
March 20th, 2006

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute - Employment Opportunity (1)

Program & Student Service Coordinator

The Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute established by Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) offers post-secondary education and training programs.  We offer choice, accessibility, flexibility, opportunities and support services for our students.  The Institute is an independent institution and currently offers courses in business, social services, website development and early childhood education.

We are inviting applications for a Program & Student Service Coordinator.  Under the supervision of the Executive Director, the successful candidate will be responsible for the identification of opportunities and develop proposals related to current and proposed programs and projects to advance funding, accreditation, student services, curriculum design and development, and program delivery to members in the NAN Territory. 

Some of the responsibilities will include:  1) Consult with NAN community members to identify community educational program needs deliverable through the Institute and its partners.  2) Establish and build positive working relationships with partner post-secondary educational institutions to facilitate and enhance programs and services which further our mandate.  3) Source and review, coordinate or carry out curriculum design as necessary to meet identified needs, within approved program plans and budgets.

Qualifications for this position include:
• Possess at minimum an undergraduate degree or an equivalent combination of education and related work experience in management;
• Track record of successful proposal writing, in particular to secure funding;
• Demonstrated ability to research and identify program and funding needs and opportunities;
• Project management skills, including team leadership, program and budgetary planning and reporting;
• Knowledge or experience in curriculum design and training needs assessment;
• Experience in any: student recruitment; administration of enrolment, registration or application processes; career counseling; adult education or training;
• Demonstrated ability to build relationships with First Nation communities and organizations;
• Be a highly energetic self-starter with excellent interpersonal, strong analytical, communications and problem solving skills;
• Fluency in either Oji-Cree or Cree would be an asset.

Interested candidates are invited to submit a letter of interest and a resume, with three references, to:

Executive Director
Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute
106 Centennial Square, 3rd Floor
Thunder Bay, ON  P7E 1H3

Fax:  (807) 622-1818

For a copy of the job description, please contact:
Valerie Nabigon
Administrative Assistant
(807) 626-1880

Closing date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 12:00 p.m.

While we appreciate all applications for this position, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted.

March 19th

Lac Seul Eagles win championship game at First Nations Hockey tournament

On Sunday, March 19, the Lac Seul Eagles won the A-Side Championship game of the First Nations Hockey tournament in Sioux Lookout. They were playing the Mishkeegogamang Falcons team in the championship game.

In the B-Side Championship game the Michikan Mavericks defeated the Hudson Bay Cree team. While in the C-Side Championship game, Nibinamik Flyers won this division over the Keewaywin Hawks team.

For all the game details visit

KO - Lakehead University win research grant - Digital Education with remote FNs

Geordi Kakepetum, executive director of Keewaytinook Okimakanak, is pleased to announce that a research proposal co-developed by KORI and the Lakehead University Faculty of Education has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) competition, in the Knowledge Cluster Strategic Grant category.

"This reinforces our relationship with the Lakehead University Faculty of Education which began with a face-to-face visit by Dean O’Sullivan to our offices in Balmertown last year," said Geordi. "We can work with people like Julia and her team who are committed to working with us to improve the quality of life in the KO communities."

Following O’Sullivan’s visit to Balmertown, John 0’Meara arranged a tour of KORI’s offices for several members of the Faculty of Education. During the tour, they participated in a video conference with KIHS principal, Darrin Potter and several teachers, principals and directors of education working in remote and isolated First Nations communities.

The Principal Investigator of the research is Lisa Korteweg, with Co-Investigators Seth Agbo, Ethel Gardner, Margaret Haughey of the University of Alberta, John O'Meara, and Brian Walmark of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute.

The title of the project is: Digital Education with Remote Aboriginal Communities.  "This is an exciting collaborative venture with Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute, a department of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Council, which is a leader in the use of communication technologies in Northwestern Ontario," said John O’Meara, the Director of Graduate Studies at the LU Faculty of Education. "The project is intended to leverage other research opportunities, and we are looking forward to more collaborative ventures," he said.

Click here to read the Dec, 2005 story about this application proposal

March 18th

Senior Metis Nation of Ontario leaders visit KO offices in Thunder Bay and by video

Tony Belcourt, president of the Metis Nation of Ontario and Gary Lipinski, chair of the MNO took time during their visit to Thunder Bay for the 5th annual Metchief Conference to visit the KORI offices.

