Youth In Business Workshop hosted by DFC High School Dec 1

Youth in Business

December 1, 2010 1:30-3:00 CST

Free by Video Conference and webstream.

Contact to register

Winter roads funding announcement from Ontario government to reach remote First Nations

From MNDMF press room

Winter Roads Connect Far North Communities - McGuinty Government Helps Improve Access To Goods And Services For Northerners

November 29, 2010 9:50 AM

Youth in Bearskin Lake and Sandy Lake First Nation win writing competition

Ontario Honours Six Youth From Across The Province - Bartleman Awards Celebrate Young Aboriginal Writers

Six young aboriginal writers are receiving the James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Awards.

This year's recipients include a 13-year-old Toronto boy's writings about his younger sister's struggles with a learning disability, a poem about isolation in a small community, a collection of poems about family members and a poem about Aboriginal youth transitioning from northern communities to urban centres.

Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards 2010 winners announced in Hamilton

Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards 2010 winners

Friday November 26th 2010

A vibrant list as diversified as the music itself made up the assembly of winners at the podium at the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards. Hamilton, Ontario (November 26th, 2010)

The twenty-two winners represented all parts of Canada. New performers to seasoned artists submitted music with an overall emphasis of fusion of Aboriginal and mainstream treatment of their music.

1 in every 6 children in Ontario are growing up in a low income household - report

Press release

2010 Report Card on Child Poverty in Ontario

Toronto, Nov. 24 - Ontario's child poverty rate is on the rise with more than 1 in every 6 children growing up in a low income household, says a new report from the anti-poverty coalition Ontario Campaign 2000. The Ontario government needs to step up investment or it will not meet its target to cut child poverty by 25% by 2013.

Challenge to get First Nation PST exemption for phone, cell, internet, cable and satellite services

Anishinabek Nation press release 

Bell Canada failing First Nation customers

UOI OFFICES, Nov. 25 /CNW/ - Hundreds of First Nations telephone customers across Ontario are complaining about service providers failing to follow government direction to refund the provincial sales tax portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax.

Aboriginal Health & Intergenerational Relationships conference in Sudbury, Jan 17, 2011

Aboriginal Health and Intergenerational Relationships Conference 
January 17, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario

Aboriginal Health Care has diverse traditional holistic healing methods, handed down from ancestors that are modeled on balance. However, intergenerational relationships have been disrupted in the past, upsetting the harmony of health care knowledge.

Webcast of Truth and Reconciliation Tapachimoda (Let's Tell Stories) in Thunder Bay


A Truth and Reconciliation Event 
"Tapachimoda (Let's Tell Stories)"

"Honouring the Person within the Survivor"

An event to focus on experiences from survivors and their families who have succeeded in their healing and have come to terms with that experience. We are looking for personal stories of forgiveness and the road that they choose to walk to lead a good life.