Community News

Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority Upcoming Chiefs Meeting

Sioux Lookout District Chiefs Meeting: February 21-22-23,   Travelodge Hotel Airlane in Thunder Bay, Ontario The meeting will be broadcasted live via Wawatay Radio. For more information contact: Charlene Dyment 1-800-842-0681 or

Upcoming live call-in radio show on Wawatay Radio for Monday, February, 13, 2005 with Janet Gordon, Joe Beardy and Anna Mckay

Health Council of Canada's Support of Blueprint on Aboriginal Health

AFN Press Release ...

National Chief Welcomes Health Council of Canada's Support of Blueprint on Aboriginal Health

OTTAWA, Feb. 7 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine welcomed the Health Council of Canada's strong endorsement of the Blueprint on Aboriginal Health process, contained in today's Second Annual Report to Canadians, Health Care Renewal in Canada: Clearing the Road to Quality.

"The Health Council recognizes that the urgent need to close the gap in poor health between First Nations and the rest of Canada can only be achieved through collaborative action," said National Chief Fontaine. "Over the past year, the Assembly of First Nations, based on input from First Nations regions and communities, developed a detailed First Nations-specific framework to the Blueprint on Aboriginal Health. This Framework received support from all provincial premiers and territorial leaders at the First Ministers Meeting in Kelowna."

The Blueprint on Aboriginal Health was a commitment first made by First Ministers and Aboriginal leaders in September, 2004. The AFN's contribution can be found at
"It is reassuring that independent experts of the Health Council of Canada have closely examined the Blueprint and have recognized its 'historic importance' and 'tremendous potential' to improve Aboriginal health in the next decade," said the National Chief. "Canada's new Minister of Health, Tony Clement, has already informed the AFN that he is prepared to move forward on working through the details of the Blueprint. I look forward to our first face-to-face meeting in the coming weeks."

The First Nations Framework includes many transformative elements that can achieve common objectives identified by the Health Council of Canada: improving waiting times, protecting patient safety, building First Nations health human resources capacity, and clarifying roles and responsibilities among federal, provincial, territorial and First Nations governments. Reducing waiting times is a key priority for the new federal government and for all Canadians.

"New investments will be necessary to achieve the Blueprint's objectives," stated National Chief Fontaine, "Without securing the additional funding announced last November, the First Nations health system will be capped, resulting in funding shortfalls, which will translate to reduced, deferred, or the elimination of necessary services."

It is the AFN's position that a holistic approach addressing all health determinants is the long term strategy needed to ensure lasting and meaningful progress on addressing the gap in health status between First Nations and other residents of Canada.

The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


For further information:

  • Bryan Hendry, AFN, Health and Social Communications, (613) 241-6789, ext. 229 or cell (613) 293-6106;
  • Don Kelly, AFN, Communications Director, (613) 241-6789 ext. 320 or cell (613) 292-2787;
  • Ian McLeod, AFN, Bilingual Communications Officer, (613) 241-6789 ext. 336 or cell (613) 859-4335;
  • Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor, Office of the National Chief; (613) 241-6789 ext. 243 or cell (613) 298-6382

Northern Ontario School of Medicine searching for First Nation to host workshop

Dr. Roger Strasser distributed the following letter requesting Letter of Interest from qualifying First Nations to host the second NOSM "Follow Your Dreams" workshop scheduled for August 1-3, 2006. The deadline for submitting your LOI is February 18.


January 24, 2006

Dear Chief and Council:

Re:  Letter of Interest:  “Follow Your Dreams”, Follow-up Workshop

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce a second Aboriginal Workshop to be held on August 1, 2 and 3, 2006.  This workshop, will serve the Northern Ontario School of Medical as a blueprint for Aboriginal input in a follow-up from the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop held in Wauzhushk Onigum in June 2003.

One of the key recommendations from the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop was to establish an Aboriginal Reference Group.  This Group is made up of representatives from various Northern Ontario Aboriginal Communities and Organizations.  It has been working with the Director of Aboriginal Affairs to plan the follow-up workshop to the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop held in June 2003. 

The Aboriginal Reference Group has appointed a steering committee for the planning of the Workshop. The Steering Committee consists of representatives from the Aboriginal Reference Group and the staff at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

The purpose of this Workshop is to inform the Aboriginal peoples of the progress made by the School and to provide a forum for continuing dialogue with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Our objectives for this workshop are as follows:

  1. Provide a forum for Aboriginal peoples to communicate ongoing desired role within NOSM.
  2. Provide an update of activities to date from the “Follow Your Dreams” workshop.
  3. Evaluate NOSM progress in relation to its Aboriginal partners.

The Steering Committee is requesting a Letter of Interest from communities who are interested in hosting this Workshop. 

Listed below are the minimum criteria a Community would need in order to be considered for hosting the Workshop:

  • Demonstrated involvement and/or interest in the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Aboriginal issues around Health Research and Education
  • Accommodations for at least 100 people or a short driving distance from the meeting site
  • Facilities/meeting rooms for large and small group sessions to accommodate 100
  • Catering of all meals and refreshments for all participants
  • Evening Cultural Activities
  • Event staff and security
  • Transportation to and from the event site
  • Audio/Visual equipment
  • Broadband, connectivity, high speed internet, video conferencing capabilities (considered an asset)

All submissions are welcome and will be reviewed by the Steering Committee responsible for the coordination of the Workshop.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is committed to its partners.  Please forward your Letter of Interest to the Steering Committee by February 18, 2006.

Attention:  Steering Committee
c/o Cathy Powell, Executive Assistant – Vice Dean, Academic Activities
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
ATAC Building 6th floor
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON  P7B 5E1
(807) 766-7391


Dr. Roger Strasser
Founding Dean and Professor
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Peggy Sanders of Sioux Lookout named to the Order of Canada

CONGRATULATIONS TO PEGGY SANDERS who has been named to the Order of Canada along with other distinguished member of Canadian society. Peggy is well-deserving of this honour with all her community work and caring ways!

56 named to Order of Canada - Feb. 6, 2006.

OTTAWA (CP) - The Order of Canada has 56 new appointees.

The award, established in 1967, is Canada's highest honour for lifetime achievment in a variety of fields.

The appointees will be formally inducted into the order in a ceremony at a later date, says a statement from the office of Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean.

Along with Peggy, others joining the ranks this year include Maggie Hodgson who worked tirelessly with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, David Suzuki who works on increasing awareness about the environment, Mike Lazaridis, president of Blackberry-creator Research in Motion, business mogul Gerald Schwartz and award-winning author Margaret MacMillan.

Appointed as campanions:

  • Bernard Ostry, Toronto, public service.
  • David Suzuki, Vancouver, environment.

Appointed as officers:

  • Parzival Copes, West Vancouver, social sciences.
  • Rev. Jean-Paul Desbiens, St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Que., education.
  • Frank Hawthorne, Winnipeg, science.
  • Maggie Hodgson, Edmonton, social service.
  • Mike Lazaridis, Waterloo, Ont., industry / commerce / business.
  • Margaret MacMillan, Toronto, education.
  • Frederick Mannix, Calgary, industry/commerce/business.
  • Gudrun Parker, Montreal, arts/film.
  • Timothy Parsons, Brentwood Bay, B.C., science.
  • Susan Point, Vancouver, arts/visual.
  • Gerald Schwartz, Toronto, industry/commerce/business.
  • Mary May Simon, Manotick, Ont., public service.
  • Pierre Viens, Neuville, Que., health care.
  • John Wedge, Toronto, health care.
  • Lynn Williams, Toronto, labour relations.

Appointed as members:

  • Peggy Baker, Toronto, arts/stage/dance.
  • Marjorie Bencz, Edmonton, social service.
  • Walter Borden, Halifax, arts/stage.
  • Bruce Buchanan, West Vancouver, voluntary service.
  • Jack Chiang, Kingston, Ont., voluntary service.
  • Sam John Ciccolini, Woodbridge, Ont., voluntary service.
  • Ronald Cleminson, Ottawa, public service.
  • Steven Cummings, Westmount, Que., voluntary service.
  • Jon Dellandrea, Oxford, England, and Toronto, education.
  • Louise Dennys, Toronto, communications.
  • Paterson Ferns, Victoria, arts/film.
  • David Fraser, Vancouver, science.
  • Anne Archibald Fraser, Victoria, Calgary, and Halifax, voluntary service.
  • Richard Garneau, Montreal, communications/sports.
  • Sonny Greenwich, Vaudreuil, Que., arts/music.
  • Christopher Harris, Ottawa, voluntary service.
  • Wanda Koop, Winnipeg, arts/visual.
  • Jacques Lacoursiere, Beauport, Que., writing/history.
  • Helmut Lanziner, North Vancouver, engineering.
  • Vincent Lemieux, Sainte-Foy, Que., social sciences.
  • Michael Macklem, Ottawa, communications.
  • Daphne Marlatt, Vancouver, arts/writing.
  • Lorna Marsden, Toronto, education/administration.
  • Randall Moffat, Winnipeg, industry/commerce/business.
  • Sister Susan Moran, Toronto, social service.
  • Willy Norris, Calgary, science.
  • Bruce Oland, Halifax, voluntary service.
  • Laurence Pathy, Westmount, Que. industry / commerce / business.
  • Susan Patten, St. John's, Nfld., industry / commerce / business.
  • Daniel Paul, Halifax, social service.
  • Suzanne Pedicelli, LaSalle, Que., voluntary service.
  • Rev. Jean Pochat-Cotilloux, N.W.T, religion / education / administration.
  • Nazmuddin Rayani, Victoria, voluntary service.
  • Clayton Ruby, Toronto, law.
  • Margaret Anne Sanders, Sioux Lookout, Ont., voluntary service.
  • Gordon Slade, Mount Pearl, Nfld., heritage.
  • George Walker, Toronto, arts/writing.
  • Frederick Wiegand, Westmount, Que., voluntary service.

Appointed as an honourary member:

  • Salome Bey, Toronto, arts/music.

New Minister of Indian Affairs and New Cabinet Committees announced today

The Honourable Jim Prentice

Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians

Calgary North–Centre (Alberta)

Jim Prentice was elected to the House of Commons in 2004 and was re-elected in 2006. He has served as Critic for Indian Affairs and Northern Development and been a member of the Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development. 

A lawyer by profession, Mr. Prentice has specialized in property rights and has focused on relocations, environmental protection suits and restricted development areas. He also served as a commissioner of the Indian Specific Claims Commission of Canada for 10 years and is recognized by his peers as an expert in land claims negotiations. Mr. Prentice travelled to South Africa twice as an expert adviser on how to protect property rights in that country’s new constitution.

Mr. Prentice is married to Karen and they have three daughters.

CABINET COMMITTEE MANDATES AND MEMBERSHIP (see PDF for all committees)Provides strategic direction on government priorities and expenditure management, and ratifies committee recommendations. Considers health care, justice, Aboriginal, training and skills development, culture, and immigration policy issues.Listed in order of date of appointment to the Privy Council, followed by date first elected to the House of Commons or appointed to the Senate.

Priorities and Planning

  • Chair/Président The Rt. Hon./Le très hon. Stephen Joseph Harper
  • Vice-Chair/Vice-président The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence Cannon
  • Members/Membres The Hon./L’hon. Marjory LeBreton
  • The Hon./L’hon. Chuck Strahl
  • The Hon./L’hon. Peter Gordon MacKay
  • The Hon./L’hon. Stockwell Day
  • The Hon./L’hon. Vic Toews
  • The Hon./L’hon. Jim Prentice
  • The Hon./L’hon. John Baird
  • The Hon./L’hon. Maxime Bernier
  • The Hon./L’hon. James Michael Flaherty

Social Affairs/Affaires sociales

  • Chair/Président The Hon./L’hon. Tony Clement
  • Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente The Hon./L’hon. Diane Finley
  • Members/Membres The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Pierre Blackburn
  • The Hon./L’hon. Gregory Francis Thompson
  • The Hon./L’hon. Monte Solberg
  • The Hon./L’hon. Vic Toews
  • The Hon./L’hon. Michael D. Chong
  • The Hon./L’hon. Beverley J. Oda
  • The Hon./L’hon. Jim Prentice

List of All Ministers:

NAN Youth Launch Suicide Prevention Campaign at NAN Decade for Youth Conference

NAN NEWS RELEASE - Tuesday January 31, 2006


THUNDER BAY, ON:  Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler together with NAN Decade for Youth Council today launched the “We Care Yellow Balloon” suicide prevention campaign during a youth conference taking place at Thunder Bay’s NorWester Resort Hotel January 31 through February 3, 2006.

“We want to get the message out to the youth that it’s okay to ask for help,” said Catherine Cheechoo, a member of the NAN Decade for Youth Council.  “Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help and knowing that it’s available in difficult situations may prevent a young person from taking their own life.”

The campaign, which is a response to the growing number of youth suicides throughout NAN territory (an area covering two-thirds of Ontario), was initiated by the NAN Youth Council.

“The young people of NAN are taking a very hands-on approach, demonstrating both compassion and insight in their efforts regarding our suicide crisis,” said NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy.  “This campaign is a positive approach to addressing this important issue.”

“In launching this campaign, it is clear that our youth have recognized prevention and early warning strategies are essential if our communities are to address crises before they evolve into full-scale emergencies,” added Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler, who’s responsible for the NAN youth portfolio. “We need to be proactive, not reactive."

The “We Care Yellow Balloon” suicide campaign is comprised of posters and balloons – both in yellow as it’s the international colour for suicide prevention – that will be distributed to all 49 First Nation communities within NAN territory.

The Seven Sacred Teachings Youth Suicide Awareness Conference is focused on strengthening traditional culture and experiential learning as a way to prevent suicide.

“Traditional, cultural practices are a source of strength for our people,” explains Catherine Cheechoo. “We need to reconnect with the ways of our ancestors because these traditional teachings promote our well-being. Our culture will play a key part in helping to reduce suicide rates.”


For more information please contact:

Celeste Pedri, Communications Technician
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
(807) 625-4902

Expanding the power station at Ear Falls to add new 12Mw generator is underway

From Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal at

OPG expanding power station at Ear Falls
By BRYAN MEADOWS - Feb 2, 2006

Work has started on expanding the Ontario Power Generation hydroelectric power station in Ear Falls.

Blasting of a tunnel under Highway 105 began this week and is expected to continue until late March.

The OPG project involves the construction of an additional 12-megawatt hydroelectric generating unit at its Ear Falls dam on the far western edge of Lac Seul.

Site engineer David Sennill said Wednesday that blasting of bedrock will occur two to five times per day.

Motorists may experience 10- to 15-minute delays during the blasting which is being carried out by Leo Alarie and Sons Ltd.

Sennill said crews are working just south of the existing power plant and blasting either way underground toward the English River and Lac Seul.

When the excavation and power house tie-ins have been completed, crews will remove the “rock plugs” from either end, he said.

OPG had halted work on the project last April, citing ongoing consultation with various parties and a reassessment of the “costs and risks associated with the expansion at the site.”

OPG did not elaborate on specific reasons for the cancellation. Nor was the company forthcoming on project details when contacted this week, saying only that an announcement would be made in the near future.

