As part of the National Indigenous Community Satellite Network (NICSN -, technical team members from each of the partner founding organziatons became certified KA-Band satellite system installers today. Working with a trainer from Barrett's Xplornet, nine technicians successfully completed their training program to be able to install these units in the NICSN partner Aboriginal communities.
Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services is now an enterprise distributor for KA-Band units. In partnership with Barrett Xplore, the NICSN team will be installing a KA-Band unit in each of the satellite served partner communities to explore technical strategies for reducing the traffic load on the present C-band network. The goal is to increase the amount of video traffic that can be supported on the C-Band system.
As well, First Nation schools that presently are using the two way KU-band satellite services will see these units replaced with the lower cost KA-band systems in the near future.
Four members of the Manitoba First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organization team (Justin, Sam, Harvey and Dominic) travelled from Winnipeg to receive this training. JF Delorme travelled from Kuujjuaq in Northern Quebec to participate in the training. As well, John Moreau, Jamie Ray, Terence Burnard and Adi Linden from the K-Net team successfully completed the training.
Drew Perry from Health Canada's e-Health Solutions Unit in Winnipeg joined the training to familiarize himself with this system as well as learn about the Kuhkenah Network. While in Sioux Lookout, Drew was provided with tours of the local network infrastructure as well as the teleradiology and telehealth systems in place at the local Menoyawin Health Centre.