Winter roads funding announcement from Ontario government to reach remote First Nations

From MNDMF press room

Winter Roads Connect Far North Communities - McGuinty Government Helps Improve Access To Goods And Services For Northerners

November 29, 2010 9:50 AM

A network of winter roads will make it easier and less costly for residents in the far north to travel and bring in supplies.

Temporary roads over frozen ground and waterways will connect 31 northern First Nation communities to a permanent provincial highway or railway system.

Through support from the Province, 30 First Nation organizations and the Town of Moosonee will build and operate the roads. Individuals and businesses use the roads from freeze up until spring thaw, usually in mid March.

Investing in winter roads is an important part of the Open Ontario plan to create jobs and economic opportunities in Northern Ontario.


"For communities in the far north of Ontario that are accessible only by air, winter roads are essential for lowering the costs of building material and heavy equipment so residents can renew infrastructure and develop community projects."

 – Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry


"Reliable winter roads provide a vital link for remote Aboriginal communities. By investing in these roadways, we can help keep supplies, equipment and opportunity flowing to these northern communities all year round."

 – Chris Bentley, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs  


  • For 2010-11, the Province is investing $4.5 million to help remote northern Ontario communities build winter roads.
  • Ontario's winter roads total just over 3,000 kilometres, about the driving distance from Sioux Lookout to Whitehorse.
  • Since October 2003, the McGuinty government has invested a total of $26.2 million through the Winter Roads Program.