Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations receive funding from Ontario's New Relationship fund

New Relationship Fund 2010-11 Core Consultation Capacity Funding Recipients

Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations (Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, McDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill) are successful receipents of their 2010-2011 projects for the New Relationship Fund's Core Consultation Capacity. The program will assist communities in building fundamental consultation and engagement capacity related to lands and resources.

There are 119 First Nations and 33 Métis communities receiving Core Consultation Capacity funding for 2010-2011.

Click here for a list of all the successful applicants

From Ontario's New Relationship web site

The New Relationship Fund helps Aboriginal communities and organizations across Ontario participate in meaningful consultations with government and the private sector.

Establishing this fund to provide resources and skills to Aboriginal communities and organizations was a key recommendation of The Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry released May 2007. The fund was developed with input from First Nation and Métis partners.

In the 2010 budget, the Ontario government committed a further $60 million to the New Relationship Fund over four years.

NRF Core Consultation Capacity Component

The Core Consultation Capacity component of the New Relationship Fund is designed to help First Nations and Métis communities build fundamental consultation and engagement capacity to better engage with government and the private sector on lands and resources issues.

Since 2008, 133 First Nation communities and 33 Métis communities have received core capacity funding through the New Relationship Fund.

The application process for the 2010-2011 Core Consultation Capacity component of the New Relationship Fund is now closed.

For information purposes, program materials for the 2010-2011 funding cycle are available below. Updated program materials for the 2011-2012 funding cycle will be posted at a later date.

For more information on the application process, please contact the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, New Relationship Fund, by:

NRF Enhanced Capacity Building Component

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The focus of the Enhanced Capacity Building component of the New Relationship Fund is to fund specific projects by First Nations and Métis communities to build their capacity over and above core consultation capacity, and to fund projects by Aboriginal organizations to build capacity to engage with government.

The application process for the 2010-2011 Enhanced Capacity Building component of the New Relationship Fund is now closed.

For information purposes, program materials for the 2010-11 funding cycle are available below. Updated program materials for the 2011-2012 funding cycle will be posted at a later date.

For more information on the application process, please contact the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs, New Relationship Fund, by: