Archive - 2006

October 20th

National telehealth organization recognizes work of KO Telehealth with awards

The team from KO Telehealth attending the Canadian Society of Telehealth ( were presented with two awards for their work in developing and delivering telehealth services in First Nations across the Sioux Lookout zone. All the First Nations and organizations partnering with KOTH to deliver services using the boardband network and the telehealth services are recognized in these two national awards of excellence. The two awards include:

  • Digital Group of Telehealth Companies Award of Excellence for 2006 was represented to the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth team (see letter below)
  • Best Research in Concurrent Sessions award was presented to John Hogenbirk, from Laurentian University, for his work with on the KO Telehealth evaluation.


October 15, 2006

The Digital Group of Telehealth Companies Award of Excellence for 2006 is awarded to:

 Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH)

On behalf of the CST Awards Committee, I am pleased to announce that the successful recipient of the Digital Group of Telehealth Companies Award of Excellence for 2006 is Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH).

Thanks to the generous support of the Digital Group of Telehealth Companies, the award is granted to the recipient that best meets the eight criteria. The award will be presented at the CST Conference Annual Gala Dinner on Oct. 16, 2006 in Edmonton.

KOTH is Canada’s largest and busiest First Nations Telemedicine Service. Encompassing over 25 sites, KOTH has designed, implemented and refined a First Nations service model that supports and sustains telehealth services in Ontario’s most remote and northern communities. Working in partnership with the Ontario Telemedicine Network, Kuh-ke-nah Network (K-net) and the community, KOTH has developed a fully integrated service model that is accessible to provincial and federal health service providers.

 A recent evaluation completed by the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research at Laurentian University and the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph validated the many benefits of KOTH. Most notably, the researchers recognized the development of an integrated community base model that is contributing to the health and wellbeing of First Nations by removing geographical barriers to health services.

KOTH’s ongoing development in the areas of expanded service delivery, innovative technology, research and best practices along with their commitment to quality patient care has made them a recognized leader in telehealth. On behalf of CST, we congratulate KOTH and wish them continued success. 


Laurie Poole
President, CST

October 19th

AFN launches national "Make Poverty History" in First Nations campaign

October 13, 2006

To Members of the Assembly of First Nations Executive, First Nations Leaders and Community Directors:

Based on direction received from the AFN Executive and its portfolio committees, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Secretariat has initiated a national public education campaign for Canadians, whose objective is to:

Generate public awareness and support that First Nations rights and issues are of critical importance to Canada’s future, and must be addressed in the next Federal Budget and Election (anticipated winter-spring 2007).

The campaign will be launched in collaboration with a major global and national effort to eliminate poverty with a special focus on First Nations communities and the struggle we are facing: The Make Poverty History campaign -

This campaign (visit for more information) is the first main activity being undertaken under one of four key themes of the Platform from which I received my mandate at the July 2006 Annual General Assembly:

  1. Asserting Rights;

  2. Implementing Treaties;

  3. Eliminating Poverty;

  4. Improving Relations with Other Governments.

The “Make Poverty History Campaign for First Nations” is based on three main premises:

First Nations poverty is the greatest social injustice in Canada.

  • The cost of First Nations poverty is a cost to Canada. Maintaining a ‘broken system’ is a much bigger cost than recognizing First Nations governments, respecting their Constitutional and Treaty Rights, and their plan for Creating Opportunities and Building on Successes.

A decade of failures of the Canadian Government to act has resulted in billions lost.

  • Next month is the tenth anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and the one-year anniversary of the First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues. The federal government cannot point to any significant progress achieved nationally during that time; positive changes have been initiated by communities for communities and only by overcoming the barriers imposed onto them by external governments.

First Nations must have the ability to make the decisions that affect their lives and plan for their own future.

  • Self-government is the key to eliminating poverty and ensuring full First Nations opportunity to protect and benefit from Canadian lands and resources.

Key events targeted by the national campaign include:

  • October 3: Public Forum with Canadian Leadership on the Protection of International Indigenous Rights with the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  • October 15: Marches for “Making Poverty History”;
  • October 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty;
  • November 21: RCAP Tenth Anniversary;
  • November 24: Make Poverty History for First Nations national event at the Rogers Centre Pow Wow in Toronto at 2:30 p.m.;
  • November 25-26: One-Year Anniversary of Kelowna;
  • November 28: Aboriginal Health Summit hosted by Premier Campbell;
  • December Special Chiefs Assembly with a focus on the results to date of the National Campaign and where future directions will be discussed among First Nations leaders.

This campaign cannot be successful unless YOU are part of this collective effort – communicating to the new minority government and to all Canadians that First Nations will not be ignored and our rights must be fully recognized and respected.

Here are ways in which you can support this national campaign:

  • Send out the template letter and op-ed attached, tailored to highlight your community’s circumstances and needs;
  • Distribute campaign materials to your partners and community members, and encourage them to become involved;
  • Meet with your government Members of Parliament to emphasize the urgency of the situation;
  • Contact your AFN Regional Office to identify any potential campaign events;
  • Participate in the November 24th event at Toronto’s Rogers Centre Pow Wow.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact your AFN Regional Office or Bryan Hendry, AFN Communications Director (tel: 1-866-869-6789, extension 229; cell: 613-293-6106; More information is posted on

I thank you in advance for your support in this challenging environment. We must stand strong together as First Nations governments.


National Chief Phil Fontaine

KO participates in Treasury Board's Blue Ribbon Panel on grants & contributions

On Oct ober 12, Treasury Board's Independent Blue Ribbon hosted a roundtable of national and regional Aboriginal groups to learn about their experience with accessing federal government grants and contributions. Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Service initiative was invited to share their experience with the panel members.

Federal government takes next step to restore accountability and to ensure effective and efficient program delivery - June 6, 2006

OTTAWA - The Honourable John Baird, President of the Treasury Board of Canada today announced the creation of an independent blue-ribbon panel to recommend measures to make the delivery of grant and contribution programs more efficient while ensuring greater accountability.

"People who work hard, pay their taxes and play by the rules want accountability from their government," Minister Baird said.  "With some $26 billion dollars going to grant and contributions each year, we owe taxpayers a thorough review of these programs as part of our ongoing efforts to restore accountability to government and to leave the legacy of political scandal in the past."

The government committed in its Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan to establish this independent panel.  It will have three main areas of focus:

  • reviewing the administrative requirements individuals and organizations must meet in order to access government grant and contribution programs;
  • examining the issues faced by government departments in managing these programs; and,
  • assessing whether instruments other than grants and contributions are more appropriate for funding some programs. 

"A top priority of Canada's new government is to restore the public's confidence in government," Minister Baird added.

"Examining grants and contributions is an important step in helping to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of these programs."

The three panellists were selected based on their extensive experience in the private or public sectors. They are Ms. Frances Lankin, President and Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Greater Toronto; Mr. Ian D. Clark, President and Chief Executive Officer, Council of Ontario Universities; and Mr. Marc Tellier, President and Chief Executive Officer of Yellow Pages Group.

"I am delighted these three distinguished individuals have agreed to provide informed and objective advice based on their knowledge of how government works and what Canadians need," Minister Baird concluded.  "Together, they bring a unique and valuable blend of political, not-for-profit, public sector and business experience.

 I am confident that their recommendations will reflect their sound judgment and ability to get to the heart of the issues."
The government intends to issue a new policy on transfer payments that will reflect recommendations of both the blue-ribbon panel and the Auditor General's May 2006 report on the Management of Voted Grants and Contributions.

In addition, the government will undertake two other initiatives to help government work better for Canadians: strengthen and streamline management by reviewing its procurement and financial management policies and repeal policies and regulations that inhibit the effectiveness of the public service.

Attached is a backgrounder with information on the Terms of Reference of the panel, biographical information on the panel members, and a fact sheet on grants and contributions programs.

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For more information, contact:
Patrick Robert
Press Secretary
Office of the President of the Treasury Board
(613) 957-2666
Robert Makichuk
Media Relations
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
(613) 957-2391

    KO Chiefs meet in Balmertown discuss tribal council programs and issues

    The early winter storm that hit Red Lake on Tuesday evening added another level of excitement to all the chiefs and KO staff traveling to Balmertown for the board of directors meeting on Oct 19 and 20. The meeting has now been extended to Friday to ensure all the business is discussed.

    Geordi Kakepetum welcomed two former board members who were recently elected as chiefs of their First Nation. Chief Sally Kakegamic of North Spirit Lake and Chief Eli Moose of Poplar Hill were recently elected to lead their communities and once again become members of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak board of directors.

    Other chiefs attending the meeting include:

    • Chief Royal Meekis, Deer Lake First Nation
    • Chief Roy Gray, Fort Severn First Nation
    • Chief Joe Meekis, Keewaywin First Nation
    • Proxy Albert James, McDowell Lake First Nation
    • Elder Fred Kakegamic, Keewaywin First Nation

    Check out the pictures at

    October 18th

    Bill C-292: An Act to Implement the Kelowna Accord passes 2nd reading in parliament

    See the AFN Press Release supporting the passing of the bill as well as a copy of the discussion in the House of Commons by the members of parliament indicating that the three opposition parties Liberals, PQ and NDP who will be supporting this bill. Second Reading of Bill C292, the Kelowna Accord Implementation Act - Liberal Paul Martin's private members bill passed this evening by a vote of 159 to 123. The bill now goes to the Aboriginal Affairs Committee for review.

    Assembly of First Nations statement on Bill C-292: An Act to Implement the Kelowna Accord

         OTTAWA, Oct. 18 /CNW Telbec/ - AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine says all First Nations are watching, with great anticipation, the outcome of tonight's vote on the second reading of Bill C-292.

         "We strongly urge all MPs, and all Canadians, to stand with First Nations in support of our plan to close the gap, within 10 years, in the quality of life between our people and other Canadians," said National Chief Phil Fontaine.

         "This achievable, affordable plan was unanimously endorsed by every province and territory, the federal government, and all Aboriginal leaders, in Kelowna last November," noted the National Chief. "Reports such as those by Auditor General Sheila Fraser, and, most recently, by Correctional Investigator Howard Sapers, underline the urgent need for all governments, including First Nations governments, to work together to address the root causes of poverty and despair.

         "First Nations poverty is the single greatest social justice issue in Canada today," added the National Chief. "We are counting on the Members of the House of Commons to do what is right and vote in support of this Bill."

         The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


    /For further information: contact: Bryan Hendry, A/Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789, ext. 229, Cell. : (613) 293-6106,


    Kelowna Accord Implementation Act
    MONDAY - OCTOBER 16th, 2006
    Private Members' Business

    The House resumed from June 2 consideration of the motion that Bill C-292, An Act to implement the Kelowna Accord, be read the second time and referred to a committee.

    The Speaker:  When the bill was last before the House, the hon. member for Kitchener-Conestoga had the floor. There are six minutes remaining in the time allotted for his remarks. I therefore call on the hon. member for Kitchener-Conestoga.

