First Nation Education Rally and Logo contest protesting underfunding of schools


TO: Chiefs & Councils, Grand Chiefs, PTO’s and Tribal Councils

DATE: September 1, 2010

FROM: Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse

RE: First Nation Education Rally set for September 23, 2010

I am writing to inform you that a First Nations Education Rally has been scheduled for Thursday September 23, 2010 in Ottawa in order to bring a strong, collective message to government that the chronic under-funding of our children’s education will not be tolerated --- our children deserve better and we will not remain quiet about this ongoing discrimination.

The fact is that First Nations have had to manage with the 2% cap on funding for too many years, and this has resulted in under-funding in many areas including education. If we are to advance as Nations and move beyond the daily grind of poverty and lack of opportunity for our children and youth we need to act now! We also know that Indian and Northern Affairs Canada is exploring options to reform the administration of the Post Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) without the meaningful involvement of First Nations. The government has not had this discussion with us and to this date, First Nations do not know what is being contemplated. This is unacceptable and could have a dramatic impact on our communities.

By participating in the rally on September 23rd in Ottawa you will assist us in delivering an important message to the Government of Canada --- that First Nations people will no longer tolerate the inequities and the unfairness --- our children are not second class citizens and we demand better for them!

This rally is being organized collectively with the Assembly of First Nations and other First Nations from other regions across Canada, including a delegation of walkers from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, who will be commencing their walk on September 19, 2010 and arriving in Ottawa at Parliament Hill on September 23, 2010.

I strongly encourage all of you to make this day a priority and be part of a strong, collective effort to send this message to government.


Click here for a copy of the Logo Contest Poster

Click here for a copy of the Logo Contest Registration form

Click here for a copy of the Rally Poster

Let us know if you are planning a parallel rally in your community!