Community News

Chiefs Steering Committee web site on Manitoba-Ontario-Interconnect initiative

The Chiefs Steering Committee is sharing information online about the proposed Clean Energy Transfer Initiative (Ontario-Manitoba Interconnect) and the various options being studied. For more information about this important initiative visit the new web site at

A message from the Chair of the CSC, Harvey Yesno, that is in their first newsletter (available at

Welcome, Boozhoo, Wachiya!

The Chiefs Steering Committee is pleased to launch the first in a series of newsletters to northern Ontario’s First Nations.

The purpose of this newsletter series is to provide regional First Nations with vital information and updates regarding the proposed Manitoba-Ontario Interconnect initiative (formerly known as the Clean Energy Transfer Initiative).

This information is to ensure that our First Nations can make informed decisions about what the potential implications of this project would mean at the community level.

As the Chiefs Steering Committee continues to gather information through the Manitoba-Ontario Interconnect-related studies and through its meetings with Ministry of Energy, it will continue to disseminate its findings through all available communication channels and tools. This potential project must be appropriately addressed at the community membership level with all potentially impacted First Nations having the opportunity to input their comments and recommendations.

We invite you to provide feedback to your community or Tribal Council representative or visit our new website at: for more information.


Harvey Yesno, Chair of CSC


For more information about the CSC contact:

Michael Fox
Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
Tel: 807-623-5397

Upcoming national, provincial, territorial political leader elections/gatherings

The election of the political leaders who will be representing the Assembly of First Nations, the Chiefs of Ontario and Nishnawbe Aski Nation will be taking place this summer.

The dates and locations for each of these gatherings are now confirmed.

  • 27th AFN Annual General Assembly is taking place on July 11-13, 2006 in Vancouver, BC. Visit for more information.
  • 32nd Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference is confirmed and scheduled for June 27-28-29, 2006 hosted by Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation. Visit for more information.
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation's Keewaywin Conference is scheduled for August 2 - 4, 2006 in Sachigo Lake First Nation. Registration information is pending but visit for updates.

AFN Chiefs' resolution requires INAC Basic Infrastructure formula include ICT funding support


AFN Special Chiefs Assembly - Resolution no. 11/2006
March 27 and 28, 2006, Gatineau, QB

Subject: First Nation Basic Infrastructure Includes Information Communication Technology

Moved By: Proxy Edward John, Tl’azt’en First Nation, BC

Seconded By: Chief Randall Phillips, Oneida of the Thames, ON


On March 28, 2006, the Co-Chair referred draft resolution numbers 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 to the AFN Executive Committee for their consideration.  On April 10, 2006, at a duly convened meeting, the AFN Executive Committee received and affirmed draft resolution numbers 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13.

WHEREAS there is a need for First Nation communities to have broadband access to the internet, videoconference, and telehealth services that includes connecting all administrative offices, schools, health centres, water treatment plants, cultural education centres, protection services, communication and other community owned facilities and residences; and

WHEREAS information communication technology should be considered as important as other levels of basic infrastructure, such as community roadways, water, electrical energy supply, and telephone; and

WHEREAS the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has been mandated under Resolutions 72/2005; 65/2004; 15/2004; 15/2003; 25/2002 and other national resolutions to support, examine and advocate for appropriate Information Communication Technologies to better serve First Nations and First Nations citizens; and

WHEREAS information communication technologies in First Nations are sporadic, with varying standards, and generally lack the necessary funding to achieve and maintain a base level of connectivity; and

WHEREAS First Nation and federal government services, programs and capacity can be increased at the local, tribal, regional and national levels through advancing technology; and

WHEREAS increased connectivity initiatives will assist First Nations governments to communicate with citizens living in and away from their community of origin.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations will focus on specific initiatives to support the development of connectivity solutions in First Nations and amongst our organizational structures as a basic level of infrastructure;  and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations request the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs to:

  1. Instruct his officials to advocate for amendment of the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Capital Program to include funding for telecommunication and supporting technology as basic community capital infrastructure; and,
  2. Ensure that INAC’s Northern Program has the authority to fund telecommunication and supporting technology; and,
  3. Work with the President of the Treasury Board of Canada to amend INAC’s Capital Program Funding Authority to include telecommunications and supporting technology with other basic community capital infrastructure; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that connectivity initiatives must support community-identified and community-driven solutions; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AFN Chiefs’ Committee on Economic Development establish a National Working Group on First Nations Connectivity to identify key federal policy gaps, and technical issues such as resource requirements, human resources, training, capacity gaps, and operation and maintenance issues; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the AFN Chiefs’ Committee on Economic Development will consider the reports of the National Working Group and ensure appropriate linkages to work involving with Community Development; Social; Health; Education; Languages; Economic Development to promote more comprehensive connectivity solutions; and

FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the Assembly of First Nations work with key federal departments (INAC, Health Canada, Industry Canada, and others) to identify and implement funding, advance these recommendations and identify new initiatives requiring immediate support for increased community connectivity.

The UN's Fifth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues opens Monday

The United Nation's Fifth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues will open on Monday, May 15 with the launching of the Programme of Action for the Second Decade of the World's Indigenous People. Visit the session web site at

Click here to watch the webcast of the Opening Ceremony, Monday 15 May, 11:15 ET

For more information about the Permanent forum visit

Visit  to see a list of planned activities and side events.

Nibinamik First Nation presents 8th Annual Youth Wilderness Retreat Program


The 8th Annual Youth Wilderness Retreat Program

will be taking place on the week of July 24-29, 2006 at the Breathing Grounds.

Which is about a half hour boat ride from Nibinamik.

So come out and learn a little.

More information will be posted at a later date.

Equaywuk's Healthy Families, Healthy Nations logo contest for aboriginal youth

Equay-wuk (Women's Group) is sponsoring a logo contest in search of a logo for the Healthy Families Healthy Nations - Family Violence Prevention Manual.


The focus of the Healthy Families Healthy Nations Program is to develop a family violence prevention manual for community service providers.

This manual will assist community workers in developing or enhancing a family violence prevention program in their home communities.

The successful logo will appear on the cover of the manual and will be distributed to the 31 participating First Nation communities served by Equay-wuk (Women's Group).

Logo Theme:             Healthy Families, Healthy Nations

Eligibility:                   Youth attending school (grades JK-12)

Logo Requirements: 

  • black and white or color
  • reflect a positive message
  • reflect First Nation culture
  • max. size 8" x  11"
  • name, age, grade, school, community


  • Winner will receive $300.00
  • 2 Honorable mentions @ $100.00 each

For more information, contact:

Jennifer Derosier, Project Coordinator
Equay-wuk (Women's Group)
(807) 737-2214 (phone)
1-800-261-8294 (toll free)

Or Mail to:                 

Equay-wuk (Women's Group)
P.O.Box 1781
Sioux Lookout, ON
P8T 1C4

Visit our website:

Call for Written work from Indigenous Women for upcoming publication

Please forward if you know anyone interested, and check out if you like writing and want your voice heard. This is a call for papers for Indigenous Women Writers and the topics/writing style are very broad-ranging, mostly about empowerment via traditions. Great opportunity. Jan

Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme (CWS/cf) Call for Papers

Indigenous Women in Canada - The Voices of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Women (Vol. 25, No. 4)

CWS/cf's Fall 2006 will celebrate Indigenous women's empowerment in all fields and the re-emergence and reclaiming of traditional roles.

Articles with a particular focus on moving forward, best practices,
resolution approaches, and healing are strongly encouraged. This issue will provide a space for Indigenous women to share their experiences and insights into their particular struggles around issues of discrimination, employment equity, education and training, health care, child care, violence against women and their families, legal equality and justice. Articles will also attend to the broader context of Indigenous women's lives, examining factors such as poverty and economic inequality, oral tradition and literacy, lack of adequate housing, and the ways in which racism, particularly gendered racism, and discrimination impacts negatively on Indigenous women¹s human rights, health and well-being, education, employment and community. A special section will deal specifically with the issue of violence against Indigenous women, recording and documenting the Native Women¹s Association of Canada's Sisters in Spirit campaign. Articles should, however, go beyond descriptive assessments of violence, multiple oppressions and discrimination, and attempt to identify positive responses, solutions, and ways of engaging in order to move forward.

Our aim is to produce a document that can be used to raise public awareness of the work Indigenous women's organizations and activists are doing to improve the lives of Indigenous women across the country, as well as to support action and reflection on the part of other Indigenous organizations, civil society organizations, and feminist individuals and groups advocating for change in all areas of Indigenous women's lives. Only articles by Indigenous women will be accepted.

Possible topics include:
-Indigenous women as roles models
-Where are Indigenous peoples going? (models of self-determination, justice, etc.) What are the issue facing Indigenous women and justice?
-Indigenous women as traditional teachers and keepers of Indigenous culture
-Indigenous traditions, languages, ceremonies and beliefs in today¹s policy or community development
-The impact of Bill C-31 today
-Femicide addressed meaningfully
-Women¹s traditional roles emerging in a contemporary context (governance, family)
-Role of women in governance
-The renewal of Indigenous women¹s authorities
-Activism and Indigenous women¹s resistance
-Interviews with Indigenous women who stood their ground and advocated for change
-Indigenous women in non-traditional activities and their emergence in new fields (science, technology, communications, etc.)
-Impact of colonization on Métis people
-Healing and resolution
-Creating space and voice for Indigenous women: how do we do that?
-Ending internalized violence (throwing off the shackled of colonialism; developing new symbols in a post-colonial context)
-What does sovereignty and Indigenous government look like from the perspectives of Indigenous women?
-Human rights of Indigeneous women in Canada
-Sexual and reproductive health rights of Indigenous women
-Two-Spirited Indigenous women
-Indigenous women with disabilities
-Indigenous youth
-Traditional knowledge and gender relations
-Sisters in Spirit Campaign
-Discrimination and violence against First Nations, Métis and Inuit women
-Success stories: solution-based and/or empowerment-based
-Putting out thoughts to the future: reclaiming the values of our ancestors in a modern context.
-Women Elders
-Matrimonial property, culture, heritage in child custody
-Decolonization: how do we overcome internalised colonialism?
-How do we fit in feminism, if at all?
-Strategies for communicating Indigenous women¹s issues -Looking to the future: What world are we leaving for our children? What will Indigenous worlds look like?

*Your ideas for additional topics are welcome.

Invited are essays, interviews of Indigenous women, detailed theoretical work, research reports, and alternate, performative forms of narration such as theatre, storytelling, poetry, photo-essays and artwork that illuminate these issues.

*DEADLINE: June 15th, 2006

Articles should be typed, double-spaced, and a maximum of 12 pages long (3000 words). A short (50-word) abstract of the article and a brief biographical note must accompany each submission. We give preference to previously unpublished material. If possible, please submit graphics or photographs to accompany your article. Please note CWS/cf reserves the right to edit manuscripts with respect to length and clarity, and in conformity with our house-style. To encourage use of the material published, CWS/cf has granted electronic rights to Gale Group, Micromedia Proquest and the H. W. Wilson. Any royalties received will be used by CWS/cf to assist the publication in disseminating its message.

Write or call as soon as possible indicating your intention to submit your work.

Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme
212 Founders, York University, 4700 Keele St. Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5356 Fax: (416) 736-5765 E-mail:
Luciana Ricciutelli
Inanna Publications and Education Inc.,
operating as Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme
212 Founders College
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Tel: 416.736.5356
Fax: 416.736-5765

Government of Canada approves Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement

See the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada - News Release below the NAN and AFN press releases.

NAN welcomes Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, but continues to seek formal apology

    THUNDER BAY, ON, May 11 /CNW/ - Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler welcomes yesterday's announcement by Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Jim Prentice and Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women Beverley Oda regarding the approval of a Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and the immediate launch of an Advance Payment program, however is still urging for a formal apology by the Prime Minister of Canada.

    "Although we welcome the agreement, the dollar figure isn't as important as the formal acknowledgement of the wrong-doing of the residential school system not only in NAN territory, but across the country. No number could ever fairly compensate for what occurred at those schools," said NAN Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler. "A formal apology from the Prime Minister will mean a great deal in terms of reconciliation and contribute to the healing of those who were directly affected or impacted by the residential school system."

    Fiddler's comments are in response to the Government of Canada's announcement of the final settlement agreement proposal for Common Experience Payment for all eligible former students of Indian Residential Schools, an Independent Assessment Process for claims of sexual or serious physical abuse, and measures to support healing, commemorative activities, and the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    Each eligible former residential school student will receive $10,000 and an additional $3,000 for each year of attendance beyond the first year.

    The announcement also included the immediate launch of an Advance Payment program for eligible residential school survivors 65 years of age and older as of May 30, 2005 - something NAN has been lobbying for since the initial announcement of an Agreement-In-Principle by the former Liberal government last November.

    Of the approximate 5,000 residential school survivors within NAN territory - an area covering two-thirds of Ontario - approximately 1000 are over the age of 65.

    "We've been at this for a long time so let's just try to bring it to a closure," said Constance Lake First Nation Elder Richard Ferris, 73, who attended Pelican Falls Residential School 1938 through 1949.

    Assembly of First Nations has been negotiating with the Government of Canada since December 2004 to reach a deal that will compensate more than 12,000 Aboriginals currently participating in law suits seeking compensation for the effects of the residential school system that uprooted Aboriginals children across Canada from their home communities.

