
March 14th, 2003

Nishnawbe Equay-Wug Broomball Tournament 2003

Nishnawbe Equay-Wug Broomball Tournament

  A - Side Champions       $12,000.00    with Trophy & Gold Medals

  A - Side Finalists            $6,000.00     with Trophy & Silver Medals

  B - Side Champions       $5,000.00      with Trophy & Bronze Medals

  B - Side Finalist              $3,000.00      with Trophy

"C - Side will be added if more then 20 teams enter"

New Deadline for late entries:  Monday March 24 2003 @ 10:00pm

For more information call: Marcel Mckay Head Coordinator

Work   (807) 537 - 2259     Home (807) 537 9955     Fax (807) 537 - 2547

or E-mail


Webequie Queens, Pikangikum 2Extreme, Pikangikum Angels

      Eabametoong Northern Lights, Eabametoong Charlie's Angels, Neskataga

        Nibinamik Native Stars,  Nibinamik Wolverines,  Michikan Lake Stars

          Muskrat Dam Saints,  Rat Portage, Sachigo Lake, Sioux Lookout

                            Cat Lake  and    Kitchenuhmaykoosib Blazers

"We are talking to other teams but haven't confirmed as of yet"

March 11th

K-Net Partners with Open Network Craft Project from B.C. for Broadband Training

Sandy McElroy, President of Pacific Rim Communications Ltd and partner in the Open Network Craft Project with the Gold Trail Open Network Society out of Ashcroft, BC, visited K-Net's Sioux Lookout operation on March 10 -12, 2003. Sandy met many of the K-Net partners during his visit to K-Net and conducted several meetings with different people to explore the training needs and directions for the training material being developed under this innovative e-learning program that has funding support from CANARIE. K-Net is partnering in this project to access these new training resources while using the new e-learning platform that was created for KiHS in our second adult on-line training program for the staff working in the First Nations.

From the project summary ... The Open Network Craft Project will pilot the provision of practical, craft-based training to enable workers in remote, rural and First Nation enterprises to independently promote, install and maintain broadband infrastructure. The project will include the analysis of the tasks involved and associated skill requirements, the design and pilot delivery of appropriate training materials, including delivery through the use of broadband technology where applicable. The online training and instructional materials and services will form the basis of a peer-to-peer mutual support network for non-specialist persons responsible for local network development and maintenance.

March 10th

Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal presented to Garnet Angeconeb and Peggy Sanders

Howard Hampton, MPP for Kenora-Rainy River and Leader of the NDP, presented Garnet and Peggy with the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal for their outstanding contribution to our community, the region and the country. Check out the pictures of the gathering where everyone celebrated this special occasion.

March 9th

KO staff participate in workshop of the Smart Community program

Geordi Kakepetum and I participated in a workshop on the Smart Communities Program on March 3.  The workshop was part of a mid-term evaluation of the Smart Community program being conducted by Hickling Arthurs Low (HAL) Corporation for the Audit and Evaluation Branch of Industry Canada.
The background paper (powerpoint presentation) provided a working guide for the workshop outlining each of the questions that were asked of the participants.  About 20 people representing Smart Community applicants and recipients and various government interests in Smart Communities took part in the workshop. The resulting workshop proceedings (PDF document) were distributed to all the participants detailing the discussions and issues shared during the session and the rankings attached to the various contributions made by the workshop participants.

March 7th

Bearskin Lake Youth Hockey Tournament

Bearskin Lake 2nd Annual Youth Hockey Tournament

March 18, 19 & 20, 2003

Atoms Division (Ages 7-10)

Bantams Division (Ages11-14)

Note: 2 imports allowed


  • CHARLES BROWN (WORK) 2518/2598

Wawatay News begins series of news articles on innovative uses of ICTs

This week's issue of Wawatay saw the first in a series of articles about First Nation's innovative use of ICTs being published. Check out these articles on-line.

New Intake in Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program


If you are interested in becoming a K to 6 qualified teacher, why not consider the Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program? Successful completion of this two-year on-the-job program will guarantee you a career, acceptance into the Ontario College of Teachers, and a chance to become an important role model for the children in your community.

Admission requirements

Grade 12 OR
  • Academic preparation equivalent to Grade 12 (For example, completion of a post-secondary program such as the Native Classroom Assistant Program, Native Language Instructor’s Program, Tutor Escort Program, or the Social Counsellor Program)
  • Applicants who achieve scores of 12.9 or higher in Math and Language on the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) are also encouraged to apply.
  • experience working with children in your community (full-time or volunteer)
  • native language skills (Oji-Cree, Ojibway, or Cree)
  • Don’t delay! A teaching career waits for you in your community.

    Application deadline - April 11th

    Do you have questions about the Native Teacher Education Program?

    Call Brian (NTEP Coordinator) toll free at 1-877-636-0667, extension 25.

    March 6th

    INAC Announcement of First Nation water treatment plant operators training

    Keewaytinook Okimakanak hosted the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Honourable Robert Nault and other community leaders on Friday March 7 in our Balmertown office. Minister Nault delivered a national announcement (see news release) detailing the creation of a water treatment plant operator training program.

    The event was chaired by Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director of Keewaytinook Okimakanak and linked with other First Nation sites from Northwestern Ontario via video conference over the Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network (K-Net). The video conference session was webcast live from K-Net with the on-line audience being able to provide instant feedback using the live chat window and the discussion forum available below for this event.

    Pictures from the event are available on-line. The archive of the highlights from the webcast will be posted as they become available.


    Media Advisory

    EVENT:   Infrastructure Training Announcement
    WHERE:   Keewaytinook Okimakanak Sub-office
                     127 Mine Road, Balmertown, Ontario
    WHO:       The Honourable Robert D. Nault, PC, MP
                     Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
    WHEN:    Friday, March 7, 2003, 12:30 p.m.

    The Honourable Robert D. Nault, PC, MP will announce a major investment in support of training of First Nation water treatment plant operators.

    Tony Prudori
    Communications Officer
    DIAND Ontario Region
    TEL: (807) 624-1535

    March 4th

    Wild Country new on-line services available

    Wild Country will now be offering email service to our valued customers.. you can reach us at .... we also have available during the hours of 8:30 am to 5:00 pm instant messaging for those not able to get through the phone lines.. we are .. hope to hear from you soon... thank you

    Fort Severn students visit with American schools

    Grades 7 & 8 students from Wasaho School connected with the South Poke Elementary school in Old Fort, Tennessee and with Audubon Elementary in Milwaukee, Wisconsin through Video Conference at the Fort Severn E-Centre on Friday February 28, 2003. These meetings were done with members of the Polar Husky sled dog expedition that is travelling along the Hudson Bay coast.

    They exchanged information from food, games, animals, sports and travel.

    Check out the photos