KO staff travel to Sault Ste Marie for web site development workshop

Brian Walmark, KO's SchoolNet Special Projects Coordinator travelled to the Batchewana First Nation Learning Centre in Sault Ste Marie to host another web site development workshop for First Nation schools in that region. Click here to see pictures from this workshop.

The Learning Centre is one of the videoconferencing sites created by the First Nations SchoolNet as a pilot project to demonstrate the educational uses of this IP application for First Nation educational environments. One application being explored by the team at the Learning Centre is to use v/c to link coop students in remote and isolated First Nations within their territory with prospective employers. For more about this story click here.

The web development workshops are resulting in more and more First Nation schools developing the skills necessary to produce and maintain their own web sites. Click here to see a list of more than 40 First Nation K-12 educational environments that are now on-line.