KO Staff and Partners Participate in Satellite NMS Training

During the week of June 9, Dan Pellerin (K-Net's Network Manager) and Adi Linden (K-Net's Network Systems Analyst) participated in a week long training workshop on the Network Management System (NMS) using the Linkway equipment. The training took place at the Viasat training facilities in the United States.

They were joined by our partners in the use of the public benefit satellite transponder, Ryan Spink and Denis Beaudoin who are both working to establish the Kativik Regionl Government (KRG) network in Northern Quebec along with Bob Popovic from Shibogama First Nations Council.

The training will provide further support for the development of the public benefit satellite resource as more communities develop the infrastructure required to utilize this service.

Watch for a report from the participants about the training workshop.