Archive - Mar 8, 2004

Rainy River FN establishes broadband connection with K-Net

Jamie Ray travelled to Rainy River First Nation at Manitou Rapids on Thursday and Friday to work with Chief Al Hunter and his team at their library where a K-Net T1 connection was recently established.

Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program is funding the installation of a broadband connection and video conferencing equipment in a number of First Nations across Ontario.

The video conferencing equipment and T1 are now operational in the Raining River First Nation library. The local team is working to connect all the different office buildings and the local Seven Generations high school classroom to this service. These connections will share this new broadband connection and support the ongoing operation and development of this service.

On his return trip, Jamie stopped in at the Ongegaming First Nation school which will be getting broadband connection installed this week.

On Wednesday, March 10, staff from Rainy River FN worked with Jesse Fiddler using K-Net's new on-line interactive training and meeting workspace to learn how the post nuke document management system can be used for developing and maintaining their community web site. As well, the new IP video conferencing service helped to support this training session.