Community News

First Nation leaders electing National, Regional and Grand Chief at assemblies this summer

This summer promises to be a busy one for the Chiefs of the First Nations across the region, the province and the country. Elections for the leadership positions at the Assembly of First Nations, the Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation will be taking place at the following assemblies.

All Ontario Chiefs Conference
June 26, 2012 to June 28, 2012

Sheraton Toronto Airport
801 Dixon Road
Toronto, ON

Sioux Lookout Power Outage - Thursday, May 17, 2012 from 9 am to 2 pm

The EMERGENCY power interuption taking place tomorrow in Sioux Lookout will mean that the KO-KNET office will be closed during this time but the connections across the north should be unaffected with the back up generators that are in place.

DMTS plans to keep the cell service working with their own generator, so KO-KNET staff will be accessible by their cell phones.

If anyone has any issues to report then please send emails or report them when the power and office phones come back online.

Neskantaga First Nation fighting Cliffs Resources and Ontario government over Ring of Fire decisions


Ontario accused of breaking the law on mining project

May 15, 2012

The provincial government recently reached a framework agreement with Cleveland-based Cliffs on a $1.85 billion chromite smelting plane in the Sudbury area. Cliffs plans to spend another $1.5 billion on a mine in the mineral-rich Ring of Fire region.

Attawapiskat First Nation provides a corrected media update on the state of housing


Attawapiskat First Nation would like to provide an update concerning the state of housing

Written by: Chief Theresa Spence on May 15, 2012.

Three talented young dancers from Sagkeeng First Nation win "Canada's Got Talent" competition


First Nation Dancers Crowned Winners of 'Canada's Got Talent'

5/15/2012 by Etan Vlessing

The unexpected win for Sagkeeng's Finest follows three young men from rural Manitoba making clogging cool as they won over Canadians with their Cinderella story.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy running for Ontario Regional Chief position


NAN leader running for regional chief's job - Stan Beardy says economic participation for First Nations is a priority

May 14, 2012

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy has announced his candidacy to become the next Regional Chief of Ontario.

First Nation youth share their video productions highlighting local e-community experiences

First Nation youth from across Ontario worked with Cal Kenny, KO-KNET`s Multi-media Manager to learn about video production. The young people took their local school`s video camera equipment out into their community to produce some very interesting stories about how everyone is using their internet connections in their work and lives.

Several of these videos are posted online at

First Nations establish an 'unbreakable' wall to protect the earth and their connections to life

From the Toronto Star 

Northern Gateway pipeline faces ‘unbreakable' wall

By Thomas Walkom - National Affairs Columnist - May 09 2012

Protesters opposing the planned Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline assemble outside the King Edward Hotel in Toronto on Wednesday. Enbridge was holding its annual general meeting at the hotel.

Government cuts continue to negatively affect jobs and services for First Nation youth and children

Press release

May 11, 2012


Today, Shkoday Abinojiiwak Obimiwedoon announced the end of its BIWAASE'AA Program which, for the last eight years, has provided much-needed educational, nutritional, emotional and spiritual support to hundreds of children in need in Thunder Bay.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, the main program funder, ended funding for the BIWAASE'AA program on March 31st 2012.