
June 16th, 2006

First Nations Telehealth Conference ends on a positive note

The work goes on… Almost hundred First Nations people and public officials gathered in Toronto and on-line to participate in the “Gii-Kaan-Dann” Ontario First Nations Telehealth Conference, a two-day forum to brief First Nations community health champions across Ontario.  To learn more, see the website at (select the HEALTH - CONFERENCES zone. 

To see photos from the gathering click here.

“We want to understand better what First Nations want to do with telehealth and this conference is an incredible first step in achieving that and we are here to support that,” said Ed Brown, MD, the Chief Operating Officer of the Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN).

Keewaytinook Okimakanak was under contract from the Chiefs of Ontario (COO) to facilitate this conference.  KO staff and KO community members including Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTCs) conducted presentations during the conference.

Learning more about the Aboriginal Congress - funds frozen as audit continues

From June 15 of CNEWS at

Aboriginal congress blames 'witch hunt' audit - By SUE BAILEY

OTTAWA (CP) - Federal funding to the only native group that endorsed the Conservatives has been frozen amid concerns about how public cash was spent.

But Patrick Brazeau, head of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, accuses bureaucrats of punishing his group for its support of the Tories.

He confirmed that $127,310 must be repaid as the result of an audit that led to a full-blown spending review.

About $5 million from eight departments has been on hold since at least mid-March while auditors continue their work, he said.

Brazeau doesn't dispute that money was misallocated, but he blames an administrative error and said his organization has not been accused of fraud.

"It's an accounting issue," he said.

Cash that should have been spent in 2004-05 - to help Metis groups after Canada's top court confirmed certain rights - was mistakenly carried over and used for related research and a general meeting the next fiscal year, Brazeau said.

He cited what he suspects is a kind of bureaucratic payback for his group's high-profile nod to the Tories during the last election.

"We feel that the officials are punishing CAP for having supported the Conservative party - an audit that takes four and a half months is simply unacceptable.

"We are dealing with peoples' livelihoods. It's just beyond the scope of imagination how federal officials can do this to an organization."

An Indian Affairs official had little to say about how much cash is being assessed and whether legal action has been taken.

"The audit is still underway, so it is too early to provide specific details to that question," said spokeswoman Margot Geduld.

"We understand that (Brazeau) has already introduced changes to the organization's management practices and has co-operated fully with the auditors."

The congress officially endorsed the Tories after receiving assurances the party would work to better serve off-reserve residents represented by the group.

The congress has long been at odds with the Assembly of First Nations and the Metis National Council which claim some of the same constituents.

Rumours of financial troubles swirled when Dwight Dorey, former head of the congress, suddenly resigned in late February.

Dorey vigorously denied then and now that his surprise departure had anything to do with money troubles.

"When I left, as far as I understood, there were no financial difficulties at CAP," he said this week.

Dorey said he didn't oversee the programs that were initially reviewed and didn't hear about the wider audit until after he left to pursue a consulting career.

Brazeau accused "political enemies" of spreading innuendo about the congress that he believes spurred federal auditors.

"In my opinion it was a witch hunt to try and verify that those rumours were indeed true, which they found out were indeed not.

"I strongly feel we're being punished for being accountable, and perhaps they're punishing us for not having found anything to corroborate the rumours."

The Conservatives have made clean government a clarion call since their campaign and ascension to power.

A letter dated March 14 to Brazeau from Fred Caron, assistant deputy minister responsible for Metis and non-Status Indians, said the wider audits would be wrapped up "within approximately three weeks."

Before funding is restored, "we must be in a position to give our minister the highest level of assurance with respect to the accountability of your organization," Caron said in the letter released under Access to Information.

Brazeau noted that Caron offered to work with the congress "should the time it takes to complete our work present CAP with untenable financial pressures."

So far, the only federal cash flowing to the group totals about $473,000 from Health Canada, Brazeau said.

The Congress employs 12 full-time staff and disburses funding to several affiliate groups - work that is threatened as the spending review continues, he added.

"We're basically down to the wire here."

June 15th

June 14th

Manitoba First Nations plan blockades of railway to force land claim settlements


First Nations to blockade railways on Manitoba reserves - June 14, 2006

First Nations leaders in Manitoba are planning to blockade rail lines this summer to pressure the federal government to settle outstanding land claims.

During a general assembly of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, 50 representatives of First Nations voted unanimously in favour of blocking rail traffic on reserves this summer, executive director Lorne Cochrane told CBC Manitoba's Radio Noon on Wednesday.

The bands involved plan to block the rail lines for 24 hours later in June.

At least seven of the province's 64 reserves have expressed interest in taking part in the protest, although details on which bands or rail lines will be involved have not yet been finalized, Cochrane said.

The group has not discussed their plans with the rail companies, but said they expected to give advance notice of their final strategies.

"We're not out to put anybody's lives in danger or to jeopardize anything that's going to hurt any one individual, or organization or First Nation," Cochrane said.

