
December 11th

Attawapiskat First Nation finally getting INAC funding to construct their new school

From the Timmins Daily Press

Green light for school

By RON GRECH, THE DAILY PRESS - December 11, 2009

The 10-year-long fight is over.

It appears Attawapiskat First Nation will finally get a new elementary school.

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Hall was told by Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl Wednesday that the new school is on the ministry's list of new capital projects.

December 10th

Foot amputations in northern First Nations resulting from lack of health care funding


Foot amputations ravage aboriginal diabetics - '90% of amputations are preventable'

December 8, 2009

Thousands of aboriginal people with diabetes undergo unnecessary foot amputations because the federal government won't pay for them to have proper shoes, the head of a Manitoba medical outreach program said Tuesday.

Payukotayno, Tikinagan family services serving remote NAN First Nations get Ontario funding

From the Toronto Star

First Nations children's aid gets lifeline - Three communities receive emergency cash

By Tanya Talaga - Dec 10 2009

MOOSONEE–The Ontario government has thrown a $6.4 million lifeline to three struggling First Nations children's aid societies that face mass staff layoffs due to budgetary woes.

At Moosonee's Payukotayno James and Hudson Bay Family Services, staff members were ecstatic after Children and Youth Services Minister Laurel Broten announced $2.3 million in emergency funding.

Kingfisher Lake First Nation requires elementary school teacher starting in January

Kingfisher Education Authority
Grade 3 / 4 Teacher

Position Summary: 

December 9th

Sustainable Communities in the North Conference Seeking Presenters

The Sustainable Communities in the North Conference planning committee is currently searching for individuals or groups who are interested in providing a 30 minute presentation on alternative economic models.

December 8th

Canadian Diabetes Association Report - An Economic Tsunami: The Cost of Diabetes in Canada

CDA Press release 

New Canadian Diabetes Cost Model Paints a Sobering View of Diabetes in Canada

December 07, 2009

Opioid-related deaths in Ontario from prescription narcotics double over the past five years

From the Canadian Medical Association Journal

CMAJ Research Article: Prescribing of opioid analgesics and related mortality before and after the introduction of long-acting oxycodone
by Irfan A. Dhalla, MD MSc, Muhammad M. Mamdani, PharmD MPH, Marco L.A. Sivilotti, MD MSc, Alex Kopp, BA, Omar Qureshi, MD and David N. Juurlink, MD PhD

December 7th

Webequie First Nation gospel jamboree this past weekend includes live online audio stream

Press release

Dec 07, 2009  Webequie, ON.

Webequie First Nation hosted a (3) three day Gospel Jamboree this past weekend. The jamboree also had a “Live” audio stream available for those who were unable to attend the sessions in person. The audio stream was made possible with the assistance of KNET Services in Sioux Lookout. 

Organizer Stanley Shewaybick Sr. and local volunteers did a tremendous job in making the event a success.


December 6th

United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen starting Dec 7 to Dec 18

The official web site of the COP15 gathering of world leaders is

Everyone is invited to send their message to the leaders from this web site.

The urgency concerning climate change that everyone understands is creating a lot of anticipation and expectations for strong outcomes for this gathering.

Send a message to the leaders that change is needed immediately to address the destructive attitudes and developments that are destroying the earth.