    Mr. Harold Albrecht (Kitchener-Conestoga, CPC):  Mr. Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to finish sharing my views on Bill C-292
        I rise today in opposition to Bill C-292, an act to implement the Kelowna accord.
        As I mentioned in my earlier remarks, I commend the right hon. member for LaSalle-Émard for providing members with the opportunity to discuss this issue that is of great importance to all Canadians. It is a pleasure to see the member for LaSalle-Émard in the House today.
        This issue is important for all Canadians. Although I welcome the occasion to speak to this pressing matter and listen to the contributions of other members, I cannot support the proposed legislation.
        My opposition to Bill C-292 is rooted in two main objections. First, the bill is poorly conceived. It is not a precise, detailed policy blueprint but a series of broad political commitments. Furthermore, it purports to extend statutory recognition to a one-time political event and create a legal obligation to fulfill a series of wide-ranging commitments.
        As I mentioned earlier, the short text of Bill C-292 provides members with absolutely no idea of what obligations it would impose on the government, nor whether these obligations would also apply to provinces and territories. This is an important issue for many of my colleagues in this chamber.
        Until members are provided with clear details on the nature of these programs and the related accountability measures, and until a long term sustainable financial plan to fund these programs has been approved by Parliament, I cannot see how this House can approve or support Bill C-292. So it will come as no surprise to members of this House that I continue to speak today in opposition to this bill.
        The health and prosperity of aboriginal and northern communities is critical to the health and prosperity of our entire nation. Thus, we must take concrete steps to address issues of aboriginal women, children and families, education, water, and housing.
        Mr. Speaker, on Monday, September 25, you yourself mentioned that Bill C-292, in clause 2, does state that the government shall "take all measures necessary to implement the terms of the accord", but the bill does not provide specific details on these measures. You said, "The measures simply are not described".
        Bill C-292 fails to establish a clear plan of action to resolve these issues. It fails to assign responsibilities. It fails to detail financial arrangements. It fails to adequately define procedures to achieve its targets. In other words, the bill before us today is not a fully developed strategy and could not be legally enforced.
        With $3.7 billion allocated for aboriginal and northern programs, the budget created by Canada's new government includes targeted investments in key areas. Those key areas include aboriginal housing, water, education, and economic development. The returns on these investments will deliver real improvements in the quality of life for aboriginal and northern peoples.
        Those investments will fortify relationships with provinces, territories, aboriginal leaders and organizations and create a more promising future for all Canadians.
        It is important to note that the government's $3.7 billion investment in aboriginal and northern peoples is in addition to increases to aboriginal health programs, as well as increases to the budget of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.
        This number, $3.7 billion, also excludes budget initiatives already aimed at both aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal peoples deserve no less than the same opportunities we all seek for our families, for our communities and for our country. We are committed to securing these opportunities for aboriginal Canadians.
        Three hundred million dollars will go directly to affordable housing programs in the territories, benefiting both aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples. Nunavut, where the problem is most pressing, will receive $200 million. Yukon and the Northwest Territories will receive $50 million each.
        Another $300 million will be used to improve housing through the off-reserve aboriginal housing fund.
        Furthermore, $450 million has been set aside to fund initiatives for water, housing, education, and women, children and families. Through education, aboriginal communities can successfully battle poverty, while initiatives to improve the quality of life for women will nurture healthy children and families.
        A settlement agreement that was signed on May 10 launched an advanced payment program for seniors who suffered abuse while in residential schools. Victims will share in a $2.2 billion fund to help them deal with the emotional and psychological trauma that many of them continue to experience to this day.
        We do not believe that money and ad hoc remedies resolve the challenges facing aboriginal peoples. We must take on the hard work of renovating our laws and our institutions. This new Government of Canada is identifying and implementing effective and lasting solutions through collaboration and mutual respect.
        I strongly advise my hon. colleagues to join me in voting against Bill C-292.

    Mr. Marc Lemay (Abitibi-Témiscamingue, BQ):   Mr. Speaker, first of all, I want to say that the Bloc Québécois will be supporting Bill C-292, An Act to implement the Kelowna Accord, introduced by the member for LaSalle-Émard. I will mention a few of the reasons why.
        The Kelowna accord is not, was not and will not be a cure-all for the problems faced by aboriginal communities. What the Kelowna accord was and will be is merely a way to alleviate the major problems of these communities. On Monday, May 8, 2006, in support of the accord, I tabled a motion, on behalf of my party, to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development recommending the implementation of the Kelowna accord reached by representatives of Ottawa, Quebec, the provinces and national aboriginal leaders.
        The tabling of this motion and Bill C-292, which we are debating today, remind us that, once again, the federal government has not respected its commitments and has not taken its responsibilities toward the aboriginal people. I would like to read the motion that I tabled and that the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development adopted:
         That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee recommends that government to implement the Kelowna agreement, entitled Strengthening Relationships and Closing the Gap, which was reached on November 25, 2005 between the First Ministers and the National Aboriginal Leaders.
         That the Committee adopt these recommendations as a report to the House and that the Chair present this report to the House.
        We must not kid ourselves: the Kelowna accord is only a temporary measure that will not improve the living conditions of native people in the long run.
        The accord would represent $5.1 billion over five years for education, health, housing and economic opportunities for aboriginal peoples. If we consider that those funds are to be divided among federal, Quebec, provincial and territorial governments before reaching first nations, Inuit and Métis, where the needs are critical, we realize that that is very little to really reduce the gap.
        Quebec's first nations have tremendous needs, particularly in housing. Currently, they need over $700 million to provide the 7,000 housing units they lack-a figure that grows by hundreds of units every year. As we know, this housing deficit has extremely severe human and social consequences. Some health problems are linked directly to the housing shortage. We must quickly put a stop to increasing incidences of poisoning, infection, tuberculosis, and so on. The incidence of diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome and suicide is also very worrisome.
        Suicide is a serious problem. Even though rates vary considerably from one community to the next, they are too high overall. Suicide rates among first nations youth are 5 to 7 times higher than among non-aboriginal youth. The suicide rates of Inuit youth are among the highest in the world-11 times higher than the Canadian average. We must therefore invest time and resources without delay.
        As far as education is concerned, if the government finally decided to tackle the problem, it would take 27 or 28 years to close the gap with other Quebeckers and Canadians, according to the 2004 Auditor General's report. That is very serious.
        A number of reports from the Auditor General, as well as findings of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and, more recently, the latest report from the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the living conditions of the aboriginal people of Canada, are alarming.
        Many recommendations supported by aboriginals, Quebeckers and Canadians have been presented to Ottawa and have fallen on deaf ears.
        On the eve of the conference of first ministers, the Bloc Québécois publicly supported the common position held by the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador and the Quebec Native Women's Association, who rejected the government's initiative.
        The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador and the Quebec Native Women's Association deplored the fact that the approach to narrowing the gap between the living conditions of first nations people and those of Quebeckers and Canadians did not address the real causes behind the first nations' situation, which are the lack of fair access to land and resources, and respect for their rights.
        The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, and the Quebec Native Women's Association also deplored the fact that the objective of the Kelowna agreement, through its blanket treatment of all aboriginals and lack of consultation with the communities to identify the real challenges, would maintain the cycle of dependence of the first nations.
        The Bloc Québécois feels that concrete solutions are needed that are adapted to the reality of the various aboriginal nations to correct at the foundation the inequalities that affect their communities. In addition, these measures must come out of discussions with the first nations, because money alone will not solve the problem. On the contrary, it perpetuates the paternalistic approach of the federal government toward aboriginals.
        Now we know, here in this House, that the federal government has an obligation to meet the great needs of the aboriginal people, among other things those related to housing, infrastructure, education and health care.
        The Bloc Québécois continues to make sure that Ottawa does not shirk its obligations as a trustee. The federal government should assume its responsibilities as long as all aboriginal nations do not have the tools for self-government. The first indications of this government's handling of the aboriginal issue are not very reassuring. For example, the initiative for a protocol for safe drinking water for first nations communities is commendable in and of itself. However, when the initiative sets aside communities with the greatest needs, those that still do not have a drinking water system and are still hauling their water in buckets, there is cause for concern.
        I have just two minutes remaining, but I could talk about this for hours without putting this House to sleep. I will wrap up quickly.
        The Bloc Québécois supports Bill C-292. The commitments made by the federal government in Kelowna mark a first step toward bridging the gap between aboriginal nations and Quebeckers and Canadians. Let me be clear: this is a first step.
        Aboriginal people must have all the tools to develop their own identity, namely the right to self-government and the recognition of their rights.
        In closing I want to say that in a few days a socio-economic forum of the first nations will be held at Masteuiash in the Roberval area. It is an exceptional location for the current federal government to show a little more empathy toward the first nations and to announce, in Masteuiash, important decisions for those first nations. We must prevent the things we are currently seeing in the media. An article on October 7 said that aboriginal peoples are the most overrepresented group in Canada's prisons. This must stop. We believe that the Kelowna accord was a step in the right direction. We want to reiterate in this House that we will support this accord and this bill.

