Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council logo design competition

Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council


The Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council is announcing a public competition for a logo design. The logo that is selected will serve as visual representation for OFNYPC in print, web and broadcasting communications.

The design must reflect First Nations culture and the submission must include a detailed description or explanation of the logo designed. This design should be kept simple, with a maximum of four colors; this is to allow for easier reproduction for future promotional materials. The OFNYPC would like this logo to symbolize respect, unity, as well as diversity amongst the First Nations in Ontario.   

This invitation is extended to First Nations Youth from across Ontario. Submissions will only be accepted from individuals ages 15-29.

An award of $250.00 will be given to the designer of the winning logo.

Entries must be received by November 10th, 2006. All submissions must include your name, age, address, postal code, telephone number and/or email.  Hard copies must be submitted on a separate piece of 8½” by 11” white paper and can be mailed to:

Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council
c/o Chief of Ontario Political Office
Suite 101, 90 Anemki Dr.
Thunder Bay, ON P7J 1A5

Electronic submissions can be sent by email and should be attached as JPEG, GIF or PDF.  E-mail: laura@coo.org.  Subject line “logo competition”

For more info on the OFNYPC, check out our website at www.chiefs-of-ontario.org/youth.

Please note that the winning design will become the property of the Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council and the Chiefs of Ontario