Federal parties respond to Assembly of First Nations questions, except for the conservatives

AFN press release ... 

AFN National Chief Acknowledges Federal Party Responses to Questionnaire

    OTTAWA, Oct. 3 /CNW Telbec/ - The Assembly of First Nations has received 4 out of 5 responses from the various parties to a questionnaire sent to all leaders on September 17th regarding the upcoming election and the party platforms related to First Nation issues.

    "We had asked to hear back from all the parties by October 1st and I am really pleased with the responses we have received to date from the Bloc Quebecois, Green, Liberal and New Democratic parties. They have provided First Nations with solid responses and outlined their party platforms in a clear and concise manner. This support from 4 out of 5 parties demonstrates and reinforces our view that a majority of Canadians are supportive of First Nation issues." the National Chief Phil Fontaine noted. "The integrity of the four parties' responses certainly demonstrates a much needed shift towards reconciliation as anticipated in light of the June 11th Apology in the House of Commons," the National Chief further added.

    "But the lack of profile of First Nations issues in the political debates last night also concerns me, as I believe it does all Canadians. In a recent poll conducted by Nanos, almost half of Canadians strongly or very strongly believe the federal government should make First Nations poverty a priority. We know strong First Nations make a stronger Canada and that until we address the issues of poverty and quality of life for First Nations children, Canada can not reach its full potential as a fair and just society," the National Chief concluded.

    The Assembly of First Nations is the national political organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada and has been working with Elections Canada to ensure that First Nation citizens exercise their right to vote in the upcoming federal election. For more information on First Nations issues and the election and the various party responses check out the elections page on the AFN website at www.afn.ca

For further information: Joan McEwen, Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789 ext. 242, cell (613) 324-3329, jmcewen@afn.ca

Click here to help you decide which party to support when you cast your vote. (PDF document)