Community News

Panel developing options for regulations ensuring safe water in First Nation

INAC press release


OTTAWA, ONTARIO (May 31, 2006) - The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, with Phil Fontaine, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health, and the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Environment, today announced the creation of a panel of experts that will examine and provide options on the establishment of a regulatory framework to ensure safe drinking water in First Nations communities.

"This expert panel will conduct public hearings across the country to identify ways to ensure that all First Nations communities have access to safe drinking water," said Minister Prentice. "This is an important part of the action plan I announced in March 2006 which will create a regulatory framework for water quality, to be developed with all our partners."

"Our First Nations Action Plan recognizes the need for a regulatory framework on safe water in our communities. The key to success is recognizing that First Nations governments need support to meet any recommended standards,"added National Chief Phil Fontaine.

The expert panel is composed of three highly experienced and qualified individuals, including Mr. Harry Swain, who will serve as Chair, Grand Chief Stan Louttit, and Dr. Steve Hrudey. The expert panel will submit an options paper to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the National Chief at the end of August 2006. A report of the findings will be made public in September 2006.

"Access to safe drinking water is vital to the health of all Canadians, including First Nations people living on reserve," stated Minister of Health Tony Clement. "I look forward to participating in this process so First Nations communities can benefit from the same protection of water quality and safety as other communities in Canada."

"A clean environment and sound policies for drinking water protection are both essential to the health and safety of First Nations communities," said Minister of Environment Rona Ambrose.

For further information, contact:

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Deirdra McCracken
Office of the Honourable Jim Prentice
(819) 997-0002

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Media Relations Unit
(819) 953-1160

Health Canada
Carole Saindon, Media Relations
(613) 957-1588

Environment Canada
Media Relations
(819) 934-8008 or 1-888-908-8008

Assembly of First Nations
Don Kelly, AFN Communications Director
(613) 241-6789 ext. 320

Backgrouder - Creation of a Panel of Experts for the Development of Options for a Regulatory Framework to Ensure Safe Drinking Water in First Nations Communities

Support for Aboriginal Women's summit on violence against women

Press Release from Native Women's Association of Canada

Premiers commit to an Aboriginal Women's Summit to address Violence

OTTAWA, May 30 /CNW Telbec/ - "The Western and Northern Premiers are committed to honouring Aboriginal women's issues as identified at Kelowna" stated President Beverley Jacobs of the Native Women's Association of Canada. "This is a monumental step for all women across Canada and will lead to a pivotal shift in awareness and perceptions of Aboriginal women and the high rates of violence they experience. To address these issues will encourage healing for all women and will assist in addressing issues in our communities that have kept us silenced for way too long."

Commitments to address violence against Aboriginal women were made at a meeting between the Western and Northern Premiers and national Aboriginal leaders that took place yesterday in Gimli, Manitoba. Most notable for Aboriginal women is the commitment to hold an Aboriginal Women's Summit to address Violence.

During the Canada Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable process, NWAC provided documentation in all areas of economic development, health, education, and housing. In NWAC's research, it was reiterated that violations of human rights and violence were underlying factors that needed to be addressed in order to have access to the above noted areas. NWAC was advised that the issues of violence against Aboriginal women would be addressed at the First Ministers Meeting in Kelowna in November, 2005. The issue was addressed by the Premiers and the Liberal government and commitments were made at that time to hold an Aboriginal Women's Summit. President Beverley Jacobs believes that in order to close the socio-economic gap, issues of violence must be addressed.

NWAC was recently advised by Minister Prentice that Aboriginal women and children are a high priority for this new government. NWAC is looking forward to addressing the Aboriginal Women's Summit with him as well as issues that were not on the table in Kelowna.

NWAC was very honoured that the Western and Northern Premiers made this commitment to hold an Aboriginal Women's Summit to address Violence. "We have a common vision and a common goal to have our children grow up in healthy secure homes and within safe communities."

For further information: Linda Kayseas, Media Coordinator, (613) 722-3033 ext. 231, Mobile: (613) 552-4249

Western premiers meeting includes First Nation leaders & Kelowna accord support

Two news items addressing the Western Premiers' efforts to support the Kelowna Accord. See the article below.