    Ms. Jean Crowder (Nanaimo-Cowichan, NDP):   Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to stand in support of Bill C-292 and the New Democrats will be supporting this private member's bill. However, it is a sad statement that we need to bring forward a private member's bill to deal with some very serious and pressing issues in first nations communities from coast to coast to coast.
        Lest we think that these conditions are new ones, the conditions that are currently in place in first nations communities are a result of decades of neglect and need to be laid, not only at the doorstep of the current Conservative government but also points to a failure of the previous Liberal government to deal with these issues.
        I want to talk about some statistics that the Assembly of First Nations has put forward and the fact that it has launched a "Make Poverty History: The First Nations Plan for Creating Opportunity" campaign. The conditions it is talking about have not arisen since January 2006. These conditions have accumulated over decades. I will only talk about a few of these numbers because they are depressing and a shameful legacy for this country to be talking about the kinds of conditions that exist in first nations, Inuit and Métis communities across the country.
        Let us talk about children. We often talk about family values and how important children are to our country. We talk about needing to protect our children and yet in first nations communities one in four children live in poverty compared to one in six Canadian children. The rate of disabilities among first nations children is about one in eight and is almost double the rate among Canadian children, and over one-third of first nations households with children are overcrowded.
        Let us talk about homes. In my riding of Nanaimo-Cowichan many homes on first nations reserves are contaminated with mould and yet we seem to have very little action that addresses the crying need in these communities to have safe, clean, affordable housing. About one in three first nations people consider their main drinking water supply unsafe to drink and 12% of first nations communities have to boil their drinking water and mould contaminates almost half of all households.
        In my own community there is a band called Penelakut on Kuper Island and its water source is below a decommissioned dump. The reserve has cases of rheumatic fever and the physicians in the area say that they have not seen rheumatic fever since they were in third world countries. Some of the band members talk about turning on their taps and having brown stuff come out.
        I live on Vancouver Island where we have some of the cleanest water in Canada. The Cowichan Valley says that it has the cleanest water in Canada and yet the people of Penelakut cannot access clean water on a regular basis.
        Let us talk about our communities and how we rank internationally. According to the AFN "Make Poverty History", applying the United Nations human development index would rank first nations communities 68 among 174 nations. Canada has dropped from first to eighth due in part to the housing and health conditions in first nations communities. Most first nations, 80%, have personal incomes below $30,000 per year and half of all households have total incomes below that level. When people do not have the incomes to even attempt to improve their living conditions, how can we expect people to bring themselves up out of poverty?
        Much has also been made about how much money is spent on first nations people. The section entitled "Fiscal Imbalance: The Truth About Spending on First Nations" states:
         Per capita spending on First Nations is half the amount for average Canadians (between $7,000-$8,000 compared to $15,000-$16,000). Spending on First Nations through core federal programs is capped annually at rates lower than inflation and population growth. 
        A recent Auditor General's report talked about the fact that funding only increased at 1.6% per annum whereas population increased significantly more than that.
        Those were just a few statistics of the reality in first nations community and it is no different for the Inuit peoples in the north, the Métis people and the off reserve and urban aboriginals.
        In any other country we would be pointing to these figures, facts, conditions and quality of life and saying that it was a shameful statement on that country. In our own country we continue to have those conditions and we ignore them daily.
        The Conservatives have said that the Kelowna accord was signed on November 25 and that it was scratched out on a napkin somewhere. That is a total disrespect for the 18 months of work that went into the Kelowna agreement, 18 months of people from across the country coming together to lay out a framework and address the very serious and pressing needs in communities.
        In my province of British Columbia, the premier and the then prime minister took it to heart. They saw the agreement as being something real and something that Canadians, including aboriginal peoples, wanted implemented. In fact, they signed a tripartite agreement. The first nations leadership from British Columbia, the prime minister and Premier Campbell, in good faith, signed the agreement called the transformative change accord and it was between the Government of British Columbia, the Government of Canada and the leadership council representing the first nations of British Columbia.
        This agreement was done with a great deal of responsibility, fiscal, social, environmental and economic. People recognized that what happened in Kelowna was a framework that would allow people to move forward. It was a commitment on the part of the Liberal government of the day and the first nations peoples and they fully expected the future government to honour that commitment.
        Recognizing that people wanted to see accountability and responsibility, the agreement laid out specific items. It laid out benchmarks for improving relationships by supporting a tripartite negotiation forum to address issues having to do with the reconciliation of aboriginal rights and titles. Numbers of treaties and increased awareness by public diversity were talked about. Benchmarks were laid out for closing the education gap and for improving housing.
        Nothing in that agreement said that it was a fictional exercise in Kelowna. People expected some action but instead they got a Conservative government that rolled back the work that had been done.
        The Conservatives have indicated their commitment by rolling back the Kelowna accord, by failing to invest in those key areas that first nations peoples said were critical and essential to their health and well-being and they have further demonstrated their lack of commitment by failing to look at the declaration on human rights for indigenous peoples.
        I just want to go back to my own riding for one moment. The Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group is a group of six nations that has been involved in treaties and it is currently looking at the dire circumstances in many communities. Under Canada's community well-being index used to examine the well-being of Canadian communities, the six Hul'qumi'num communities score between 448th and 482nd out of 486 communities surveyed in British Columbia. They could not get much farther down the list in terms of well-being. It is a shocking statement that this continues in this day and age.
        The Kelowna accord was a good first step but it failed to address land claims, treaties and specific land claims. I would urge all members of the House to support the private member's bill but I also would encourage every member of the House to push for much more fair and equitable treatment in the country.

    Hon. Anita Neville (Winnipeg South Centre, Lib.):  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to reaffirm my support and that of my party for this private member's bill introduced by the hon. member for LaSalle-Émard.
        It is true that I too wish I did not have to stand here today in support of this bill, just as I am sure the member for LaSalle-Émard wishes he did not have to introduce the bill in the first place.
        The new Conservative government was afforded an opportunity when it took power: an opportunity to provide for aboriginal peoples from coast to coast to coast. Blessed with a $13 billion surplus, due to the sound fiscal management of the previous Liberal government, and a ready made plan that only needed the confirmation of the new government, the Conservative government willingly and knowingly set back relations between Canada's aboriginal people and itself by not pledging its support for the Kelowna accord. It did this by abandoning it, trashing it and disrespecting it. The government abandoned aboriginal Canadians and, most important, it disrespected the processes aboriginal Canadians entered into in good faith.
        We all know the accord is a landmark document. It signalled the start of a new era of cooperation and reconciliation in Canada, an era when our elected leaders from all parts of this great country said no. They said no to incidences of child mortality 20 times higher in aboriginal communities than in non-aboriginal communities. They said no to an unemployment rate for aboriginal Canadians that is 12% higher than that of non-aboriginal Canadians. They said no to deplorable overcrowded, mouldy housing conditions in which aboriginal Canadians, both on reserve and off reserve, find themselves. I invite members to come on a tour of some of the communities in my province to see the deplorable situations. They said no to a situation where aboriginal people are three times more susceptible to incidences of type II diabetes. They said no to third world poverty in a country such as ours. They said no to inadequate access to medical services and to third world diseases like tuberculosis.
        The agreement was not between Liberals and aboriginal Canadians. It was not a partisan accord. It was an agreement between the Government of Canada, the leadership of all national aboriginal organizations in this country and the first ministers of all the provinces. This agreement spoke to the honour of the Crown. Everyone who was in Kelowna that weekend said that we had enough poverty and enough of a two tiered society.
        From the outset, the Conservative government wasted no time in trashing and belittling this accord. The current immigration minister very quickly said that the accord was written on the back of a napkin. What an attitude. Unfortunately, this attitude has been borne out by subsequent events indicative of most of the views of members opposite.
        The accord represented a new beginning in developing policies that affect aboriginal Canadians. It was a fully integrated and fully consultative process. It involved 18 months of talking with aboriginal Canadians, listening to aboriginal Canadians and working with aboriginal Canadians to formulate the policy and goals that are now part of the Kelowna accord. This process was a model for all departments of government for policy development. It included consultation, collaboration, stakeholder buy in, political commitment, respect for regional realities and differences, and the allocation of resources to begin the job that must be done.
        To have this agreement described as being written on the back of a napkin is an insult to all Canadians, aboriginal and non-aboriginal, who worked so hard and for so long to see the Kelowna accord come to fruition.
        Some members opposite have said that the money for the Kelowna accord was not booked by the previous government. I suggest that is another misrepresentation and another insult.
        As has been confirmed by finance department officials, the money for the Kelowna accord was designated in the fiscal update presented by the former finance minister. The money was there. The funds were booked. To say otherwise is to perpetuate a myth. It is misleading the House.
        The money was designated as a line item in the sources and uses table. The only ones who can remove a line item from a sources and uses table are the Prime Minister and the finance minister.
        When members opposite muse as to the whereabouts of the money for the Kelowna accord, they can ask that question of the Prime Minister or the finance minister. They removed the money. They were the ones who abandoned the Kelowna accord. They were the ones who said yes to continue third world living conditions for aboriginal Canadians. They were the ones who indicated that the pressing needs of aboriginal peoples were not a priority for this government. They hold the brunt of the responsibility.
        The government has now been in power for 10 long months. Its approach to dealing with aboriginal Canadians is becoming apparent. It is quite happy to revert to confrontational times that most Canadians believed were behind us. It seems to be prepared to dictate policy with only a gesture to consultation.
        Along with Russia, the government does not want to champion the rights of indigenous people at the United Nations. It is prepared to create animosity where the Kelowna accord and the consultative process leading up to it achieved much in tearing down barriers between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians.
        The era of the government handing down policy without consultation is behind us, or I should I say it was behind us until this government came to power. Aboriginal Canadians need to be at the table in determining policies. They do not need an overseer. They need to be a partner.
        In my mind, any accord in which all of the ministers come to a consensus is a historical document. NDP premiers, Liberal premiers and Conservative premiers all said it was a historical document. They were all in support of it.
        If I can quote NDP Premier Gary Doer of my province, the province of Manitoba, who said on the signing of the Kelowna accord:
         This is the most significant contribution to aboriginals made by any Prime Minister in the last 30 years.
        The Liberal premier of British Columbia, Gordon Campbell, said upon its signing:
         Our duty now is to ensure that when this room goes dark, the light that has been lit, the light of hope that has been lit over the last two days, lives on and burns brighter, month after month, year after year in our hearts and in Canada's corridors of power.
        The Conservative Premier of Alberta, Ralph Klein, said:
         We're committed to working hard on initiatives that will lead to significant improvement for aboriginal people in Canada over the next five or 10 years.
        The only person who is not heeding the calls that it is time to help aboriginal Canadians is the individual who should be listening the hardest and most eager to help. That individual is the Prime Minister.
        A true Prime Minister, a true leader, is the Prime Minister of all Canadians. The time for real leadership is now, leadership to alleviate the suffering of thousands of Canadians.
        The Kelowna accord was an opportunity. It was an opportunity to end the shame in our country, an opportunity to allow aboriginal Canadians to be on the same level as non-aboriginal Canadians. It is the duty and responsibility of this government to see that this accord be implemented. It has failed. Not only did the Conservative government fail aboriginal Canadians but it failed all Canadians by abandoning this accord. It failed the premiers. It failed the aboriginal leadership.
        As the opposition we had a choice to make. We could howl at the moon about the Prime Minister's shameful actions, or we could take action to overturn this meanspirited decision. We chose to take action, led by the efforts of the member for LaSalle-Émard and supported by the entire Liberal caucus. We are saying to Canada's aboriginal people, enough is enough.
        With that in mind, and in my heart, I am pleased to support the private member's bill. I urge all members of the House to support the bill, to indicate to aboriginal people, to the aboriginal leadership of the country, to the leadership of the provinces, and indeed to all Canadians that the House is truly committed to take action to ensure that all aboriginal people have the opportunity--

    The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau):   Resuming debate, the hon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians.

    Mr. Rod Bruinooge (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, CPC):  Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to rise today to speak on the second reading of Bill C-292.
        I commend the right hon. member for LaSalle-Émard for providing us with another opportunity to discuss and consider the issues of importance to all Canadians and especially aboriginal and non-aboriginal alike.
        Although I welcome this occasion to speak, I cannot support the proposed legislation for a very good reason. The previous Liberal government, after 13 years, clearly neglected aboriginal people all across Canada.

        I am very proud to say that our new government and our new Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is interested in doing the thing the previous government was unable to do and that is to look at the structural changes needed to actually bring benefits to the people in the communities, the people who have not seen benefits in the past, and are the ones who need it; We will not be growing the bureaucracy and not growing the system like the previous government would so love to do.
        I would like to point out two other objections today. First, the bill is poorly conceived. It is not proposing a clear detailed policy and blueprint but rather a series of broad political commitments in a unilateral press release. Furthermore, it purports to extend statutory recognition to a one-time event and create a vague legal obligation to fulfill a series of wide-ranging commitments, a dubious proposition at best and certainly one which is unenforceable.
        Mr. Speaker, on Monday, September 25, you yourself mentioned that Bill C-292, in clause 2, does state that the government shall take all measures necessary to implement the terms of the accord, but it does not provide specific details on those measures. You said that the measures are simply not described.
        In addition, Bill C-292 provides members with absolutely no idea of what obligations it would impose on government, nor whether those obligations would also apply to provinces and territories. That is an important issue for many of my colleagues in this chamber.
        The second objection that I have is that Bill C-292 is redundant. Since taking office and in collaboration with our aboriginal, provincial and territorial partners, the new government has undertaken a new approach that will produce real solutions to the problems facing aboriginal people in Canada.
        The approach focuses on moving aboriginal people from dependency to self-reliance through targeted efforts in four areas. The first is to empower individuals to take greater control and responsibility for their own lives through directing investments toward housing and education. Next, we are working to accelerate land claims. We are also promoting economic development, job training, skills and entrepreneurship. Finally, we are laying the ground work for responsible self-government by moving toward modern and accountable government structures.
        We are already achieving results. Earlier this year, the government developed and launched an action plan to address drinking water concerns in first nation communities. This comprehensive plan consists of measures to identify communities at risk from unsafe water, ensure treatment facilities are managed by certifying operators, and implementing standards for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring of treatment facilities.
        Furthermore, there is a three member panel of experts who are conducting public hearings across the country to examine and provide options on the establishment of a regulatory framework to ensure safe drinking water in first nation communities.
        We are also moving forward in collaboration with first nations people, the provinces and territories to reach workable legislative solutions to resolve the challenges presented by the current situation regarding matrimonial real property on reserves which affects a disproportionate number of women and children on reserves, particularly those experiencing family violence. Matrimonial real property on reserves is obviously a pressing equality issue and one we are committed to resolving.
        Unfortunately, members from the party opposite, including the member for Winnipeg South Centre, have indicated that perhaps this is not something we should be proceeding with as soon as possible. I find that to be rather surprising coming from this member whom I thought was very concerned about this issue. To that end, this government has recently announced a national consultation process aimed at resolving the difficult issue of on reserve matrimonial real property.
        In this day and age, it is unacceptable that women and children, families and communities on reserve are still struggling with an issue that has been long neglected, and it is a shame. This situation is the result of a legislative void because provincial and territorial laws that deal with the matter elsewhere in the country do not apply on reserve. The federal Indian Act, which governs practically all aspects of life on reserve, is very silent on this issue.
        As a result of this legislative gap, legal rights and remedies that are applicable off reserve are not available to individuals living in first nations communities. As a consequence, many women are subjected to discrimination and denied basic human rights that other Canadians all take for granted. It is essential that we deal with this issue as soon as possible because clearly, after 13 years, the previous government made no efforts in that area.
        Education is yet another area in which our government is enabling real change for first nations people. In July we signed an agreement with the province of British Columbia and the British Columbia first nations education steering committee to enable first nations in B.C. to assume meaningful control on reserve elementary and secondary schools in areas such as curriculum, educational standards and teacher's certification. This means that first nations children in British Columbia will be able to obtain an education that meets provincial standards but that is also culturally relevant. That is essential.
        As we know, first nations individuals all across Canada, in fact all aboriginal people, are just as capable of learning, but learning is something that requires a cultural sensitivity that we have not seen in the past. I am proud that our government is moving forward in this area.
        Another issue which is very important, again left by the previous government at our feet, is a process that our minister has put forward to accelerate land claims. There is a huge backlog of claims which is completely unacceptable and indicates that the current system is clearly not up to the task.
        Settlements are about justice, respect and reconciliation. More than coming to terms with the past though, settlements are also about building a better future for communities that are sometimes isolated and far from our current economic setters. Each settlement clears a path to strengthened governance and will also strengthen new economic and social opportunities. Settlements can also mean that valuable resources are spent on communities rather than courtrooms.
        The Prime Minister, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and I are steadfast in our resolve to work with aboriginal partners on shared priorities to develop effective, sustainable approaches to overcome the pressing challenges in our aboriginal communities.
        The government's approach to resolving aboriginal issues, including water, matrimonial real property, education, housing, women and children is all focused on tangible results and clear accountability. Bill C-292 proposes an approach characterized by vague promises and general objectives, something that the previous government was excellent at doing.

    Ms. Nancy Karetak-Lindell (Nunavut, Lib.):   Mr. Speaker, I am very honoured to speak to Bill C-292, a very commendable private member's bill from the member for LaSalle-Émard.
        I am also very honoured to have been involved in the discussions and preparations that went into the Kelowna accord. There was over 13 months of work by the Inuit organization and other aboriginal organizations in Canada. For the party across the way to oversimplify that is very discouraging. For people to say that it was not an agreement or an accord, that it could be disregarded because there was no signed agreement and no budget for it really is oversimplifying the situation. It also adds insult to all the preparatory work that people did on the agreement.
        I was in my riding last week speaking with different groups that are suffering badly from the recent cuts to the social programs. The various cuts announced by the Conservative government affect literacy programs, the museum assistance program, and women's groups. The cuts are really affecting the work that communities have been trying to do at the ground level. The Conservative government does not realize the impact these cuts are having on communities. This solidifies my belief that the Conservatives do not understand what reversing the Kelowna agreement has done to our people. I speak mainly for my riding of Nunavut because that is the region I understand the best, but I have spoken with people all across the country and they believed that the Kelowna accord would give them the tools for them to provide their own solutions. They believed that the government of the day recognized their ability to run their own affairs, to come up with their own solutions and to put into play ways of governance that had been there for them in the past.
        The recent history of this country has made it very difficult for people in the communities to practise their own ways of governing, their own ways of reconciling differences, their own ways of educating their people, which really are not very different from those of the rest of the country. It is just that we have learned to look at things through a different lens. We all have the same end goals, but the way to achieve those end goals can differ from one part of the country to another, or from one cultural group to another. As I said, the end goals are the same, and they are to provide a good future for our children and to take advantage of this country's resources, which every Canadian should be able to access. How we reach those goals can be different.
        We certainly have different ways of looking at things and understanding things as a native people, but at the end of the day we all want what is best for our children. We all want to achieve those goals in a way that works for us. It means understanding that we have to do things our own way and, yes, make our own mistakes. Since Nunavut has become a new territory, we have certainly experienced challenges and have made mistakes along the way, but at least they have been our mistakes.
        The Kelowna accord gave us the tools, the mechanisms and the resources, because we do need investments in a different way than has worked for people in the south. Education is a very strong component. The Berger report indicated very strongly that we need to educate our people in a way that is different from that in the rest of the country. It is not to say that we are any less able to be educated but that we need to look at different ways of reaching the knowledge that people have.
        The Kelowna accord was certainly a step in the right direction for this country. I ask members in the House to support this private member's bill because it would put us back on the right track to where we were going before. We have been derailed but I certainly hope that we can get back on the right track with this accord.
        I thank the members of other parties who have indicated they will support this private member's bill. Again, I urge all members to support this bill. I give credit to my colleague for bringing forward this private member's bill. I know he truly believes this is a way we can bring a group of people from our history back on a level playing field with the rest of the country. I take this opportunity to thank my colleagues who have been very strong in their support. I certainly will be supporting this private member's bill.

    The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau):   The right hon. member for LaSalle-Émard has five minutes for his reply at the end of the debate.

    Right Hon. Paul Martin (LaSalle-Émard, Lib.): 
        Why Kelowna, Mr. Speaker? Because, compared to other Canadians, the aboriginal people of Canada earn nearly 40% less and they have a life expectancy 10 years shorter. They are twice as likely to live in poverty and three times less likely to graduate from university.
        Why Kelowna? Because Canada has the means to achieve its goals and the moral responsibility to do so.
        Those who were in that room that day in Kelowna included the aboriginal leadership in this country and representatives of all of the political parties in this room and across the country. No one in that room had any doubt as to the significance of the agreement that we came to and the significance of what had been done. Every single person who was in that room, every single person who for close to 18 months through a series of round tables and detailed negotiation put everything they had into it and came to that agreement on that historic day, it demeans them for the government to say that this was not worth the paper it was written on, to say that it had no content.
        The Kelowna accord was reached by the aboriginal leadership of our country, by every single one of the provinces and territories without exception, and by the federal government. It set out funding for five years of $5.1 billion, funding that was provided for by the then minister of finance. The Kelowna accord consisted of longer term objectives to be achieved and then measured over a series of shorter term markers to be developed by all of the parties.
        That is important because what was incorporated in the Kelowna accord was working with the aboriginal leadership and provinces, all governments coming together. This was not an imposition. This was indeed a significant agreement as Canadians from coast to coast to coast said that no longer were they going to allow to continue the unacceptable conditions in which aboriginals live.
        The government has said that it agrees with the principles of the Kelowna accord. I ask it to act on those principles.

    The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau):   It being 12:01 p.m., the time provided for debate has expired. Accordingly, the question is on the motion. Is it the pleasure of the House to adopt the motion?

        Some hon. members: Agreed.

        Some hon. members: No.

        The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau): All those in favour of the motion will please say yea.

        Some hon. members: Yea.

        The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau): All those opposed will please say nay.

        Some hon. members: Nay.

        The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau): In my opinion the yeas have it.

        And more than five members having risen:

    The Acting Speaker (Mr. Royal Galipeau):  Pursuant to Standing Order 93, the recorded division stands deferred until Wednesday, October 18, 2006, immediately before the time provided for private members' business.

    Native arts and crafts sale coming up in Thunder Bay

    The Aboriginal Artworks Group of Northern Ontario (AAGNO)

    Present the

    Aboriginal Fine Arts and Crafts
    Show and Sale

    October 19 - 21,  2006 
    Intercity Mall, Thunder Bay, Ontario

    Thursday Oct. 19 & Fri Oct. 20 :
    9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
    Saturday Oct. 20: 
    9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

     ON SALE

    • Original Native Paintings
    • Leather Work
    • Native Jewelry
    • Wood Carvings
    • Birchbark Artwork
    • Christmas Ornaments
      And Much, Much More!!!

    “Come one, come all to see Authentic Aboriginal Fine Artworks of our Northern Ontario’s Aboriginal people. Great people, Great gift ideas, Great prices.”

    October 17th

    AFN Grand Chief & Minister of Health differ on status of health in First Nations

    From PHIL FONTAINE - Oct. 13, 2006

    Native people wait for promise of better health

    The federal Conservative government has clearly indicated that it has little understanding of how to optimize the investments of Canadian taxpayers in the health and social safety net.

    Funding cutbacks to health and social programming aimed at the most vulnerable populations in Canada - particularly First Nations - will result in a greater burden to the system, and greater disparities among the health of Canada's richest and poorest populations.

