
March 10th, 2004

2nd Annual Little Bands Youth Hockey Tournament 2004 Report

The 2nd Annual Little Bands Youth Hockey Tournament 2004 held in Sioux Lookout this past weekend was a great success.

The tournament committee would like to to thank all the teams that participated in this event that took place from March 3 to 7, 2004 .

Overall there were 14 teams participating throughout the tournament with 3 teams unable to make the trip at the last minute.

We are now beginning to plan for the 3rd Annual Little Bands Youth Hockey Tournament 2005. So start planning , fundraising etc... and confirm your team's participation early to avoid disappointment. Each Division will be limited to 4 teams per division .

For more information, contact:

Steven Fiddler - Tournament Coordinator (807)737-2152

March 8th

Rainy River FN establishes broadband connection with K-Net

Jamie Ray travelled to Rainy River First Nation at Manitou Rapids on Thursday and Friday to work with Chief Al Hunter and his team at their library where a K-Net T1 connection was recently established.

Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program is funding the installation of a broadband connection and video conferencing equipment in a number of First Nations across Ontario.

The video conferencing equipment and T1 are now operational in the Raining River First Nation library. The local team is working to connect all the different office buildings and the local Seven Generations high school classroom to this service. These connections will share this new broadband connection and support the ongoing operation and development of this service.

On his return trip, Jamie stopped in at the Ongegaming First Nation school which will be getting broadband connection installed this week.

On Wednesday, March 10, staff from Rainy River FN worked with Jesse Fiddler using K-Net's new on-line interactive training and meeting workspace to learn how the post nuke document management system can be used for developing and maintaining their community web site. As well, the new IP video conferencing service helped to support this training session.

March 7th

KO staff travel to Sault Ste Marie for web site development workshop

Brian Walmark, KO's SchoolNet Special Projects Coordinator travelled to the Batchewana First Nation Learning Centre in Sault Ste Marie to host another web site development workshop for First Nation schools in that region. Click here to see pictures from this workshop.

The Learning Centre is one of the videoconferencing sites created by the First Nations SchoolNet as a pilot project to demonstrate the educational uses of this IP application for First Nation educational environments. One application being explored by the team at the Learning Centre is to use v/c to link coop students in remote and isolated First Nations within their territory with prospective employers. For more about this story click here.

The web development workshops are resulting in more and more First Nation schools developing the skills necessary to produce and maintain their own web sites. Click here to see a list of more than 40 First Nation K-12 educational environments that are now on-line.

March 6th

K-Net staff meet with Maori organization in New Zealand

Graeme Everton, from New Zealand, video conferenced to the K-Net office in Sioux Lookout on Friday in preparation for the on-line International Conference.

Click here to learn more about Graeme's work in New Zealand.

From the homepage of this site ...

A site dedicated to news, views and Information about Information Technology and Telecommunications for Indigenous people.

Welcome to Te Putahi a site established to support the efforts and aspirations of indigenous people who are associated with the Information Technology and Telecommunications (IT&T) sector.

Here we intend to create a place on the Internet for indigenous people to share and support each other's efforts in learning about and using IT&T. We will publish information on IT&T news and events featuring indigenous people and seek to encourage partnerships between indigenous communities both nationally and internationally to increase the participation of indigenous people in the IT&T sector generally.

Publication of the collection of ICT stories from the Kuhkenah page

The stories that Rick Garrick produced for the Kuhkenah page in Wawatay are now available in the new publication entitled, "ICT Innovation and Personal Stories from the Little North … the land of the Ojibway, Oji-Cree and Cree people".

Click here to view the document.

Over the past year, starting in February 2003, Rick researched and wrote two stories for the Kuhkenah News page that appeared in each issue of Wawatay News. Twenty-five issues later, this biweekly feature in the Wawatay newspaper has now come to an end with the final page being published in the February 12, 2004 issue.

Each of the fifty articles that Rick produced contain interviews and information about the work being done by the Kuhkenah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project, its partners and the people who are creating new and innovative on-line solutions across Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Rick was able to bring out the positive developments; highlighting the opportunities along with the challenges that now exist for the people living in rural and remote First Nations. His stories brought to life the work that has been accomplished in a relatively short period of time through the efforts of a large collective of creative people living and working across this vast region of Northern Ontario.

With this document, we are publishing all the stories as a collection for everyone to read and review. The table of contents contains the date that the page was published with a link to the graphic image of the actual page that is posted on-line. The twenty-five pages are on-line at in three different sizes (thumbnail, medium and full page). The story headline for each issue follows the date.

March 5th

Cisco, Cygnal Technologies and Health Canada officials meet with K-Net

Representatives from Cisco's Winnipeg team (Ken Batke and Shane Warnez), along with Tom Wolstencroft, Sales Rep with Cygnal Technologies travelled to Sioux Lookout today to discuss the Kuhkenah Network developments and future plans. As well, Roy Hart, Health Canada's Regional IT Director travelled from Toronto to join the meetings. Education Network of Ontario (ENO) and another Cisco rep joined the meeting via video conference.

One important objective of the meeting was discussions around the development of an IP telephony network in the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations and offices in Sioux Lookout and Balmertown.

Roy, Ken, Shane and Tom model their new Kuhkenah Network vests. For more pictures from this meeting, click here.

March 4th

Internet High School publishes March newsletter

The March 2004 Keewaytinook Internet High School newsletter is now available online.

Check here to read the stories.

March 3rd

Nibinamik Men's Hockey Tournament postponed to March 17

The Men's Hockey Tournament has been postponed to the later date of 
March 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2004.

Nibinamik Sports & Recreation

Men's Hockey Tournament 2004

March 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2004

Championship           $7,000.00

Finalist                    $5,000.00

Consolation              $3,000.00

Runner Up                $1,500.00

Entry Fee               $1,500.00

First 7 outside teams to confirm will be accepted

Deadline for entry if March 15, 2004

Accommodations will be provided for all teams

1 Import will be allowed for all teams

Rules & Regulations available upon Arrival

Teams are expected to arrive by March 17, 2004

Confirmed teams are:

  • Nibinamik Flyers
  • Summer Beaver Wolves

For more Information please contact the Recreation @ 807 593-2131

Bring your own sleeping bags, mattresses etc.

Computer Training Courses at Adult Education & Training in Sioux Lookout


            Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Cost: $100.00 / Course (includes instruction, certificate & manual)



Microsoft PublisherMarch 12

Introduction  to Microsoft Word

March 26
Advanced Microsoft ExcelApril 23
Microsoft PowerpointMay 21
Advanced Microsoft WordJune 4

If there is a course you would like to see offered, let us know.  We will arrange courses for groups, employees, or individuals (minimum of  6 / course), to meet your training needs.  We can also arrange for training in your home community.

Contact:  Adult Education & Training at

             (807) 737-7461 (phone)  or  (807)737-7819 (fax)

March 1st

OVER 50 MILLION HITS on K-Net servers in February

Personal web pages at continue to be the most popular on-line space for the Nishnawbe Aski to browse. In February there were over 44 million hits on this K-Net server (over 14 million more hits from the previous month)! The average daily hits on this server rose to over 1.5 million hits each day!

All together there were over 52 MILLION hits occurring on the five most popular monitored K-Net servers throughout February. Specifically, on these five servers with traffic graphs, there were a total of 52,734,926 hits made to these on-line services provided by Keewaytinook Okimakanak. The five servers generating this amount of traffic include,,,,, and (just click on the server to see the traffic monitoring chart for each server). There were also a total of 719,063 visits made during this period to these five servers, indicating that people are exploring these sites more and more.

Most of the K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program again showed an increase during the month. But rose by nearly 14 million hits to demonstrate the rapid take up of these communication tools among users across the north.

Please note: