Telecom technicians from Nishnawbe Aski Nation meet

Representatives from the different tribal councils from across NAN met on Thursday, Sept 5 to discuss strategies for working together to assist NAN First Nations to get connected to broadband infrastructure. Participants included representatives from the NAN office (Gordon Kakegamic - meeting coordinator, Ed Hoshizaki), Matawa (John Cole), Wabun (Darlene Lafontaine), Mushkegowuk (Bill Louttit), Mocreebec (Allan Jolly), Windigo (Ernie Buswa), IFNA (Tim Bergman) and Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Dan Pellerin, Brian Beaton). Updates on connectivity developments across the region were discussed along with some of the opportunities (Industry Canada's new Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program and needs (partnerships and sustainability) for the NAN territory to become the most connected region in Canada. See the pictures from the meeting.