Archive - Aug 1, 2006

Native Nations Institute's NNI Research Report available online

Received this interesting e-mail and checked out the Native Nations Institute's NNI Research Report ... good stuff ...

"sharing research and information on indigenous governance, development, and policy"

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to announce that the fifth issue of the Native Nations Institute's NNI Research Report is now on the NNI website and can be reached through the following link:

NNI Research Report is a free, electronic information service of the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy at the University of Arizona.  It is published 3-4 times a year.  Subscribers to NNI Research Report are notified by email when each new issue appears on NNI's website.  IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE NOTIFIED WHENEVER A NEW ISSUE OF COMES OUT, please reply to this email indicating that you would like to be added to the subscription list (subscriptions are free).  If we do not hear from you, and to avoid cluttering up your mailbox with unwanted messages, we will not send you any further notifications.

Like previous issues(archived on the NNI website), the current issue reviews new research by NNI staff and affiliates, summarizes published work by other scholars relevant to indigenous self-determination and nation building, notes ongoing research projects, and provides links to other organizations working on related issues.

We also invite you to notify us of publications, papers, and projects that might be of interest to other practitioners working in this field.

The Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management, and Policy (NNI) was founded in 2001 by the Morris K. Udall Foundation and the University of Arizona.  Housed at the university's Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, NNI serves as a self-determination, self-governance, and development resource for indigenous nations.  For more information, visit the NNI website at:


Stephen Cornell, Director
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy

Miriam Jorgensen, Associate Director for Research Native Nations Institute

NNI Research Report
NATIVE NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND POLICY Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy The University of Arizona
803 East First Street
Tucson, Arizona 85719
Tel 520 626-0664  Fax 520 626-3664