
June 16th, 2003

KO Staff and Partners Participate in Satellite NMS Training

During the week of June 9, Dan Pellerin (K-Net's Network Manager) and Adi Linden (K-Net's Network Systems Analyst) participated in a week long training workshop on the Network Management System (NMS) using the Linkway equipment. The training took place at the Viasat training facilities in the United States.

They were joined by our partners in the use of the public benefit satellite transponder, Ryan Spink and Denis Beaudoin who are both working to establish the Kativik Regionl Government (KRG) network in Northern Quebec along with Bob Popovic from Shibogama First Nations Council.

The training will provide further support for the development of the public benefit satellite resource as more communities develop the infrastructure required to utilize this service.

Watch for a report from the participants about the training workshop.

June 13th

Special Meetings in Slate Falls First Nation



from Collins, Ontario

June 20, 21 and 22, 2003

* * * * * * * * * * *

For More Information call Leona Masakeyash

Phone: 1-807-347-1299

June 12th

Annual Summer Festival - August 13 -16, 2003

Wunnumin Lake First Nation - Annual Summer Festival
August 13-16, 2003

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

9TV Booklets $35.00
4 Regular Games of S100.00 each
6TV Special Letter "W'' - $5.00
Jackpot $2,000.00

Thursday, August 14, 2003

9TV Booklets $50.00
4 Regular games of $150.00 each
6TV Special Letter "L" - $5.00
Jackpot $3,000.00

Friday, August 15, 2003

9TV Booklets $50.00
4 Regular games of $300.00 each
6TV Special Letteer "F" - $5.00
Jackpot $5,000.00

Saturday, August 16, 2003

9TV Booklets $250.00
Advance Booklets $225.00
2 Regular games of 5,000.00
2 Regular games of $10,000.00

JACKPOT $50,000.00

9TV Bonanza $10.00/3TV Bonanza - $5.00
Special Letter "N" - $5.00

June 9th

Victoria Linklater Memorial School

The students of Victoria Linklater School of North Spirit Lake left the community, May 20th and returned June 2, 2003.

It all became a reality, after Joseph Farsang, the Grade 4 -6 teacher along with staff from the school to get the application in for the KANATA Program.  

It was a new experience for all 19 children, and I'm sure each will have memories of the trip that they went on, to get to Richmond, British Columbia.

Thanks to all the sponsors who made it happen...  I will do this list as soon as I get all the information.

2nd Annual Little Bands Hockey Tournament 2004


2nd Annual Little Band's Hockey Tournament 2004 - February 2004 dates TBA

4 Teams per Division :     Atoms  9 - 10 years old

                                      Peewees 11-12 years old

                                     Bantams  13-14 yrs old

                                     Midgets 15 - 16 years old

4 days of best hockey action at the Sioux Lookout Arena , so if you want your team to participate , call Steven Fiddler or Roy Anderson @ 737-4047 for more details .

Announcement -so you can start your fundraising early.

Wapekeka Full Gospel Camp Meeting

       Wapekeka Full gospel
Camp Meeting
  July 24- 27-,2003

Evangelist :   Bert and Hilda Cook
Musician's :   Josie Semple  - Kasabonika
Bruce Beardy - Wapekeka
and other singers will be here

Matthew 28: 18-20

18. And Jesus came and spoke to them saying
all authority has been given to me in
heaven and earth.

19. Go therefore and desciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name.
Of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

20. Teaching them to observe all things
that I have commanded you, and lo,
I am with you always, even to the
end of age. Amen

Meals and Accommodations will be provided

  For more Information :

Pastor ; Louie J brown 1-807-537-2315 (work)
Simon Brown    1-807-537-2177 (home)


                    WAPEKEKA FIRST NATION



                                    2 on 2 men's

                                    3 on 3  ladies

                  DATE:  JULY 30 - AUGUST 2 ,2003

        PLAYER'S :       2 PLAYERS & 1 SUB (MEN'S)

                                    3 PLAYERS & 1 SUB (LADIES)

                                       TWO DIVISIONS


  PRIZES:::     CHAMPIONSHIP :      $ 2000.00  or MORE + TROPHY

                         RUNNERS UP             $ 1500.00 or MORE

                         CONSOLATION          $ 1000.00 or MORE + TROPHY



June 2nd

K-Net Installs New NMS for Public Benefit C-Band Satellite Space

Adi Linden, K-Net's Systems Administrator, worked with Viasat staff last week to complete the change over to the new satellite Network Management System (NMS). On Friday night (May 30) and early Saturday morning, the change over to the K-Net system was successfully completed. Ongoing monitoring of the system over the weekend shows that the sites that were able to come back up on the new system are stable and operational.

This NMS was set up to support the management of Industry Canada's Public Benefit satellite space that has been made available to different groups for community applications. The new NMS was received and set up in Sioux Lookout in mid-May, after funding from Industry Canada's FedNor was received to support this development. For more information about this resource, visit

K-Net staff is working with FedNor, Kativik Regional Government (KRG) and Shibogama Tribal Council staff to develop and maintain these resources. The second week in June, representatives from each of these groups are heading to Viasat's offices in Atlantic for further training in the operation of the NMS. Further network enhancements are being planned for the satellite served communities in the coming months.

June 1st

The Popularity of K-Net's On-line Services Continues to Rise

Over 12 MILLION hits on the K-Net servers in the month of May!!

All the various K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program showed an increase in May. In particular, the server rose by over 1.6 million hits from the previous month. This particular service seems to be providing another growing on-line environment and audience who are continually adding more features and content to their individual homepages.

A summary of the monthly recorded hits for the month of May follows:



Hosting server





TOTAL Hits in May


Please note:

  • the Hosting server statistics are lower only because the webalizer was not turned back on after some upgrades to the server;
  • other on-line K-Net services, such as chat and the video streamer are not included in these numbers.

May 31st

Kuh-ke-nah Network part of Federation of Canadian Municipalities Event

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager, traveled to Winnipeg on May 29 to join the Manitoba Smart Network project, Industry Canada's team and others in the facilitation of a live video conferencing demonstration of broadband connectivity at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual Conference.

Rob Lavin, Program Director of Manitoba Smart Network, worked with Gail Christopher and her team at Industry Canada to coordinate the different on-line activities that took place during this two day conference. The Headwaters Project in Northern Saskatchewan was also represented at this event as part of the Industry Canada booth at the trade show. Connections and live video conferencing sessions were made with different groups from across Canada throughout the two days.