    Instead of producing savings to taxpayers, this is going to cost all of us in the short and long term.

    Last week, Health Minister Tony Clement gave an address to the Empire Club in Toronto called The Need for Patient Wait Time Guarantees in Canada.

    At the same time, the minister is defending the elimination of the First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Program even though the smoking rate among First Nations is almost triple the Canadian rate.

    Clement has not explained how the patient wait times guarantee will benefit First Nations peoples, who have been excluded from any input into developing a new approach.

    Let us remember that Clement is directly responsible for providing health services to First Nations, and there is a well-documented and shameful gap in the health status of First Nations and other Canadians.

    Without taking a broader primary care and public health approach to the wait times guarantee, and without ensuring that federal, provincial and territorial governments become more accountable for how they are providing services to First Nations, this new strategy of the minority government will fail in its primary objective: ensuring that all Canadians have the same access to the same standard of care.

    Any health professional will agree that access alone does not mean better health status. One must account for quality of service as well as meeting basic needs, like housing and water.

    Many First Nations communities are in crisis. One in four First Nations children live in poverty. Overcrowding is double the Canadian average. Mould contaminates half of all First Nations homes.

    As of Sept. 8, there are 89 First Nations communities - including 34 in Ontario alone - that have to boil their drinking water. This is why we see Third World diseases like tuberculosis and shigellosis in First Nations communities.

    The situation calls for urgent reform of the system and strategic thinking, not simple tinkering with improved measurements of access to hip replacement surgeries.

    Next month will mark the 10th anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples' final report and the one-year anniversary of the First Ministers Accord on Aboriginal Issues.

    The Conservative government committed in its election platform to "accept the targets agreed upon at the recent Meeting of First Ministers and National Aboriginal Leaders, and work with first ministers and national aboriginal leaders on achieving these targets."

    No such discussion has taken place.

    As a result, the annual cost to Canadians of the government's failure to act will reach $11 billion in 2016.

    What is truly unfortunate is the cost of addressing these issues is less than the future cost of being satisfied with doing nothing now. What is impossible to measure is the misery and maladies this do-nothing approach costs.

    One of the targets achieved at the first ministers meeting was a comprehensive First Nations health plan.

    It included recommendations to ensure that the root causes of poverty and disease were addressed in partnership between federal, provincial, territorial and First Nations governments.

    The plan was endorsed by all jurisdictions and investments secured to ensure its implementation and success over the next 10 years.

    Instead of proposing a "new approach" that will do nothing to make significant progress in closing the gap between First Nations and Canadians, Clement should look to the First Nations Plan. It is actionable and it has the support of all governments.

    Lives are in the balance. Time and money should not be wasted trying to repackage innovative approaches for the sake of political gain.

    Phil Fontaine is National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations



    Staff working with First Nations
    Oct. 16, 2006. 01:00 AM

    Native people wait for promise of better health - Opinion, Oct. 13.

    I wish to clarify the misleading statements contained in the op ed by Assembly of First Nations' Chief Phil Fontaine.

    I met with Fontaine on Sept. 21 specifically to address the problems he cites.

    We had a positive and productive discussion about how to improve working relationships and I invited the chief to work directly with me and Health Canada to help solve the native health-care problems that have resulted from 12 years of Liberal mismanagement.

    In fact, just last week on Oct. 12, my officials met members of the Assembly of First Nations for further discussions about priority areas on which Fontaine and I will work together.

    It appears that Fontaine was drafting his op ed saying the First Nations "have been excluded from any input into developing a new approach" at precisely the same time his staff were meeting with mine to develop the new approach.

    I trust that the coincidence of Fontaine's confusing comments and the meeting of our staff was an unfortunate misunderstanding and not an indication that he no longer wishes to work co-operatively with Canada's new government to get things done for the families he represents and who trust him to act in good faith to deliver improved services for them.

    Tony Clement,
    Minister of Health,

    Upcoming hockey tournament in Sioux Lookout announcement

    Sioux Lookout First Nations Mini - Hockey Tournament

    November 24 - 26th, 2006 ( Sioux Lkt Arena )

    Entry Fee $ 800.00 (deposit of $ 500.00 required before your team entry is put in a draw)

    First Nation Treaty Players only, Open to First Nation Teams only...Club Teams are welcome.

    NO body checking or fighting rule

    Deadline for entry fee is November 10th, 2006.

    If any questions, or entry fee submissions; Contact Eno C. Anderson through email address asap.

    Thank you.

    Eno C. Anderson, Coordinator

    October 16th

    Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council logo design competition

    Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council


    The Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council is announcing a public competition for a logo design. The logo that is selected will serve as visual representation for OFNYPC in print, web and broadcasting communications.

    The design must reflect First Nations culture and the submission must include a detailed description or explanation of the logo designed. This design should be kept simple, with a maximum of four colors; this is to allow for easier reproduction for future promotional materials. The OFNYPC would like this logo to symbolize respect, unity, as well as diversity amongst the First Nations in Ontario.   

    This invitation is extended to First Nations Youth from across Ontario. Submissions will only be accepted from individuals ages 15-29.

    An award of $250.00 will be given to the designer of the winning logo.

    Entries must be received by November 10th, 2006. All submissions must include your name, age, address, postal code, telephone number and/or email.  Hard copies must be submitted on a separate piece of 8½” by 11” white paper and can be mailed to:

    Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council
    c/o Chief of Ontario Political Office
    Suite 101, 90 Anemki Dr.
    Thunder Bay, ON P7J 1A5

    Electronic submissions can be sent by email and should be attached as JPEG, GIF or PDF.  E-mail:  Subject line “logo competition”

    For more info on the OFNYPC, check out our website at

    Please note that the winning design will become the property of the Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council and the Chiefs of Ontario

    AFN hosting Residential Schools settlement agreement conference in Toronto

    Assembly of First Nations Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement Conference for Frontline Workers – EASTERN REGION

    WHERE: Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, 123 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON.

    WHEN: Nov. 22-24, 2006

    National Chief Phil Fontaine invites Frontline Workers and Survivor Organizations from Eastern Canada to participate in a detailed technical briefing on the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, as well as the court approval process, to ensure accurate information and consistent messaging is provided to former residential school students.

    There are no Registrations fees. Participants will be responsible to pay for their own travel, accommodations and meal expenses.

    Draft Agenda will be posted as soon as possible.