INAC Announcement of First Nation water treatment plant operators training

Keewaytinook Okimakanak hosted the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Honourable Robert Nault and other community leaders on Friday March 7 in our Balmertown office. Minister Nault delivered a national announcement (see news release) detailing the creation of a water treatment plant operator training program.

The event was chaired by Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director of Keewaytinook Okimakanak and linked with other First Nation sites from Northwestern Ontario via video conference over the Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network (K-Net). The video conference session was webcast live from K-Net with the on-line audience being able to provide instant feedback using the live chat window and the discussion forum available below for this event.

Pictures from the event are available on-line. The archive of the highlights from the webcast will be posted as they become available.


Media Advisory

EVENT:   Infrastructure Training Announcement
WHERE:   Keewaytinook Okimakanak Sub-office
                 127 Mine Road, Balmertown, Ontario
WHO:       The Honourable Robert D. Nault, PC, MP
                 Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
WHEN:    Friday, March 7, 2003, 12:30 p.m.

The Honourable Robert D. Nault, PC, MP will announce a major investment in support of training of First Nation water treatment plant operators.

Tony Prudori
Communications Officer
DIAND Ontario Region
TEL: (807) 624-1535