From the Toronto Star 

Ottawa urged to adhere to Kelowna deal - May 29, 2006

GIMLI, Man. — Western premiers went into their annual meeting Monday urging the federal government not to back away from a $5.1 billion deal to improve the lives of aboriginal people.

The so-called Kelowna accord was signed last November by former prime minister Paul Martin, the premiers, territorial leaders and aboriginal organizations.

But Stephen Harper's new Conservative government has been cool to the deal. And the fact that it was not mentioned in the federal budget has led some to speculate that it's dead.

Western premiers met with aboriginal leaders at the outset of their meeting to discuss the issue. They reaffirmed their backing of the accord and said they would push the federal government for a meeting of aboriginal affairs ministers from across the country to plan how to proceed from here.

The premiers also reaffirmed the commitment to having an aboriginal economic summit next January in Saskatoon and a summit on violence against aboriginal women.

Host Premier Gary Doer of Manitoba said it would be "morally wrong" to backtrack on the commitments outlined in the Kelowna deal.

"In my view the Kelowna accord could never deal with 120 years of Canadian history, but at least it was a start."

Doer added the Harper government "should have the right to look at things but not have the right to walk away" from the principles of closing the gap between aboriginals and non-aboriginals.

British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell said he is hopeful the federal government has not abandoned the accord and suggested the provinces should proceed with their parts of the deal.

"I can tell you, in British Columbia we are committed to it. I believe the federal government will come to the table," Campbell said.

"We're coming up to an anniversary, if you want, of the Kelowna accord in November. My hope is that all provincial governments will have laid out their plans for First Nations, Inuit and Metis people about how they are going to close those gaps and bring the federal government in to provide the kind of resources that are necessary over the long term."

Assembly of First Nation national chief Phil Fontaine said the support of the western premiers leads him to believe that the Kelowna accord is not dead.

"I don't think there has been any word that the deal is done," Fontaine said.

"It may be a matter as simple as rebranding and we have no objection to that. If it is going to bring about the continuation of this process . . . then we would be happy with that."

Doer said he hopes if groups such as the western premiers throw their support behind the deal the federal government won't be so inclined to go another way.

"The will of the public always determines the best way to go," he said.

The Kelowna accord was struck after 18 months of talks. It included a 19-page plan of targets and reporting requirements over 10 years in areas such as health, education, housing and clean water.

It would have provided $624 million for First Nations in the first year alone, plus millions of dollars more for the Inuit and Metis.

The federal government's budget contained promises of two years of firm funding for aboriginal issues — $150 million is promised this year and $300 million next year.

The new government has said it "is committed to meeting the targets agreed upon" at the Kelowna meeting.

Still, that hasn't been enough to allay the concerns of some within the aboriginal community who fear the deal is dead.



Western premiers stand up for Kelowna accord - May. 30 2006

Western premiers started off their annual meeting with a plea for the federal government to maintain the Kelowna Accord.

Late last November, Canada's premiers, territorial leaders, aboriginal leaders and then-prime minister Paul Martin signed off on the $5.1 billion deal designed to improve the lives of aboriginal people.

Manitoba's NDP Premier Gary Doer, host of the meeting in Gimli on the western shore of Lake Winnipeg, told reporters Monday that it would be "morally wrong" to backtrack on Kelowna.

"In my view the Kelowna accord could never deal with 120 years of Canadian history, but at least it was a start."

B.C.'s Liberal Premier Gordon Campbell said he's hopeful the Tory government hasn't abandoned the accord and suggested the provinces should proceed with their commitments under the deal.

"I can tell you, in British Columbia we are committed to it. I believe the federal government will come to the table,'' Campbell said.

"We're coming up to an anniversary, if you want, of the Kelowna accord in November. My hope is that all provincial governments will have laid out their plans for First Nations, Inuit and Metis people about how they are going to close those gaps and bring the federal government in to provide the kind of resources that are necessary over the long term.''

Doer hoped that if the western premiers stand up for the accord, the federal government will be less inclined to go in another direction.

"The will of the public always determines the best way to go,'' he said.

Phil Fontaine, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said stand taken by the western premiers gives him hope that the Kelowna accord is not dead.

"I don't think there has been any word that the deal is done,'' he said.