First Nations need 'a seat at the table'

He acknowledged the rail companies do not have the power to deal with land claims, but said the proposed protest is also seen as an opportunity to inform the public.

"Our objective is to inform the general public of the First Nations issues and that we want to become meaningful partners in developing this province, this country. We're tired of being left out," he said.

Cochrane said poverty and a lack of economic opportunities have held back aboriginal people, adding that they want "a seat at the table" to determine their own futures.

"It gives Canada an opportunity to come forth with a plan of action on how we move forward in addressing the concerns of First Nations," he said.

The assembly did not say whether the proposed blockade had anything to do with the uncertain status of the Kelowna agreement.

Former prime minister Paul Martin agreed to the five-year, $5-billion plan to improve health, education, housing and economic development for aboriginals three days before his minority Liberal government fell in November 2005.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper didn't mention the agreement in his May 2 budget. He has said his Conservative government "supports the principles and objectives" of the Kelowna agreement, but won't be bound by the price tag negotiated by the Liberals.

June 13th

Land negotiations can now continue after traditional leaders remove barricades


Last barricades removed

            OTTAWA, June 13 /CNW Telbec/ - Six Nations Grand River Territory: The Chiefs and Clan Mothers of the Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Confederacy recognize that public safety is a significant concern and that continued tensions over barricades is not conducive to negotiations with Canada and the Province of Ontario. They are adamant that these negotiations towards resolution to outstanding matters, including Haudenosaunee/Six Nations land rights and the recognition and reconciliation of Haudenosaunee/Six Nations governance must continue. These matters have been unresolved for way too long.

            Early this morning, at the request of the Chiefs and Clan Mothers, the last barricades have been removed from public roads surrounding the disputed lands at Douglas Creek.

            Mohawk Chief Allen McNaughton has said, "We have a mutual concern that the rule of law has been threatened by a few individuals on both sides of the barricades - our law constituted by the Great Law of Peace as well as the laws of the Province of Ontario have not been upheld. Violence by any individuals will not help us to achieve our mutual goals. We hope that the removal of the last barricades will reduce the possibilities of future incidents."

            The Haudenosaunee has legally binding treaties with the Crown. The Two Row Wampum belt and the Silver Covenant Chain affirm the nation to nation relationship between the Haudenosaunee and the Crown. These treaties acknowledge Haudenosaunee Sovereignty and recognize that each of our respective governments will continue to operate under its own laws and will not interfere with the affairs of each other's governments.

            The Silver Covenant Chain speaks of a relationship between two governments based upon Respect, Peace and Friendship. There needs to be a commitment by all to exercise "Kanikonriio" (having a "Good Mind") which means ensuring equality, justice, and the commitment to help each other in times of need.

            The issue of barricades are no longer an issue to contend with. Cayuga Sub-Chief Leroy Hill states that, "We look forward to continued negotiations to address the deeper and underlying issues of Six Nations land rights, and our relations with the Crown. With good will, innovation and pragmatic thinking, we are confident we can make that progress."


Six Nations traditional lands subject of OPP and US undercover efforts

Finally the truth is coming out about these "charges" by police and the government concerning "the latest violence" at the barricades. Six Nations protesters shared copies of secret undercover documents showing the efforts of the police, CSIS and US agents to deal with the protest involving the protection of traditional lands and resources.


Top Secrets In Native Hands

Hamilton Spectator File Photo

Secret police documents on covert operations in Caledonia were stolen.


Chiefs of Ontario Native language logo contest deadline approaching

The Anishinaabek, Mushkegowuk, Onkwehonwe Language Commission works to support, maintain and revitalize First Nations Languages across Ontario. The Commission is now asking K-12 students to submit a logo for each of these language groups. Submission Deadline is June 19, 2006

The logo should be simple and symbolic of First Nation languages, culture, and traditions.

One logo will be selected from each of the 3 language families. Winners will receive $216.00 each.

The contest is open to all First Nation students in Grades K-12.

Logos can be submitted via email to, by mail or in person to:

Chiefs Of Ontario,
188 Mohawk St.,
Brantford, Ontario,
N3S 2X2


June 12th

Forest fire forces evacuation of some people from Eabametoong First Nation

From CBC online at

Fire forces 300 from Ontario reserve - June12, 2006
About 300 people fled a remote northern Ontario reserve Sunday as a forest fire advanced to within eight kilometres of the community.

Helicopters carried mostly young and elderly people from the Eabametoong reserve, which used to be known as Fort Hope. They're being housed in a sports complex in a nearby community.

The fire, which started Friday, is moving at about six kilometres per hour and is about 10 square kilometres in size.

Firefighters are using water bombers and helicopters to tackle the blaze.

Officials are preparing for larger-scale evacuations of the community of 1,100 should the fire get closer.

A remote First Nation on Eabamet Lake, Eabametoong is about 300 kilometres north of Thunder Bay and is accessible by air and winter road.

Ontario tough talk with Six Nations is more harassment justifying land theft

Ontario premier McGuinty is blaming Six Nations protesters who might just be innocent victims of media harassment, police interference and nosey intruders. Using these incidents as a rationale to "talk tough" and try to force the protesters to do what he wants is only going to escalate the conflict to another difficult level. See the two stories below ...

