
May 28th, 2001


May 28, 2001
To: My Family, Friends, Relatives from all over the North and especially the Chief and Council of Deer Lake First Nation.

On Sunday May 20, 2001. I lost my son in an accident involving a Drunk-Driver. My son lost his life at the tender age of 14 years with a vibrant life ahead of him with major dreams and aspirations. He considered education an important part of his life. He was planning to attend a trip to Toronto with his fellow class mates in Grade nine at David Meekis Memorial School.

He was happy, outgoing, and full of life. He had many friends and family in the community. He enjoyed the outdoors, and loved to go camping. He also enjoyed hunting, and fishing with all his uncles and especially his grandfather, Victor Meekis.

Message to everyone and the Youth
Please if you drink, don't drive. Life is short and precious. The loss of a loved one, especially your own, can end in a blink of an eye. So be safe and be well. I would also like to take this opportunity to say Thank-You for your support and your loving nature.

To the grade nine students of Deer Lake First Nation. Please continue your education and follow your dreams as Vernon would have wanted you to.


Vicki Meekis, Deer Lake First Nation

May 27th

NORTH Network Telehealth Planning Session In Sioux Lookout

The telehealth planning group met at the Sioux Lookout Zone Hospital on Friday May 25 to discuss the NORTH Network ( initiative that recently received funding from Health Canada (CHIPP program) to develop telehealth services in partnership with a number of health service providers in Northern Ontario. Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations and their Kuh-ke-nah SMART initiative are the only First Nation groups included in this 18 month demonstration project. We were represented at the meeting by community health representatives from Keewaywin, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill, along with other Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff and resource people. Doctors, nurses and administrators providing services across the Sioux Lookout region (from the Zone Hospital, IFNA program and the Sioux Lookout Disctrict Health Centre) attended the session to learn about this project and how these new services can be used in their work. Doctors, nurses and staff from Toronto, Timmins and Thunder Bay who are working with the NORTH Network also attended. Check out the pictures from the meeting

The day before Dr. Ed Brown, Director of the NORTH Network project, met in Balmertown with Dr. Aaron Feldstein and Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff to discuss strategies for making the telehealth project work in KO First Nation health centres.

North Spirit Lake continues to plan for the SMART project

Galin Kora, Ricardo Ramírez and Brian Beaton travelled to North Spirit Lake First Nation on May 23 -25, to meet with the Chief and Council and other community members to discuss and plan for Keewaytinook Okimakanak's SMART initiative. Galin and Ricardo work with Telecommons Development Group ( which is partnering with Keewaytinook Okimakanak to develop a set of tools that will be used to gather information about how ICTs are being used in the First Nations to affect economic and social changes. Together with the community, plans are being made to prepare for a community workshop in the fall that will examine how community members and groups want to use ICTs within their community over the next three years.

Check out the pictures

SMART Community Consultation preparation

TeleCommons Development Group staff member Galin Kora (partners in KO's SMART project) spent the week of May 14 in Sioux Lookout preparing presentation materials for trips to each of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations. This part of the SMART initiative involves both the community engagement and project evaluation components where tools are prepared in consultation with the First Nations to assist them in planning and evaluating the project. Video conference meetings were held with the different sites that were going to be visited the following week. Check out the pictures

Fort Severn Hosts Community Healing Workshop (May 4)

Fort Severn First Nation hosted a workshop for young people, parents, community leaders on the weekend of May 4, 5 and 6 (the first snow geese were just arriving). The Local Education Authority and school staff worked to raise the funds to bring Jerry Harmon of the Recovery Foundation back to Fort Severn to deliver a second community workshop entitled Building A Bridge for Change - Bringing Youth and Adults Together.
All the participants of this year's school trip participated in this workshop as part of their preparation for this exchange program with Port Alberni students. (the Fort Severn First Nation - Port Alberni, British Columbia Exchange Program, May 6 - May 15, 2001)
Check out the pictures

Visit to Fort Severn by Canadian Heritage (2001-05-03)

Peter Homulos, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Canadian Heritage travelled with Brian Beaton to Fort Severn First Nation to meet with the Chief and Council and other community members about Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Native Language proposal.
Check out the pictures

Video Conferencing in North Spirit Lake (2001-05-02)

John Moreau and Lars Dixon (K-Net Technicians) went into North Spirit Lake the first week in May to install the new video conferencing unit at the North Spirit Lake SMART building. John put a lot of pictures around the community to document the local community network.
Check out the pictures

May 22nd

Network Operations

Due to a power failure by Ontario Hydro K-Net was out of power from 10:00 am to 5:54 pm May 22,2001. This affected the Mail and DNS server. Power has now been restored. Thank you for your patience.
Dan Pellerin

May 19th

Different groups come together to support an on-line discussion forum

A new and innovative internet forum, Turning Point invites dialogue and creates a focal point to highlight cooperative efforts among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada. Keewaytinook Okimakanak is partnering with a number of groups to support this on-line forum for sharing and introducing matters that affect Aboriginal people across the country. Everyone is invited to participate in these discussions by visiting the Turning Point web site. As well a copy of the May 2001 Press Release announcing the forum is available.

Problem connecting with select Direcpc/MSAT computers.

May 9 - There is a problem dialing out and connecting to ENO for some of the Schoolnet computers. K-Net and ENO are working on the problem. More news will be posted.
May 14 - The problem was traced to a change in equipment in Ottawa and has now been corrected.
Dan Pellerin
Network Operations