Northern Ontario School of Medicine searching for First Nation to host workshop

Dr. Roger Strasser distributed the following letter requesting Letter of Interest from qualifying First Nations to host the second NOSM "Follow Your Dreams" workshop scheduled for August 1-3, 2006. The deadline for submitting your LOI is February 18.


January 24, 2006

Dear Chief and Council:

Re:  Letter of Interest:  “Follow Your Dreams”, Follow-up Workshop

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce a second Aboriginal Workshop to be held on August 1, 2 and 3, 2006.  This workshop, will serve the Northern Ontario School of Medical as a blueprint for Aboriginal input in a follow-up from the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop held in Wauzhushk Onigum in June 2003.

One of the key recommendations from the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop was to establish an Aboriginal Reference Group.  This Group is made up of representatives from various Northern Ontario Aboriginal Communities and Organizations.  It has been working with the Director of Aboriginal Affairs to plan the follow-up workshop to the “Follow Your Dreams” Workshop held in June 2003. 

The Aboriginal Reference Group has appointed a steering committee for the planning of the Workshop. The Steering Committee consists of representatives from the Aboriginal Reference Group and the staff at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

The purpose of this Workshop is to inform the Aboriginal peoples of the progress made by the School and to provide a forum for continuing dialogue with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Our objectives for this workshop are as follows:

  1. Provide a forum for Aboriginal peoples to communicate ongoing desired role within NOSM.
  2. Provide an update of activities to date from the “Follow Your Dreams” workshop.
  3. Evaluate NOSM progress in relation to its Aboriginal partners.

The Steering Committee is requesting a Letter of Interest from communities who are interested in hosting this Workshop. 

Listed below are the minimum criteria a Community would need in order to be considered for hosting the Workshop:

  • Demonstrated involvement and/or interest in the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Aboriginal issues around Health Research and Education
  • Accommodations for at least 100 people or a short driving distance from the meeting site
  • Facilities/meeting rooms for large and small group sessions to accommodate 100
  • Catering of all meals and refreshments for all participants
  • Evening Cultural Activities
  • Event staff and security
  • Transportation to and from the event site
  • Audio/Visual equipment
  • Broadband, connectivity, high speed internet, video conferencing capabilities (considered an asset)

All submissions are welcome and will be reviewed by the Steering Committee responsible for the coordination of the Workshop.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is committed to its partners.  Please forward your Letter of Interest to the Steering Committee by February 18, 2006.

Attention:  Steering Committee
c/o Cathy Powell, Executive Assistant – Vice Dean, Academic Activities
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
ATAC Building 6th floor
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON  P7B 5E1
(807) 766-7391


Dr. Roger Strasser
Founding Dean and Professor
Northern Ontario School of Medicine