New Intake in Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program


If you are interested in becoming a K to 6 qualified teacher, why not consider the Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program? Successful completion of this two-year on-the-job program will guarantee you a career, acceptance into the Ontario College of Teachers, and a chance to become an important role model for the children in your community.

Admission requirements

Grade 12 OR
  • Academic preparation equivalent to Grade 12 (For example, completion of a post-secondary program such as the Native Classroom Assistant Program, Native Language Instructor’s Program, Tutor Escort Program, or the Social Counsellor Program)
  • Applicants who achieve scores of 12.9 or higher in Math and Language on the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) are also encouraged to apply.
  • experience working with children in your community (full-time or volunteer)
  • native language skills (Oji-Cree, Ojibway, or Cree)
  • Don’t delay! A teaching career waits for you in your community.

    Application deadline - April 11th

    Do you have questions about the Native Teacher Education Program?

    Call Brian (NTEP Coordinator) toll free at 1-877-636-0667, extension 25.