First Nations Telehealth Conference ends on a positive note

The work goes on… Almost hundred First Nations people and public officials gathered in Toronto and on-line to participate in the “Gii-Kaan-Dann” Ontario First Nations Telehealth Conference, a two-day forum to brief First Nations community health champions across Ontario.  To learn more, see the website at (select the HEALTH - CONFERENCES zone. 

To see photos from the gathering click here.

“We want to understand better what First Nations want to do with telehealth and this conference is an incredible first step in achieving that and we are here to support that,” said Ed Brown, MD, the Chief Operating Officer of the Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN).

Keewaytinook Okimakanak was under contract from the Chiefs of Ontario (COO) to facilitate this conference.  KO staff and KO community members including Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTCs) conducted presentations during the conference.