Gathering Place First Nation Canadian News On-line Source

Gathering Place First Nation Canadian News at provides readers with another source of news. Subscribers can receive weekly updates by e-mail or choose to browse the on-line resources. Readers are invited to submit their news stories for posting on the Gathering Place web site.

From the Gathering Place website:

"Everyday the mainstream Media carries stories about our peoples. Here you will find some of their stories.If you are looking for some Good News ...Just look to the left and press on Good News.If you see any stories you think needs to be shared.. Please copy and email GPFNCN"

"Welcome to Canada's #1 source for Aboriginal, Native, and First Nations News. I welcome you to come and be apart of this news service. Give us your thoughts, tell me what you would like to see here in this news place, Nai:wen to all who have sent and continue to send prayers and words of encouragement to me. We hope you like the new look of the site.

- Sharon, on:en