Lac Seul First Nation, located northwest of Sioux Lookout, had opposed the expansion, citing long-standing concerns about the Ear Falls dam and hydro development.

Chief David Gordon said there were “a number of things (the band) was trying to finalize” before it could endorse the project.

And apparently those concerns have been mitigated somewhat.

Lac Seul Coun. Rod Wesley said OPG has left the door open for more negotiations on possible benefits which might flow to the band from the project.

“We’ve asked to have more input into the project . . . (and) they’ve asked us to submit a proposal” on such things as jobs and training programs, he said.

Wesley added that he was unaware of what arrangements or agreements Gordon, OPG and Indian Affairs reached last week at a meeting.

Gordon was travelling to Toronto on Wednesday and could not be reached for comment.

On the heels of OPG’s expansion announcement a year ago Wednesday, Gordon issued a statement that flooding resulting from the dam at Ear Falls “has caused enormous suffering for our people.”

“We understand OPG’s wishes and are prepared to work with (the company) to create a plan that benefits all,” he said. “We will consent to reasonable development that includes aboriginal people. (But) we cannot consent to unilateral decisions to increase profits by impoverishing First Nations.”

For Ear Falls, the project means construction jobs and economic spinoffs over the next two years.

The existing OPG plant employs a dozen people and produces 17 megawatts of power with four units built between the 1930s and ’40s. New equipment was installed 10 years ago after the station building was destroyed by fire.

REsolve’s conflict resolving message targets Sioux Lookout youth with YOUCAN

REsolve, a Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee (SLARC) initiative, is pleased to announce that YOUCAN, a youth oriented peace building and conflict resolving organization, will provide 40 area youth with the skills necessary to address and mediate conflict. The YOUCAN workshop, which runs from February 13th – 17th, will draw on students from Queen Elizabeth High School and schools reporting to the Northern Nishnawbe Education Council including, Pelican Falls, Dennis Franklin Cromarty (Thunder Bay) and Northern Eagle (Ear Falls).

“It was very important for REsolve to reach out to the youth in this town so that they could also benefit from our conflict resolving program”, said Don DeGenova, REsolve Project Manager. “When I heard about YOUCAN’s youth empowerment program to equip students with the skills necessary to build a conflict resolving community, I knew I had to find away to bring them to Sioux Lookout.” DeGenova goes to note that, “we couldn’t have done it without the help of Steve Poling and Rachael Paquette-Flanagan.”

YOUCAN’s mission is to equip youth so that they can engage and inspire others to peacefully resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationships in their communities.

“YOUCAN is extremely excited to partner with REsolve and CICR to make a difference with the youth community in Sioux Lookout”, noted Dave Farthing, Executive Director, YOUCAN. “An incredible partnership has now emerged with REsolve, the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution, Keewatin Patricia District School Board and NNEC. YOUCAN is honoured to be part of a collaborative venture that will contribute to establishing a sustainable program that has the potential to equip youth with the skills to help their communities resolve conflict in more peaceful and lasting ways”.

Rachael Paquette-Flanagan, Special Projects Coordinator at NNEC states, “I see this is an exciting opportunity to expand on the ground-breaking work of the Sioux Lookout Anti Racism Committee’s REsolve project. YOUCAN will offer area youth leadership, conflict resolution and mediation skills, all of which are essential in navigating difficult teen years and are essential in building a healthy, confident, responsible person.” Paquette emphasizes “NNEC is proud to partner with QEDHS and SLARC in bringing YOUCAN to Sioux Lookout; we are always looking for initiatives that foster healthy lifestyle choices that are transferable. This project has the potential to reach and affect a lot of lives in Sioux Lookout and the Northern communities.”

Steve Poling, Vice-Principal, Queen Elizabeth High School, remarks, “QE’s character education committee welcomes the YOUCAN conflict resolution program to our school. It is a welcome addition to our other youth assistance initiatives including: Natural Helpers peer support program, native awareness activities, NNEC support team, transition, and At Risk programs which are already working to help young people be successful in their learning and in their interactions with others.” He goes on to note, “The YOUCAN program will be a positive and proactive addition to our Anti-bullying initiative.”

