First Nation youth share their video productions highlighting local e-community experiences

First Nation youth from across Ontario worked with Cal Kenny, KO-KNET`s Multi-media Manager to learn about video production. The young people took their local school`s video camera equipment out into their community to produce some very interesting stories about how everyone is using their internet connections in their work and lives.

Several of these videos are posted online at

Danica Gagne from Pic River First Nation produced the story about how ICTs are being used in her community to support their Lands and Resources initiative at

Shara Francis-Herne from Akwesasne First Nation went to the local First Nation high school to interview some students about what they think about their internet connections at

Alfred Favel from Lac Seul First Nation interviewed a number of community members. Check out his interview with Jennifer Manitowabi at

Desiree Gray from Mishkeegogamang First Nation put together a fast paced presentation sharing her community's ICT story at

Craig Gray from Saugeen Nation produced a video story about his work at their local Keewaytinook Internet High School at

All these video stories are also now part of the First Mile research work being collected at http;//