Aboriginal Health & Intergenerational Relationships conference in Sudbury, Jan 17, 2011

Aboriginal Health and Intergenerational Relationships Conference 
January 17, 2011
Sudbury, Ontario

Aboriginal Health Care has diverse traditional holistic healing methods, handed down from ancestors that are modeled on balance. However, intergenerational relationships have been disrupted in the past, upsetting the harmony of health care knowledge.

This conference will highlight current community-oriented programs and services working in partnership with the Aboriginal peoples. Learn how health care professionals are honouring Aboriginal values with Western  models of care to reconnect that balance of knowledge. The goal is to improve the relationship between health and the Aboriginal people for a stronger tomorrow.

This conference will address a number of generational specific health issues dealing with all four elements; spirit, emotion, body and mind. Sacred knowledge from an Elder will begin the program and explore the latest challenges and developments in Aboriginal health care across the province. We will examine diversity and cultural continuity, the importance of developing healthy mental and physical well-being, the psychology of dependency and the health ramifications, and success stories because of adaptable local initiatives.

For more information and to register please visit: