K-Net Installs New NMS for Public Benefit C-Band Satellite Space

Adi Linden, K-Net's Systems Administrator, worked with Viasat staff last week to complete the change over to the new satellite Network Management System (NMS). On Friday night (May 30) and early Saturday morning, the change over to the K-Net system was successfully completed. Ongoing monitoring of the system over the weekend shows that the sites that were able to come back up on the new system are stable and operational.

This NMS was set up to support the management of Industry Canada's Public Benefit satellite space that has been made available to different groups for community applications. The new NMS was received and set up in Sioux Lookout in mid-May, after funding from Industry Canada's FedNor was received to support this development. For more information about this resource, visit http://smart.knet.ca/satellite.

K-Net staff is working with FedNor, Kativik Regional Government (KRG) and Shibogama Tribal Council staff to develop and maintain these resources. The second week in June, representatives from each of these groups are heading to Viasat's offices in Atlantic for further training in the operation of the NMS. Further network enhancements are being planned for the satellite served communities in the coming months.