Webequie First Nation gospel jamboree this past weekend includes live online audio stream

Press release

Dec 07, 2009  Webequie, ON.

Webequie First Nation hosted a (3) three day Gospel Jamboree this past weekend. The jamboree also had a “Live” audio stream available for those who were unable to attend the sessions in person. The audio stream was made possible with the assistance of KNET Services in Sioux Lookout. 

Organizer Stanley Shewaybick Sr. and local volunteers did a tremendous job in making the event a success.


  • One aircraft load of guests and musicians from the surrounding community of Kasabonika First Nation.
  • Guest speakers included elder Geordie Semple, Harry Semple and Christina Ostamus of Kasabonika, Ontario.
  • “Live” Audi Streaming of the Sunday Gospel Jamboree Service took place at the Webequie First Nation Band Hall at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Gospel Jamboree Potluck Dinner for guests and local community members took place at the band hall at 5:30 p.m.
  • Local singers and musicians involvement.
  • Daily “Live” Audio Streaming from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. and the utilization of local community Radio Station broadcast from the Internet.

Webequie First Nation would like to thank the Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Northern Chiefs) and KNET Services of Sioux Lookout, Ontario for making the “Live” Audio Streaming service available.

Webequie First Nation believes that these new technologies will enhance the quality of life for the community, as well as other First Nations communities and our spiritual well being as well as the preservation of our native language.

Submitted by:  Barney Beaver
                        Webequie, Ontario.