    Yesterday's announced settlement is the final legal version of the Agreement in Principle announced November 23, 2005. The Settlement Agreement now requires court approval in nine Canadian jurisdictions and the conclusion of a five-month opt-out period before coming into effect.

For further information: Jenna Young, Director of Communications, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, (807) 625-4952, (807) 628-3953 (cellular)


Assembly of First Nations National Chief Applauds Announcement of Cabinet Approval of Residential Schools Final Agreement and Early - Payments for survivors: "We will see justice in our lifetime"

    OTTAWA, May 10 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine today applauded the announcement by Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice that the Conservative Cabinet has approved the Final Agreement on Residential Schools. Minister Prentice also confirmed that an early payment of $8,000 will be available to residential school survivors who were 65 or older as of May 30, 2005.

    "Today is an historic day for residential school survivors, for First Nations and for all Canadians," stated National Chief Fontaine. "We will, at long last, see justice in our lifetime for the tragic experience of the residential schools. The approach announced today is not only about compensation but also about healing and reconciliation between First Nations and Canada."

    On November 23, 2005 an agreement in principle was struck between the AFN, federal negotiator the Honourable Frank Iacobucci, survivors, lawyers and churches involved in residential schools cases. The agreement was to set in place a comprehensive approach that would include: a lump sum payment for all survivors to compensate for loss of language and culture resulting from the schools; a more efficient and effective process to deal with serious claims of abuse; a national "truth-telling" commission to bring greater understanding and awareness of this issue; and expedited compensation payments for the elderly. Based on the agreement-in-principle, the final agreement was struck.

    National Chief Fontaine stated: "I want to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the federal representative the Honourable Justice Frank Iacobucci, whose wise counsel provided guidance in balancing the many interests at play in the negotiations leading up to today's announcement. As well, I want to acknowledge the work of the previous Liberal government for their willingness to embark on a new process, and acknowledge the Conservative government who are now giving life to this deal. It took courage to embark on a new process, and it took equal courage to conclude the agreement. Most of all, we thank the survivors for their patience and understanding as we move to final resolution on residential schools. This is a great day in the history of this country."

    The Final Agreement must now be approved by judges in the seven jurisdictions where lawsuits pertaining to residential schools are before the courts. Following that approval, survivors will have a mandatory six-month period to examine the details of the agreement. The final Settlement Agreement is not yet available, although the original Agreement in Principle is available on the Government's website or the AFN website at .

    The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: Don Kelly, AFN Communications Director, (613) 241-6789 ext. 320, cell (613) 292-2787; Ian McLeod, AFN Bilingual Communications Officer, (613) 241-6789 ext. 336, cell (613) 859-4335/


Transmitted by CNW Group on : May 10, 2006 16:41

Government of Canada approves Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and launches Advance Payment program

     OTTAWA, May 10 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women and Minister responsible for Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada, and the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, announced today the approval of a final Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and the immediate launch of an Advance Payment program.

     "The Government is committed to bring a fair and lasting resolution to this chapter of our history and move forward. The discussions led by the Honourable Frank Iacobucci have resulted in a Settlement Agreement to foster reconciliation and healing among all Canadians," said Minister Oda.

     Minister Prentice noted that the Settlement Agreement proposes a Common Experience Payment for all eligible former students of Indian Residential Schools, an Independent Assessment Process for claims of sexual or serious physical abuse, as well as measures to support healing, commemorative activities, and the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. "We hope that today's announcement will bring closure to former students and their descendents. The settlement is just and honourable, as will be our ongoing partnership with Aboriginal people," said the Minister.

     Minister Oda was pleased to announce the immediate launch of an Advance Payment program for eligible former Indian Residential School students 65 years of age and older when the negotiations were initiated on May 30, 2005. "We have acted to make funds available as soon as possible," stated Minister Oda.

     The Government's representative, the Honourable Frank Iacobucci, concluded a Settlement Agreement with legal representatives of former students of Indian Residential Schools, legal representatives of the Churches involved in running those schools, the Assembly of First Nations, and other Aboriginal organizations. The Settlement Agreement must now be presented for approval by the courts in nine Canadian jurisdictions over the coming months.

     "I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who were involved in the negotiations for their hard work toward this historic Settlement Agreement. In particular, I want to thank the Honourable Frank Iacobucci, who has very capably fulfilled his mandate throughout these intense and complex negotiations," added Minister Prentice.