"It may be a matter as simple as rebranding and we have no objection to that. If it is going to bring about the continuation of this process ... then we would be happy with that.''

The deal took 18 months to negotiate and includes a 19-page plan of targets and reporting requirements for a 10-year period.

While the Tories have said it "is committed to meeting the targets agreed upon'' in Kelowna, they haven't committed to the accord itself.

Besides the accord, the premiers intend to talk about border security and international trade.

On Wednesday, some U.S. and Mexican politicians will be in attendance for a one-day summit on international issues. ...

Online petition protecting traditional lands & resources for future generations

The Wildlands League is sponsoring an online petition in support the people of KI and their efforts to protect their traditional territories. The petition is called Stop mining from threatening Canada's First Nations and is addressed to Dalton McGuinty, Ontario Premier. It can be seen at

News updates about the efforts being made by the people of Big Trout Lake can be seen by clicking here.

Susan Casey-Lefkowitz, from Washington DC, who is a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC - along with Anna Baggio from the Wildlands League and a Toronto Star reporter traveled to Big Trout Lake to visit the community and the mining exploration site. Click here to see the pictures of this visit.

KI files lawsuit against the province to stop mine development

Two online news reports describe the confusion around the attempts by mining company to develop mine on Big Trout Lake traditional territory.


First Nation sues province in attempt to stop mine: platinum mine spurs lawsuit

Canadian Press - Monday, May 29, 2006

TORONTO (CP) -- The development of a potentially rare and lucrative platinum mine near Aboriginal land in Northern Ontario has prompted a First Nation to sue the provincial government, while it faces a $10-billion lawsuit from a Canadian exploration company.

The cases centre around Platinex Inc.'s hopes to mine for platinum in an area populated by about 1,200 members of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, located about 600 kilometres north of Thunder Bay.

The company says about 90 per cent of the world's platinum comes from mines in South Africa, and a Canadian mine would be an extraordinary opportunity for all those involved, including the Aboriginal community.

But the community has made it clear they are against mining on their traditional territory and a landmark Supreme Court ruling dictates they should have been consulted before Platinex was cleared by the province to go forward, said deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which is providing assistance in the legal fight.

"For any company to work in (Aboriginal) territory, it's just common courtesy to call the chief and council and say, 'We're interested in doing this type of work in your community, can we come and sit down and talk about it,"' Fiddler said.

He said the First Nation was shocked to find the company setting up to work and drill in a lake about 15 kilometres from their community, an area they consider to be part of their traditional territory.

They asked the company to leave the area but Platinex said it had received a permit from the province to do exploratory work and refused. But Platinex pulled out after further confrontations and sought legal assistance.

"The company turned around and sued the community for $10 billion. We thought it was maybe a typo, we thought it was $10 million but it was really $10 billion," Fiddler said. "So that was a shock to the community."

The company has filed the injunction to continue its work because it was legally cleared to do so, on land which -- according to some legal interpretation -- may be Crown property, said Platinex lawyer Neil Smitheman.

He said the monetary value attached to the case may give a wrong impression of what Platinex is after, since it refers to the maximum value the company believes the mine could be worth, and not a sum being sought from the First Nation.

He said Platinex just wants to continue its work and is caught in the middle of a fight between the First Nation and the government over an ongoing land claim.



Mine files lawsuit against First Nation
Tb News Source - Web Posted: 5/29/2006

A northern Ontario First Nation is named in a $10 billion dollar lawsuit for opposing a proposed platinum mine near its reserve.

The K-I First Nation, formerly called the Big Trout Lake First Nation, tried to stop a Canadian company from building the mine on what they feel is their traditional territory. But the company, Platinex Inc., is taking the First Nation to court, saying the site 600 kilometres north of Thunder Bay could be worth billions.

Platinex says developing the mine would provide tremendous opportunities for all involved, including the aboriginal community. The K-I First Nation is suing the province for giving Platinex permits to begin its work and wants control over the land.

The legal battle over the mineral development caused a flurry of questions at Queens Park Monday.

The Big Trout Lake First Nation is suing the province in connection with its approval of exploration work being done in the bands traditional lands by Platinex Inc.

A Supreme Court ruling says the province is obliged to consult with affected first nations before any such approval is given. NDP Leader Howard Hampton accused the government of ignoring the ruling, even though band officials had made their objections to the development clear. But Northern Development Minister Rick Bartolucci says all protocols are being respected.

Another Ontario First Nation forced to threaten a blockade for INAC to act


Band in Ontario threatens to block access to cottages 
Last updated May 25 2006 - CBC News

A First Nations group in Ontario is threatening to block access to a subdivision on its reserve that contains cottages unless Ottawa quickly renews a leasing agreement that brings money to the reserve.

The Chippewas of Nawash First Nation, whose reserve is north of Wiarton, say they are upset that the federal Indian Affairs Department has not yet renewed the agreement with non-natives who own cottages on 140 lots on their land. They say they have waited 10 years for the department to sign the agreement.

Their reserve occupies part of eastern shore of the Bruce Peninsula on Georgian Bay.

Under the Indian Act, the department is responsible for administering the leasing agreement, but the Chippewas say their 2,300 band members are running out of patience. They believe the delay in signing is a result of legal issues.

Chief Chief Paul Nadjiwan said if the agreement is not renewed soon, the band will have no choice but to prevent cottagers from entering the reserve. A "No Trepassing" sign put up in the subdivision a few weeks ago was taken down but was replaced with a new one over the Victoria Day weekend.

Nadjiwan said money from the cottagers cannot reach the community unless the lease is signed.

"If there is an agreement, they know that they are welcome, and they have always been treated well by our community," he said. "But if there is no agreement? Then they really can't access the site."

Cottagers in the subdivision, called Hope Bay, said they are caught in the middle, unable to sell their cottages because they do not have a lease to the land and unsure of what access they will have because of the dispute.

Paul Van der Camer, a cottager in the area, said the people who lease the cottages are not the problem.

"We've been there 38 years we've enjoyed it we haven't had a problem until this," he said.

"And it is unsettling because nobody knows what's going on."

Indian Affairs has issued temporary permits to the cottagers for the summer. The Chippewas are expected to meet with Indian Affairs on Monday to talk about the issue

Community Multimedia Centres improving quality of life - UNESCO evaluation

Evaluation Report on UNESCO's Community Multimedia Centre Initiative - 22-05-2006 (Paris)

UNESCO’s Community Multimedia Centres initiative is contributing “to improving quality of life through access to information” according to an independent evaluation report carried out by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Click here for a copy of the CMC Evaluation_Final.pdf

UNESCO’s CMC initiative promotes sustainable local development through community-based facilities that combine traditional media like radio, television and print with new information communication technologies (ICTs) such as computers, the Internet, and mobile devices.

Since 2001, UNESCO has established more than 87 CMCs in over 22 developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean with major funding provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The evaluation describes the initiative’s main achievement: “The CMCs are accepted by and fully integrated into the communities and can in many cases be sustained beyond the pilot phase without core operating grants. The effort and funding that UNESCO has channeled into this transformative initiative have been exceeded by the hard work and commitment of the CMC staff and the communities where they are based.”

Among other key findings, the evaluators clearly acknowledge the contribution of CMCs to local development, noting that “Longer term benefits are already being realized within individual communities, such as the gradual removal of barriers to social inclusion, the stimulation of poverty alleviation through access to knowledge of better health, resource management, agriculture practices and the creation of new livelihoods opportunities.”

CMCs are also recognized as critical tools for local communities to mediate changes brought on by globalization and the advent of new technologies: “The CMC role in fostering cultural resilience – the capacity of a community to retain critical knowledge and at the same time adapt to external influences and pressures - is particularly remarkable.”

In addition to an extensive review of documentation, the evaluation used field research, interviews, questionnaires, an online survey, and case studies to review the CMC initiative, a flagship activity of UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector.

Equitable and expanded access to ICTs is promoted in many ways, such as subsidized training for those with special requirements and/or marginalized groups; close work with schools, small businesses and the independent sector; or the provision of information to more remote communities through radio, says the evaluation report.

The evaluation also points out challenges faced by the CMC initiative, including the strategic use of CMC networks as delivery mechanisms for development services, from projects and programmes of UN agencies and national governments to those of local civil society groups. Many challenges relate to sustainability of local facilities in low-income and least-developed localities. As CMCs depend on volunteers for the delivery of training, radio programming and other services, they face difficulties in finding appropriate incentives for volunteers and struggle with managing volunteer turnover.

Another challenge consists of opportunities for networking and staff development, which to date have been limited. Evaluators point out the need for CMCs to learn from and access expertise more easily and systematically from each other in order to be sustainable.

Enabling national policy environments are very important for the development and sustainability of CMCs. Sudden changes in national policies on connectivity charges can destabilize CMCs and broadcast licensing restrictions or restrictions on press freedom can prevent CMCs from being able to broadcast freely and to a broader constituency, says the report.

The evaluation has recognized the extent of success achieved over the years and the uniqueness of UNESCO’s CMC concept as a potential solution to mitigate the digital divide in marginalized communities. UNESCO is beginning a process of broad consultation with its partners and other stakeholders to formulate strategies for the future of the CMC initiatives.

National Day of Healing and Reconciliation - today, May 26


Lac Seul and Sioux Lookout residents are meeting this morning to light a sacred fire at the Pelican Falls Residential School Memorial Monument as part of the National Day of Healing and Reconciliation. Click here to see the photos from the Memorial Garden at Pelican Falls.

From the NDHR web site at ...

The National Day of Healing and Reconciliation is a movement of people committed to moving forward collectively within our families, communities and across Canada for the purposes of healing and reconciliation.


  • To celebrate a positive, collective healing and reconciliation movement within our families, communities, churches and government on May 26th of each year.
  • To educate ourselves and other Canadians about our collective history of government policies which impacted Aboriginal communities and other ethnic groups.
  • To develop commemoration sites and to encourage communities to join in the National Day of Healing and Reconciliation.


Residential schools are closed, but memories linger on healing day

Last Updated Fri, 26 May 2006 - CBC News

It has taken nearly fifty years for Muriel Betsina to gain self-confidence after the physical and emotional abuse she recalls at the native residential school she attended.

Aboriginal children were taken from their families and put in residential schools.

There are still parts of her past she struggles with. "I didn't know what love is. I didn't know how to kiss my children, I didn't know," she told CBC News.

On Friday, groups across Canada marked a National Day of Healing and Reconciliation, a day officially recognized in the Northwest Territories, where Betsina lives, although not yet in much of the rest of the country.

Events include a gathering of elders at the Nisg'a Valley Health Authority in Aiyansh, B.C.; an all-day commemorative walk from Blue Quills Residential School to Saddle Lake Healing Lodge in the St. Paul, Alta., area; and a social tea at BTC Indian Health Services in North Battleford, Sask., among many others.

In Edmonton, where the movement for a national healing day has its roots, the Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society was organizing a soup and bannock lunch.

Taking back control

Joachim Bonnetrouge, project co-ordinator with the Residential School Society in Fort Providence, N.W.T, said he has seen a significant increase in the number of people, like Betsina, who take control of their lives and go through a healing process.

"People are beginning to become aware in realizing their role and responsibilities for their family and the communities," he said.

For generations, Indian and Inuit children were routinely taken from their homes to be educated in residential schools, many of them run for the government by church groups.

Countless youngsters endured strict discipline, separation from their families and the loss of traditional skills, language and culture. Some also suffered sexual abuse, a matter that has since become the focus of legal and arbitration proceedings.

Betsina said she hopes to pass on a lesson to her children and grandchildren on this day of healing.

"I know I can deal with it. I understand what I've been through, but I forgive ... and that's the hardest thing to ever do, is to forgive."

In Australia, a similar day was marked on Friday.

National Sorry Day commemorates the forced removal of thousands of Aborigine children from their families. They are widely referred to as Australia's stolen generations.

With a report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation

First Nations Demand Consultation Over Kenogami Forest

Eleven First Nation communities from Treaty 9 and Robinson Superior 1850 have joined forces to voice their disappointment at the Province’s failure to ensure consultation and accommodate the needs of regional First Nations.

THUNDER BAY, ON – Eleven First Nation communities from Treaty 9 and Robinson Superior 1850 have joined forces to voice their disappointment at the Province’s failure to ensure consultation and accommodate the needs of regional First Nations over the potential sale of Neenah Paper (current license holders to the Kenogami Forest) to Buchanan Forest Products.  To date, area First Nations have been excluded from all negotiations despite the fact that the Kenogami Forest Unit lies within jurisdiction of their communities and treaty lands.

“All we are asking is to be included as part of the negotiation process to discuss opportunities for our First Nations in the Kenogami Forest sale agreement. Our communities have pre-existing agreements with Neenah Paper which play a vital role in sustaining our local economies. It is not unwarranted that we would expect to be consulted on how a potential sale will impact or change those agreements. The current labour disputes also cause hardships and shortfalls in our First Nation economies and yet, it is clear that the demands of the Union are being given precedent over our needs and rights as First Nations.” said First Nation spokesperson Chief Veronica Waboose of Long Lake #58 First Nation.

The eleven impacted First Nations are urging the Ministry of Natural Resources to step forward and ensure that the jurisdiction of First Nations in this area is respected and that meaningful engagement with First Nations is made a conditional component of any future Sustainable Forest License.

“The lands of the Kenogami Forest have been used by our Aboriginal people for generations and are recognized in both the 1850 Robinson Superior Treaty and Treaty 9.” continues Chief Waboose. “These Aboriginal rights are not being respected today within the Kenogami Forest and we urge Minister Ramsey to recognize his government’s fiduciary responsibility, step forward and ensure that the concerns of all potentially impacted parties are heard on this issue.”



Kenogami Forest Facts Sheet

  • Largest Sustainable Forest Licenses (SFL) in Ontario
  • Several First Nations in or surrounding this SFL:
    • Aroland First Nation
    • Constance Lake First Nation
    • Ginoogaming First Nation
    • Lake Nipigon Ojibway
    • Long Lake # 58 First Nation
    • Ojiways of Lake Nipigon
    • Pays Plat First Nation
    • Pic Mobert First Nation
    • Pic River First Nation
    • Rocky Bay First Nation
  • Sale of Neenah Paper will affect Aboriginal communities in the following ways:
    • No consultation with First Nations about the impacts on their agreements with the license holder or changes to them
    • No recognition of Section 20 of the License which talks about negotiations between the Minister, Neenah and First Nations on Aboriginal opportunities
    • No recognition of Term and Condition 34 which in part guides forest management practices that talk(s) about sharing of economic benefits with First Nations
    • No recognition of impacts on First Nations as the SLF holder is unionized and is governed by the collective bargaining agreement.
    • No recognition of proposal for Shareholder Forests Licenses, which the Minister has supported and for which First Nations hope this will work to their advantage.
    • No recognition of new certification code to be implemented by Ontario forest management plans with Forest Stewardship Council of Canada that include clause about Aboriginal communities
    • No recognition of Forest Sector Prosperity Fund or the Forest Loan Guarantee Program which must include Aboriginal involvement.
    • No recognition of infringements on any Aboriginal and Treaty Rights – i.e.: trapping.
  • Formerly Kimberly-Clark, and now owned by Neenah Paper of Alpharetta Georgia, Neenah is responsible to the Ministry to fulfill certain terms and conditions.  These include:
    • Meeting various wood supply commitment’s to area mills and over-lapping license holders
    • Development of forest management plans and reports based on Ontario’s Forest Planning Manual and government guidelines, policies and procedures
    • Commit funding to forestry renewal trust
    • Herbicide and spraying issues
    • Siliviculture standards and implementation
    • Various reviews and auditing procedures
    • Aboriginal Opportunities (Section 20)

Extract of Term & Condition 34 - Negotiations with Aboriginal Peoples

34. During the term of this approval, MNR District Managers shall conduct negotiations at the local level with Aboriginal peoples whose communities are situated in a management unit, in order to identify and implement ways of achieving a more equal participation by Aboriginal peoples in the benefits provided through forest management planning. These negotiations will include but are not limited to the following matters:

(a)    providing job opportunities and income associated with forest and mill operations in the vicinity of Aboriginal communities;
(b)   supplying wood to wood processing facilities such as sawmills in Aboriginal communities;
(c)    facilitation of Aboriginal third-party license negotiations with existing licensees where opportunities exist;
(d)   providing forest resource licenses to Aboriginal people where unallocated Crown timber exists close to reserves;
(e)    development of programs to provide jobs, training, and income for Aboriginal people in forest management operations through joint projects with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and
(f)     other forest resources that may be affected by forest management or which can be addressed in the forest management planning process.