McGuinty losing patience with Caledonia dispute
Canadian Press

TORONTO — Ontario's premier says he's running out of patience with an increasingly violent native land claims demonstration near Hamilton, calling on protesters to remove a barricade at the disputed site or face uncertain consequences.

"We have just about exhausted our goodwill and our patience," Dalton McGuinty said Monday as police continued to search for seven men in connection with recent skirmishes at Caledonia, Ont., southwest of Hamilton.

"We're asking the leadership of the First Nations community involved to please remove those barricades as evidence of goodwill on their part."

Asked what he'll do if the barricade doesn't come down soon, McGuinty simply answered: "We'll see."

Warrants were issued after an elderly couple's car was swarmed and two news cameramen from a Hamilton television station were assaulted.

"I'm very pleased that warrants have been issued . . . I was angered and deeply disappointed that these particular individuals did what they did," McGuinty said.

The Six Nations started their occupation of the Caledonia housing development in February. The aboriginals claim that parcel of land belongs to their ancestors.

Attempts to end the dispute through peaceful negotiation haven't succeeded and tensions have been mounting among protesters, local residents and police.

The issue of how governments, and police, should resolve aboriginal protests falls under the shadow of the deadly 1995 Ipperwash crisis.

A police shooting resulted in the death of native protester Dudley George and an ongoing inquiry into that incident is investigating what role government played in directing police.

The opposition Conservatives have accused the McGuinty Liberals of failing to show enough leadership to help resolve the issue.

McGuinty recently countered that the preference of the Conservatives would be a show of police force - an apparent reference to how the previous Conservative government under former premier Mike Harris has been accused of handling the Ipperwash dispute.

Lawyers for Harris recently warned McGuinty that he's risking legal action if he makes statements that allege Harris issued direct orders to police at Ipperwash.

At the Ipperwash inquiry, Harris testified that at no time did he direct police actions.


Ontario's premier calls off talks in Caledonia over violent skirmishes - ANGELA PACIENZA

TORONTO (CP) - Ontario's premier has called off negotiations with aboriginals protesting at a development site near Hamilton, saying the group's increasingly violent actions make it impossible to work together.

"A condition of our being at the table was that public safety would not be compromised. In fact, last Friday it was - without a doubt - compromised," Dalton McGuinty said in the legislature.

"We are no longer prepared to continue negotiations."

McGuinty said the province would only return to the table when the barricades at the disputed site come down and if aboriginals help with the police search for seven people in connection with recent skirmishes at the standoff in Caledonia, Ont., southwest of Hamilton.

Earlier Monday, McGuinty said the violence by the Six Nations people at the standoff has tried his patience.

"We have just about exhausted our goodwill and our patience," McGuinty said.

Asked what he'll do if the barricade doesn't come down soon, McGuinty simply answered: "We'll see."

Warrants were issued after an elderly couple's car was swarmed and two news cameramen from a Hamilton television station were assaulted on Friday.

"I'm very pleased that warrants have been issued . . . I was angered and deeply disappointed that these particular individuals did what they did," McGuinty said.

The Six Nations started their occupation of the Caledonia housing development in February. The aboriginals claim that parcel of land belongs to their ancestors.

Attempts to end the dispute through peaceful negotiation haven't succeeded and tensions have been mounting among protesters, local residents and police.

The issue of how governments, and police, should resolve aboriginal protests falls under the shadow of the deadly 1995 Ipperwash crisis.

A police shooting resulted in the death of native protester Dudley George and an ongoing inquiry into that incident is investigating what role government played in directing police.

The opposition Conservatives have accused the McGuinty Liberals of failing to show enough leadership to help resolve the issue.

McGuinty recently countered that the preference of the Conservatives would be a show of police force - an apparent reference to how the previous Conservative government under former premier Mike Harris has been accused of handling the Ipperwash dispute.

Lawyers for Harris recently warned McGuinty that he's risking legal action if he makes statements that allege Harris issued direct orders to police at Ipperwash.

At the Ipperwash inquiry, Harris testified that at no time did he direct police actions.

© The Canadian Press, 2006

Chiefs of Ontario host Telehealth Conference June 14 & 15 - participate online!

Chiefs of Ontario is pleased to present:

Gii-Kaan-Daan Ontario First Nations Regional Telehealth Conference

(Aboriginal Know-How) : Balancing Culture and Technology

Register online TODAY @ !

This is a great opportunity to participate in promoting and strenghtening Telehealth in your community and throughout Ontario.

The online "meeting place" environment features a live webcast, discussion forums, technical support, PowerPoint Presentations, presenter bios, archived sessions, links and other resources.

Continue to follow and contribute to the post-conference discussions online, complete a feedback form and to read the resulting Regional Workshop Report which will contribute to AFN's National First Nation TeleHealth Strategy.

View the Conference Agenda

Visit and register for the online conference at