Blueprint document.
Peter Garrow has not been the AFN Director of Education for very long, only four months, but he is already making waves.
Called out of retirement as the head of the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education and taken away from his research to write a book about this grandmother who went to the American Supreme Court to fight for cross border commercial rights, Peter is once again fighting for better educational opportunities for First Nations children and youth in Canada. “There is no room for empire building in education,” he told participants at the education workshop at the Special Chiefs Meeting in Ottawa this week. “It must all start and remain at the community level,” he said. He told the participants that communities need to regain control over jurisdiction and they need adequate resources. He says the goal of the First Nations meeting on Aboriginal Affairs in Kamloops was designed to move towards those goals.
During the education briefing, he said that we need to support the teachers at First Nations schools. He said at Akwesasne, sixty per cent of the teachers are community members. The board has a good professional development policy and each teacher, Native or Non-Native, has a career plan. “A good teacher is a good teacher,” he said. “When you get a good one, you keep him.”
He says we need to encourage First Nations schools to partner with universities to provide science camps and create “back to the land” camping experiences with the communities.
He says communities need to feel a sense of ownership and pride in the local school. “To do that, they need to control the jurisdiction of education.
Chief Natham Matthews, the co-chair of the AFN’s Chiefs Committee on Education, told the participants that First Nations are feeling pressure from the provinces. “The provinces are providing education to off-reserve First Nations and Metis youth and they want a piece of the promised 1.8 Billion for education renewal. Provincial schools are not doing a good job of educating our youth but many First Nations schools are doing worse. We need to work together if we are going to get to a better place.”
David Paul Anepineskum, the Executive Director of Nishnawbe Aski Nation told the briefing that First Nations must do a better job of supporting our own institutions. First Nations post secondary institutes need more resources and more students. “We need to make our institutions a priority for future growth,” he said.
Peter wants more young people, women and Elders to participate in the various education tables that are currently under discussion including: band operated funding, special education and post secondary education.
Peter is a strong supporter of the proposed Keewaytinook Okimakanak Regional Digital Library. He introduced Geordi Kakepetum, the Executive Director of KO to Chief David General, Grand Chief of the Six Nations Council who offered to move the library motion on behalf of KO.
While he was Director of Education with the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education, Peter used IP videoconferencing supported by First Nations Schoolnet to connect his students with other First Nations students in Ontario. He wants to work with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, the Regional Management Organization for Industry Canada in Ontario to create IP videoconferencing links with the AFN. He says its an ideal alternative for effective meetings and cost and time reduction in travel. “I saw what videoconferencing could do when I was in Akwesasne.” While he was education director, Akwesasne participated in a number of meetings with other First Nations communities and universities including the founding meeting of Researching ICTs with Aboriginal Communities.
He is a strong support of ICTs in the classroom. “If computers and access to the Internet means students coming to school on time and energized, I am all for it,” he said.
To see the AFN education action plan, click here.