Archive - Apr 13, 2006

Keewaytinook Okimakanak team meets with Ontario Conservative Party leader

Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director and Peter Campbell, KO Public Works Manager met with John Tory, Leader of the Opposition and the Conservative Party in Ontario, on Tuesday evening. The meeting provided the team from Keewaytinook Okimakanak with the opportunity to provide Mr. Tory with an introduction to the KO First Nations, their organization and the work that is being undertaken to support these communities. One outcome of the meeting was an expression of interest for Mr. Tory to visit the Keewaytinook Okimakanak office in Balmertown to learn more about the member First Nations, their programs and services.

Anglican Church against gov't decision concerning residential survivor payments


Church protests dropping of fast-track payments
Tories will not give advances to elderly former students

April 12, 2006 - Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has “strongly” urged Prime Minister Stephen Harper to reconsider the his Conservative government’s decision not to give advance payments to elderly former students of residential schools before a revised agreement is finalized.

“The Anglican Church of Canada is deeply disappointed at this failure to meet the needs of the elderly former students of residential schools,” said Archbishop Hutchison in a letter to Mr. Harper hours after Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice made the announcement on behalf of the federal government on April 11. “We expected a more humane response to the needs of former students, some of whom are faithful members of the Anglican church.”

The government’s decision reversed a provision in the revised Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement announced in November by the previous Liberal government that former students who are now 65 years of age or older are liable to apply for an advance payment of $8,000. Following the announcement of that agreement, the Anglican Church of Canada had renegotiated the terms of the 2003 residential agreement that it signed with the federal government.

“As a church we have long since acknowledged our own part in the sad history of the residential school system in Canada, through the establishment of an Anglican Healing Fund in 1991, and the issuing of a formal apology in 1993,” wrote Archbishop Hutchison in his letter. He added that the church had been “encouraged” by the appointment of former Supreme Court Justice Frank Iacobucci as special negotiator in May 2005, and had “willingly participated” in the negotiations that produced the revised Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

“While we were disappointed that the change of government resulted in some delay in implementing the agreement, we did not anticipate that your new government would fail to honour an important component, namely, the advance payments to elderly claimants,” added Archbishop Hutchison.

The Assembly of First Nations had urged Ottawa to fast-track payments to elderly claimants since a growing number of them are already ill or dying.

But Mr. Prentice said, “We clearly have an obligation to all Canadians. We have an obligation to all taxpayers.”

The revised agreement provides a $1.9 billion compensation package that will be offered to tens of thousands of aboriginal Canadians who attended Indian residential schools. It offers “every eligible” former native residential school student “living on May 30, 2005” up to $30,000 each in so-called Common Experience Payment. Each former student who applies would receive $10,000 and an additional $3,000 for each year of attendance in excess of the first year.

(The Anglican church operated 26 of 80 boarding schools attended by aboriginals from the mid-19th century into the 1970s. In recent years, hundreds of natives sued the church and the federal government, which owned the schools, alleging physical and sexual abuse.)