Archive - Mar 20, 2004

Union of Ontario Indians hosts KO web site construction workshop

On March 18 and 19, KO First Nations SchoolNet were at the headquarters of the Union of Ontario Indians located on Nipissing First Nation territory for another web site construction workshop. First Nations SchoolNet is a program of Industry Canada that is administered in Ontario by Keewaytinook Okimakanak, the Northern Chiefs Tribal Council.

Workshop participants learn how to use Post Nuke, a free (open source) content management system that is very user-friendly. As well, workshop participants learn how to create free email addresses and web pages for their communities along with developing the skills required to maintain their web sites by adding news stories, photos and other material.

Click here to check out the news stories on the Ontario First Nations SchoolNet web site.

Click here to check out the pictures from this workshop.