New Minister of Indian Affairs and New Cabinet Committees announced today

The Honourable Jim Prentice

Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians

Calgary North–Centre (Alberta)

Jim Prentice was elected to the House of Commons in 2004 and was re-elected in 2006. He has served as Critic for Indian Affairs and Northern Development and been a member of the Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development. 

A lawyer by profession, Mr. Prentice has specialized in property rights and has focused on relocations, environmental protection suits and restricted development areas. He also served as a commissioner of the Indian Specific Claims Commission of Canada for 10 years and is recognized by his peers as an expert in land claims negotiations. Mr. Prentice travelled to South Africa twice as an expert adviser on how to protect property rights in that country’s new constitution.

Mr. Prentice is married to Karen and they have three daughters.

CABINET COMMITTEE MANDATES AND MEMBERSHIP (see PDF for all committees)Provides strategic direction on government priorities and expenditure management, and ratifies committee recommendations. Considers health care, justice, Aboriginal, training and skills development, culture, and immigration policy issues.Listed in order of date of appointment to the Privy Council, followed by date first elected to the House of Commons or appointed to the Senate.

Priorities and Planning

  • Chair/Président The Rt. Hon./Le très hon. Stephen Joseph Harper
  • Vice-Chair/Vice-président The Hon./L’hon. Lawrence Cannon
  • Members/Membres The Hon./L’hon. Marjory LeBreton
  • The Hon./L’hon. Chuck Strahl
  • The Hon./L’hon. Peter Gordon MacKay
  • The Hon./L’hon. Stockwell Day
  • The Hon./L’hon. Vic Toews
  • The Hon./L’hon. Jim Prentice
  • The Hon./L’hon. John Baird
  • The Hon./L’hon. Maxime Bernier
  • The Hon./L’hon. James Michael Flaherty

Social Affairs/Affaires sociales

  • Chair/Président The Hon./L’hon. Tony Clement
  • Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente The Hon./L’hon. Diane Finley
  • Members/Membres The Hon./L’hon. Jean-Pierre Blackburn
  • The Hon./L’hon. Gregory Francis Thompson
  • The Hon./L’hon. Monte Solberg
  • The Hon./L’hon. Vic Toews
  • The Hon./L’hon. Michael D. Chong
  • The Hon./L’hon. Beverley J. Oda
  • The Hon./L’hon. Jim Prentice

List of All Ministers: