Community News

"Internet for Everyone" campaign launched to challenge political parties to support access

Telecommunities press release ... 

Canadians launch "Internet for Everyone" campaign

    VICTORIA, BC, Oct. 6 /CNW Telbec/ - Telecommunities Canada (TC) today launched the "Internet for Everyone" campaign ( that seeks to put a national ICT strategy back on the federal agenda.

Assembly of First Nations national chief challenging politicans to build a strong and fair nation

From the Toronto Star

Stronger First Nations make for a stronger Canada

Phil Fontaine -  Oct 01, 2008

What does it say about a country where one in three students will not graduate from high school, where more than 20 per cent of their former classmates are in jail, and where the schools are falling apart at the seams?

Art exhibition exploring the issue of hate crimes hosted by Sioux Lookout Anti-racism

SLARC press release 

Youth use art to explore what’s Under the Surface of hate crimes

Sioux Lookout October 3, 2008

e-Health Ontario bringing all aspects of e-health under one organization

Ontario press release

ONTARIO INTEGRATES E-HEALTH ACTIVITIES UNDER ONE AGENCY - McGuinty Government Appoints Dr. Alan Hudson As Chair of eHealth Ontario

September 26, 2008

Ontario has appointed Dr. Alan Hudson as the Chair of eHealth Ontario, a restructured agency responsible for all aspects of e-health in Ontario including creating an electronic health record for all Ontarians.

Federal parties respond to Assembly of First Nations questions, except for the conservatives

AFN press release ... 

AFN National Chief Acknowledges Federal Party Responses to Questionnaire

    OTTAWA, Oct. 3 /CNW Telbec/ - The Assembly of First Nations has received 4 out of 5 responses from the various parties to a questionnaire sent to all leaders on September 17th regarding the upcoming election and the party platforms related to First Nation issues.

Two days of ADVANCE VOTING remain - Saturday (Oct 4) and Monday (Oct 6)

Everyone can vote in any of the advance polling stations that are set up across the province. The polls are open from noon (12 pm) to 8 pm.

In Sioux Lookout, the advance poll is located at the Royal Canadian Legion.

Be sure to bring the proper identification so you can cast your ballot.

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Winnipeg with regional and national leaders

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak are holding their regular board meeting in Winnipeg during the week of Sept 29. Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Chief Alvin Fiddler joined the chiefs on Tuesday afternoon.

On Wednesday, invited guests, including Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine, Regional Chief Angus Toulouse and Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy are expected to join the chiefs to learn about their programs and services.

Other invited guests will be joining the chiefs for the evening feast.


Assembly of First Nations calling on all First Nations to get involved in election by voting

AFN Press Release 

AFN National Chief and Youth Council launch National Day of Political Action

     OTTAWA, Sept. 29 /CNW Telbec/ - Today, AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine and the AFN National Youth Council launched the National Day of Political Action as one of the initiatives of "Vote '08, Change Can't Wait!". This campaign aims to increase First Nations political participation, to encourage voting among First Nations voters and to increase the profile of Aboriginal issues in this election.

The face of poverty in Canada finally is getting some attention from some of the political parties

From the Winnipeg Sun  

Harper says no to anti-poverty video


OTTAWA — Stephen Harper is facing criticism that he’s ducking questions on how to help Canadians living in poverty, even as economic turmoil threatens to push more people over a fiscal cliff.

The prime minister is the only major party leader not appearing in a video prepared by a national anti-poverty coalition to be officially launched Monday on YouTube.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute works with partners to host gathering in Ottawa

The Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network: Research Consortium (NICSN: RC) facilitated a one day workshop on September 26, 2008 to support the creation of a Joint Research Consortium. For more information about the consortium's work to date, please visit