Community News

Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority annual general meeting live online

EVERYONE is invited to watch and share their thoughts and recommendations online.

The Chiefs of the Sioux Lookout region First Nations are meeting this week in Sioux Lookout at SLFNHA's AGM. The meeting is being broadcast live at

Watch, Listen and Share your thoughts online.

Out-of-control satellite creating challenges to prevent service interference in remote First Nations

A Telesat Canada engineer arrived in Sioux Lookout on Sunday, Sept 6 to work with Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Kuhkenah Network team to prepare the hub site to avoid interference from the out-of-control Galaxy 15 satellite. Telesat is sending their engineers to their larger clients to ensure that there is no chance for interference on the transponders that they are providing to the Northern Indigenous Satellite Community Network (NISCN -

"Celebrating and Honouring Women in the North" gathering in Sioux Lookout, Nov 23-25

Equay-wuk (Women's Group)
Gathering 2010

Theme: Celebrating and Honouring Women in the North
Sunset Suites, Sioux Lookout
November 23-25, 2010


  • Building Aboriginal Women's Leadership
  • Nishnawbe Women's Wellness
  • Community Wellness
  • Becoming a Board Member
  • Many guest speakers - To be Announced

Tues Evening: 

  • Equay-wuk Awards
  • Talent Night & Karaoke

Wed Evening 

Aboriginal Economy added to northern development priority projects at ministers' meeting

Press release

Ministers Renew Action Plan on Development Issues Facing Canada's Northern Communities

Northern Development Ministers' Forum
Thunder Bay, Ontario - August 31 - September 1, 2010

Thunder Bay, Ontario (September 1, 2010) – Federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for northern development across Canada have renewed and refreshed their commitment to collaborative action on social, economic and fiscal issues of importance to the North.

First Nation Education Rally and Logo contest protesting underfunding of schools


TO: Chiefs & Councils, Grand Chiefs, PTO’s and Tribal Councils

DATE: September 1, 2010

CRTC gives $311 million to urban telephone users from rural and remote broadband fund

Please note the remote and rural communities that are not going to be included in receiving any of these funds (ie. ALL the remote communities across northwestern Ontaro) because they are exempted from this fund as a result of their designation as being located in a "High Cost Service Area". 

From CRTC press release

Eastern Ontario region building broadband fibre network connecting rural communities

EOWC press release 

Canada, Ontario and the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus Move Landmark Partnership Forward

Hastings County, Ontario, August 31, 2010 — Ontario’s largest rural broadband network is ready to begin construction. The high-speed Internet infrastructure project will connect with local delivery systems to expand service to an estimated one million residents and businesses in Eastern Ontario. 

First Nations receive funding support from FedNor for economic development initiatives

From FedNor announcement

Matawa First Nations Management
A FedNor investment of $216,032 in Matawa First Nations Management will be used to hire a mining advisor to help its nine member communities to capitalize on mining opportunities in their respective territories.