Planning for the Kuhkenah Language iishikiishiwin Workshop for FNS is underway

The coordinating team for the Kuhkenah Language iishikiishiwin Workshop met this past week to discuss the workshop content and facilitation. From the invitation poster ...

This conference is for:

  • Ontario Aboriginal Language Teachers / Instructors who know about and use the Internet and communication technologies,
  • Ontario Aboriginal Language Teachers who are interested in using these technologies for the purposes of teaching the language and working with other language instructors to develop and support on-line resources.


  • Using the Internet and computer-mediated tools for the instruction of Aboriginal languages
  • Producing and sharing web and multi-media products for language instructors.

A web site has been set up for the workshop facilitators to post all the latest information about this gathering. Watch this web site at for all the latest updates of this workshop that is scheduled for March 23 and 24 in Thunder Bay.

Click here for pictures of the planning team meeting.