Wasaya celebrating 20 years of successful business operations serving remote First Nations

From Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal

Airline‘s success offered as inspiration

Northwest Bureau - 07/17/2010

Wasaya Group Inc. will celebrate the company‘s 20 anniversary during a ceremony July 28 on the Wunnumin Lake First Nation.

New funding structure for physicians serving First Nations and regional hospital in the Sioux Lookout Area


Press release 

New funding structure for physicians in the Sioux Lookout Area - IMPROVING ACCESS TO PHYSICIAN SERVICES

Sioux Lookout, ON, July 14, 2010

Moose Factory First Nation hospital and area health authority integrating with provincil hospital

Press release 


Thursday, July 15th, 2010 (Moosonee) – After a three-year process, historic resolutions were signed today in Moosonee, Ontario confirming commitment to integrate the provincial James Bay General Hospital and the federal Weeneebayko Health Ahtuskaywin into the new Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA).

Making apprenticeship programs work with meaningful remote First Nation partnership

From CTV.ca http://www.ctv.ca/generic/generated/static/business/article1638615.html

Tapping a fresh northern resource

Patrick White

Here’s the first thing you should know about Jamie Saulnier: His Manitoba-based construction company is going gangbusters. We’re talking crazy growth – 14-fold revenue growth in four years, or enough to make the 37-year-old former welder very popular with his bankers.

Broadband across Canada? - World Congress on Information Technology coming in 2012

From the Montreal Gazette 

Canadians 'doomed to be digital tourists' - Is Montreal ready to showcase itself as a leader in 2012's 18th World Congress on Information Technology?

By David Crane, Montreal Gazette July 2, 2010

MONTREAL - In something of a coup, Montreal was chosen to host the 18th World Congress on Information Technology in 2012, beating out the United States, which had expected to be the host.

96 First Nations in the bottom 100 communities across Canada with well-being gap getting worse

From the Toronto Sun

First Nations’ well-being gap getting worse

By MINDELLE JACOBS, QMI Agency - July 13, 2010 12:00am

There is no more agonizing example of the mistaken belief that heaps of money alone will mend broken lives than the ongoing socio-economic catastrophe engulfing Canada’s aboriginals.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations receive funding from Ontario's New Relationship fund

New Relationship Fund 2010-11 Core Consultation Capacity Funding Recipients

Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations (Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill) are successful receipents of their 2010-2011 projects for the New Relationship Fund's Core Consultation Capacity. The program will assist communities in building fundamental consultation and engagement capacity related to lands and resources.

There are 119 First Nations and 33 Métis communities receiving Core Consultation Capacity funding for 2010-2011.