     Eligible former students may apply for the Advance Payment of $8,000 by completing the application form available on the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada website at


/For further information: Robert Paterson, Director of Communications, Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women, (819) 997-7788; Deirdra McCracken, Special Assistant, Communications, Office of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, (819) 997-0002; Erin Gorman, Senior Advisor, Communications, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada, (613) 947-4425/

Governor General meets aboriginal chiefs and elders in Saskatchewan


Governor General meets aboriginal chiefs and elders in Saskatchewan - May 9, 2006 - By MICHELLE MACAFEE

FORT QU'APPELLE, Sask. (CP) - Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean told a group of aboriginal chiefs and elders Tuesday that she would take their concerns about funding and social issues to the federal government, but that they must also continue to work toward their own solutions.

Members of the Treaty 4 Tribal Council, which comprises 36 Saskatchewan bands, emerged from a private meeting with Jean optimistic that she truly listened and wanted to help.

"She's able to talk to the prime minister and the Indian Affairs minister, and she said she would certainly raise the issues, which are common across Canada, on our behalf," Chief Marie Anne DayWalker-Pelletier of the Okanese First Nation said after the hour-long meeting.

"But she also said we should continue also lobbying the federal government."

Jean absorbed a sweeping list of contentious issues during the meeting, including overcrowded housing, water quality, infrastructure, education and the duplication involved in accounting for how federal funding is spent.

The itinerary for Jean's first official visit to Saskatchewan includes several events involving aboriginals, including a performance by an aboriginal theatre company and a meeting Wednesday with a dozen women chiefs and elders from across the province.

Almost every speech has touched on the themes of youth, marginalization and diversity - subjects that have been the focus of her term so far.

"It is unworthy of a country like ours, so proud of its achievements and its position in the world, not to recognize the priceless contribution that the First Nations and Metis have made to our history, our unique identity and our aspirations for the future," Jean said in a speech to more than 100 community members gathered for a public ceremony at the Treaty 4 Governance Centre, about 45 kilometres northeast of Regina.

During the private meeting that followed, DayWalker-Pelletier said many chiefs expressed their desire for First Nations to have more control over their funding.

"It should be a one-window approach instead of every department having a different approach and making us report to them in 20 different ways."

Tribal chairman Dean Bellegarde refused to comment on the specifics of the discussion, but said he left feeling optimistic.

"She wanted to know about the problems that we face, how they came about and some solutions to how we could fix these problems, but in partnership," said Bellegarde.

"She's a little more aware of our problems and who we are, and that's the first step."

As Jean arrived, a group of drummers welcomed her with a traditional honour song.

In her speech, Jean said her own upbringing under a dictatorship in Haiti made it easier for her to recognize the anguish caused by high unemployment, family violence or suicide.

But she also said such hardship sows seeds of bitterness and anger that need to be acknowledged before healing and liberation can begin.

"We cannot undo the injustices of the past," said Jean. "But we can learn from our experiences and start to build the kind of society we want for ourselves and our children."

Jean and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, were presented with two quilts before a group of schoolchildren sang O Canada in Cree.

The couple spent the rest of the day touring Fort Qu'Appelle and nearby Qu'Appelle before heading back to Regina.

They met with Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco before touring a north-end neighbourhood revitalization project.

Jean wraps up her visit Wednesday with a visit to the RCMP training academy, where she'll lay flowers to honour all fallen members.

Jean has now visited eight provinces since her appointment in September and hopes to maintain the long-standing tradition that sees a new governor general visit every province and territory within their first year.

Crees in Quebec win legal battle about the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

The Grand Council of the Crees ( are fighting a legal battle with the Federal and Quebec governments along with Quebec Hydro over the continued development of new dams that are flooding their traditional territories and destroying their way of life. The following presentation of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and of The Cree Regional Authority about The Eastmain 1-A Rupert Project, by Deputy Grand Chief Ashley Iserhoff was given on May 4, 2006


I want to begin this presentation by rendering homage to the late Sam Awashish who recently lost his life on his trapline, by falling through the ice on a lake. This was an experienced hunter, trapper and fisherman who is, to some extent, a victim of the climate changes which are affecting James Bay. In James Bay, increased reservoirs have contributed to unpredictable ice conditions and climate changes which have resulted in trappers being unable to predict weather patterns as they did before. This shows us that concern for the environment is a matter which resonates very close to home for all of us.

Sam's knowledge of the land provided guidance and allowed healing of our hurts and pains as a result of dramatic changes within Eeyou lstchee. His transfer and sharing of his knowledge to own children and youth is an inspiration to all of us who want to keep the Cree Nation closely tied to the land and to our traditions and culture. I wish to dedicate this presentation to the memoryof Sam Awashish.

Click here to read about the struggle the Cree Nation is facing concerning the flooding of their lands in Quebec by the hydro dams ...