MNR shall report on the progress of these ongoing negotiations district by district in the Provincial Annual Report on Forest Management that will be submitted to the Legislature.

Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen to Discuss Identity and Violence - Live Webcast today

Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen to Discuss Identity and Violence - Live Webcast May 24th

The Development Gateway Foundation is pleased to announce a special event and unique opportunity!

At 3:00pm on May 24th the World Bank's InfoShop, in collaboration with B-SPAN, will webcast a discussion by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen about his recent publication, "Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny".

Challenging the reductionist view that people of the world can be partitioned into civilizational categories that reinforce our differences, Sen draws on history, economics, science, literature and offers a vision of a world that can be made to move toward peace as firmly as it has spiraled in recent years toward violence and war. Dr. Sen's other books include "On Ethics and Economics", "Development as Freedom", and "The Argumentative Indian".
The webcast will take place Wednesday May 24th from 3:00pm-4:30pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). At that time, you will be able to access the live webcast at You will need RealPlayer installed on your computer to view this video. For complete information on how to download and install a free version of RealPlayer, please go to
As members of the Development Gateway, you are invited to email your questions for Amartya Sen to during his live presentation. The event moderator will select a sample of these questions to present to Amartya Sen during the live broadcast Q&A session. Please include your name, organization and country affiliation in your correspondence (these may be mentioned by the moderator if your question is selected).
Culture helps form identity and worldview. We are shaped by our cultures, and perceived differences can be perceived as threatening. What can be done to transcend these tensions and bring about a greater sense of shared identity and a common, life affirming destiny?  Please log in and share your replies on the Culture and Development dgCommunity at
"I am deeply impressed by power of Identity And Violence. Amartya Sen, one of the world's great thinkers, tells us how to go about building a more peaceful world.  I hope the book will be read by all." - Ted Turner
"The world's poor and dispossessed could have no more articulate or insightful a champion among economists than Amartya Sen. The United Nations, in its own development work, has benefited immensely from the wisdom and good sense of Professor Sen's views." - Kofi A. Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
For those of you in or near Washington DC, the event will take place in the World Bank H Building - Eugene R. Black Auditorium, G Street Entrance (1914 G Street NW). All non-bank attendees must send an RSVP email to in order to attend in person.
Amartya Sen, Professor, Harvard University. Amartya Sen has written several books including On Ethics and Economics, Development as Freedom, and The Argumentative Indian. Mr. Sen won the 1998 Nobel Prize in economics.  A professor at Harvard, Mr. Sen lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Cambridge, England.
Professor Sen will be Introduced by Ian Goldin, Vice President, External and UN Affairs, World Bank. Ian Goldin has been Vice President at the World Bank since May 2003. Previously, he was the Director of Development Policy. Prior to joining the Bank in February 2001, Dr. Goldin was the Chief Executive of the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Principal Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London, and Head of the Trade Program at the OECD Development Center in Paris.
The InfoShop is the public information center and development bookstore of the World Bank.  It functions as the only publicly accessible space at headquarters, providing internal and external audiences access to over 6000 titles published by the World Bank, other international organizations, and other publishers on development issues.  It is a space where information and documents on World Bank development operations, economic data, and strategies, can be read easily and comfortably at workstations designed for public use.  In addition, the InfoShop hosts book launches, exhibits, seminars, receptions, and other community outreach events, and also carries videos, posters, CD-ROMs, and gift items. For more information, visit:
B-SPAN ( is an Internet-based broadcasting service that presents World Bank seminars, workshops, and conferences on a variety of sustainable development and poverty reduction issues.  B-SPAN streams events on the Internet, archives them on the  B-SPAN web site, offers them in their original unedited format, and provides indexing for quick access to specific speakers. B-SPAN's webcasts are free and available to anyone with access to the Internet. Users need only to download a free version of RealPlayer, a software that allows the playing of archived videos on a personal computer. For complete information on how to download and install RealPlayer, please go to
We look forward to your participation!
Best wishes,
Mike Pereira
Director, Global Online Communities
Development Gateway Foundation
1889 F Street NW
Washington DC 20006