REsolve is grateful for the on-going support received from the Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution. Their assistance has taken the REsolve project to new heights. The YOUCAN initiative is also thankful for the generous financial assistance provided by the Best Western Sioux Lookout Inn and Johnny’s Food Market.


For further information please contact:

Don DeGenova, REsolve Project Manager
(807) 737-1501, (877) 737-5272

Dave Farthing, Executive Director YOUCAN 
(877) youcan 2  

Steve Poling, Vice Principal
Keewatin Patricia District School Board
Queen Elizabeth District High School
737-3500 ext 224

Rachael Paquette-Flanagan, Special Projects Coordinator
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council 
(807) 737-2002 ext. 234

Background Information:


YOUCAN’s mission is to equip youth to engage and inspire others to peacefully resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationships in their communities. We are a national non-profit charitable organization dedicated to building a culture of peace among the youth of today. We are Canada’s leading organization run for-youth-by-youth. Our vision is to foster “a nation where all youth work in partnership with their communities to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts.”

YOUCAN became a federally incorporated youth-governed charity in 1997. Over the past 9 years YOUCAN has trained over 18,000 in conflict resolution coast to coast.

Queen Elizabeth District High School

Queen Elizabeth is a multicultural school in Sioux Lookout Ontario serving the students of Sioux Lookout and the Sioux Lookout District. There are 470 students at QE, 70 are from Northern communities and 45 are from the communities of Frenchman’s Head, Whitefish Bay, and Kejick Bay of the Lac Seul reserve. QEDHS if one of the schools under the direction of the Keewatin Patricia District School Board. 

Northern Nishnawbe Education Council

Northern Nishnawbe Education Council is non-profit organization that provides education programs and services to 24 First Nations in the Sioux Lookout District.

NNEC operates two First Nation highs schools, Pelican Falls First Nations High School and the Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School. To accommodate the needs of First Nation secondary students, who must leave their home communities and families to pursuer their education, NNEC also operates the Pelican Falls Centre on the traditional Territory of the Lac Seul First Nation, a Secondary Student Services Program in Thunder Bay and Sioux Lookout and the Northern Eagle Student Centre in Ear Falls.

Approximately 600 secondary students draw on NNEC secondary services and another 1200 use either the post secondary program or Wahsa Distance Education program.

Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (CICR)

CICR was created in 1988 as a non-profit charitable organization based in Ottawa and operating out of St. Paul’s University. They are known for their efforts in dealing with deep rooted conflict and building conflict resolving communities both domestically and in countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda and Taiwan. Their mission is to foster, develop and communicate conflict resolution processes for individuals, organizations and communities and to embody the positive attributes of common sense, compassion and spirituality.

CICR’s community-based methodology is underpinned by the principle that everyone must have access to, and an understanding of the methods and principles used in conflict resolution. CICR helps communities identify and respond to conflict situations by providing citizens with the training, skills and tools necessary to become third-party neutrals and to identify and deal with deep rooted conflict in their efforts to build conflict resolving communities. To meet the definition of community, CICR delivers processes that are inclusive, barrier free and positively-centred. The Community-Based Conflict Resolution (CBCR) methodology is designed to build trust and establish new patterns of interaction within and between communities. This initiative will seek to build and promote a movement of Canadians toward mutual respect and understanding by establishing positive relationships, rooted in trust and in an atmosphere of collaboration which will contribute to a culture of peace and a community of good neighbours.

Brian Strom, Executive Director, (613) 235-5800


The Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee, a non-profit, grassroots organization, was established in 1989 as a means of promoting cooperation and understanding between the Native and non-Native population of Sioux Lookout. Board Members include: Jay Curtis, Adrienne Fox-Kessic, Barb Carpenter, Bertha Jacques, Geraldine Guilfoyle, Mark Gaudet, Rachel Garrick, Rachel Paquette Flanagan, Susan Barclay, Terry Lynne Jewell and Jim Morris.

Sioux Lookout is a municipality in Northwestern Ontario that is home to approximately 5,000 people. The community has experienced many changes over the past twenty years. Once a predominately Euro-Canadian railroad town, it is now a cross-cultural community with over 50% of its population being of Aboriginal heritage. These changes have presented the community with many challenges in its struggle to respond to cultural differences.

The REsolve Project looks to build a sustainable model that will address and respond to conflict at the community level. In Phase 1, community based conflict resolution models across Canada and internationally were reviewed, and although there are many programs dealing with restorative justice issues, there are very few programs focusing on community based conflict resolution. Sioux Lookout is likely to be the first community in Canada to adopt such a program at the town level. In Phase 2, a series of community consultations were conducted, the results of which are captured in a 136 page Public Consultation Report, along with a seven page Summary Report. Phase 3 witnessed the first round of Community Based Conflict Resolution training with 20 citizens and in partnership with CICR.

The REsolve initiative is sure to be precedent setting in that it will set the standard on how such a program should be developed, tested, implemented and integrated within a community.

Project Summary

To develop a Community Based Conflict Resolution Model for Sioux Lookout that is easily transferable to other northern communities experiencing similar conflict. 


To build and nurture a conflict resolving community where ultimately hurtful conflict does not exist. A community that: welcomes all people regardless of race, faith tradition, colour, disability, sex, age, language, political or other opinion, social origin or sexual orientation by providing a safe and secure community where all peoples can live, converse, work and travel without fear of discrimination, racism, bigotry, or prejudice in a community that embraces diversity by celebrating our differences, respecting our traditions and nurtures our commitment to each other.


The underlying premise of a community based conflict resolution is that you train a group of citizens to identify and deal with conflict situations. They in turn become trainers equipped with the skills and tools necessary to branch out and train other citizens. For example, you begin with a group of ten, and once ready, each will move on and train another ten. You now have 100 people who are equipped to carry the message forward. They each train another ten and now we have 1000 citizens embracing and living in a conflict resolving community.

"Youth to Leadership" National Radio Broadcast on Sat. Feb 4/06

Dakota House a.k.a "Teevee" star of the popular hit series North of 60 interviewed for Y2L from the NAN Decade conference in Thunder Bay this past week.

Listen on 962 Bell Expressvu or 89.9fm or local slkt calls to your favourite youth radio program Saturday, Feb 4/06 starting at 10am cst. Y2L will feature Dakota House, Barb Lamoureau of the Yellow Ribbon Program, Norma Kejick, Alvin Fiddler, Goyce Kakegamic, Rhoda Shingebis, Cheryl Anishinabie and a host of students that will ask questions and talk about their experience at this conference about suicide prevention and awareness. Listeners can call in to request for their favourite song and ask questions to our special guests toll free 1-800-661-5171 or local 737-4040. Participate in the on-line poll question of the week by visiting Listen for the community calendar announcements about upcoming events. If you have any questions about the program or sponsorships contact Jerry Sawanas at

28 days and counting ... 2 chances to win $5000 - Sandy Lake Bingo


Sandy Lake's Winter Road

Kitchi- Bingo

February 28, 2006

2 jackpots of $ 5,000.00

90 & 10

Total Package $142.00

(includes, 3 specials, Jackpot cards, Mini)

extra cards will be sold - sold separately

Extra Cards - 2 for $5.00

Extra Specials 3 for $10.00

Outside Communities are welcome and encouraged to participate. A designated Hall will be provided for your convenience.



for more information

please call;

Jennifer Meekis (CAP coordinator) 774-5121 Ext. # 226

Doug Crowe (Rec. Director) 774-3421 Ext. #231

Ken Goodwin Jr (Radio Board) 774-5242