Community News

Ontario and Cliffs taking resources and refinery jobs to Sudbury against First Nation recommendations

Ontario Press Release

Thousands of Jobs Coming To Northern Ontario - McGuinty Government Supports Responsible Ring Of Fire Mining Development

May 9, 2012

Cliffs Natural Resources has announced a $3.3-billion investment to build a chromite mine, transportation corridor and processing facility in Northern Ontario's Ring of Fire that would lead to a new generation of prosperity in the north, with thousands of jobs and new infrastructure.

Anishinabek First Nations planning to implement the Anishinabek Education System

Press Release

Anishinabek determined to implement education system

UOI Offices, Nipissing First Nation, April 30, 2012 - Anishinabek First Nations are planning now to implement the education system they designed to support Anishinabek students and schools and to close the ever-increasing gap in educational success rates between First Nations and non-Native youth.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations working to establish Grade 9-10 Transitional School in Dryden


Dryden considers new First Nations school - School board and First Nations work together to create 'transitional' school

CBC News Posted: May 2, 2012

Click here to listen to interviews Dryden Aboriginal Transitional School12:24

School board officials are hoping Dryden will soon offer First Nations students a place to prepare for high school.

FREEDOM TRAIN 2012 - First Nations taking DIRECT ACTION against dirty oil on traditional lands and waters

First Nations Launch Nationwide Train Journey to Bring Opposition to Enbridge's Northern Gateway Project to Toronto's Financial District

Mining company and media attempting to limit the voices and respect for First Nations

from the 

PLEASE NOTE: the Globe and Mail is now using LOWER CASE for First Nations while capitalizing the name of the mining company. See Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo's reaction below.

Taseko Mines asks Harper to place limits on first nations input

Fort Severn First Nation working to restore fleet of historic freighter canoes


Fort Severn First Nation works to save fleet of historic canoes

CBC News Posted: Apr 29, 2012

Click here to watch the Heritage canoe project 6:02

Click here to listen to Community spirit 1:48

Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School inviting First Nation students from Thunder Bay to attend


First Nations school challenges funding model

Jody Porter CBC News Posted: Apr 30, 2012

A First Nations-run high school in Thunder Bay is now accepting students who don't live on reserve and educating them for free - but it would like to have the same funding that public schools do for these students.