During the stop, Tony and Gary talked with Brian Beaton and Carl Seibel in Sioux Lookout via videoconference and with Kevin Houghton in Balmertown via IP telephone. Discussions about MNO's mental health initiative using video conferencing provided an opportunity for everyone to learn about this new initiative.

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic welcomed the two leaders to Northern Ontario and will address the language conference on Saturday morning.

Wes McKay briefed the Metis leaders on a variety of KO applications including G8, KiHS, KOTH and the on-line special education workshops for classroom teachers in remote and isolated First Nation schools. Franz Seibel briefed the guests on the "Meet Me" initiative and the business case for IP telephony.

Brian Walmark thanked the Metis leaders for visiting the KO offices and presented them with KORI shirts.

Click here to see photos from this visit. 

March 17th

Neskantaga Spring Traditional Powwow starts next weekend


Neskantaga First Nation Spring Traditional Powwow

March 23 to 26, 2006

We are pleased to annouce our Powwow coming up on March 23 to 26, 2006. Everyone is welcome to join us with our celebration, dancers, singers, story and legend tellers, elders, children and women, visitors and all the nishinawbe people.

Visitors are required to the following:

  • bring sleeping gear
  • be alcohol and drugs free
  • proper arrangement and supervision for your children
  • Provide list of names your group and fax to 807 479 2505

For more inforamtion call Aleck at (807) 479 2530 Thank you very much and we are looking forward in hearing from you!

Kitchi meequetch

in Spirit,


March 17th

Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention cross Canada walk begins in Sydney Nova Scotia

From the Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Walk 2006 web site at

The Youth Suicide Prevention Walk will cross Canada started March 14, 2006 in Sydney Cape Breton, and will bring our people in Eastern, Central, and Western Canada together in the shared vision of addressing and ending youth suicide.

These are some of the things we want to accomplish in 2006:

  • To continue to remind the Government of Canada about the high rate of suicide within Canada's Aboriginal communities, and the need for ongoing prevention funding and programs. We hope the new Government will hear our voices, and honour committments made to us in 2005.
  • To convince the Government to create a Youth Crisis Treatment Facility for those at risk for suicide. A facility which provides access to short and long-term counselling, treatment, and support. A facility which will educate our communities on how to deal with the issues around suicide. We hope that the government will recognize the dire need for such a facility with trained Staff, Elders, and a Crisis Response Team.
  • To create a National "Aboriginal, Inuit and Youth Suicide Prevention Awareness Day" which would be recognised on calendars, and with a walk in communities across Canada to raise awareness, and funds for local suicide prevention, much like the Terry Fox Day.
  • To make Tribal Journeys so that we can visit and raise awareness in those communities that we may have missed on our Walks, and to help youth who are struggling with suicide issues.
  • We feel that if youth partake in the walk, Tribal Journeys and other ceremonies, such as sweats, it will help them to deal with their problems in a safe, cultural environment. We plan to create a place where our youth can come and learn about their culture and the importance of ceremonies.
  • To reach out across Canada, and across cultures and borders to recognize how suicide impacts all indigenous people and all youth, and work globally towards prevention and building hope and esteem within our youth.

KO's work with K-Net acknowledged in INAC Minister Prentice's speech

Making the Most of Aboriginal Connectivity

Notes for a Keynote Closing Address by The Honourable Jim Prentice, PC, MP
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-status Indians

To the Fifth Annual National Aboriginal Connectivity and E-Services Forum, Government Conference Centre, Ottawa, Ontario - March 14, 2006

Thank you for that kind introduction. It gives me great pleasure to speak at the closing of the Fifth Annual Aboriginal Connectivity Forum.

Like anyone who’s just starting a new job, I have much to learn, and I appreciate the opportunity to find out more about the remarkable progress that Aboriginal communities continue to make with communications technologies. And I’m impressed to hear about the direct benefits that many Aboriginal peoples can access everyday via Internet.

Je constate que les groupes autochtones ont fait beaucoup de progrès depuis le premier forum sur la connectivité en 2001.

De toute évidence, les peuples autochtones ont atteint un niveau de compétence sans précédent dans l’utilisation des technologies numériques et ont développé des techniques raffinées d’utilisation de l’Internet.

Today, connectivity projects deliver a growing number of valuable and tangible benefits to Aboriginal peoples in remote communities. Telehealth projects improve access to medical consultations and diagnostic tools; e-learning enables students to complete their high-school diplomas, earn college and university credits, and acquire the skills and knowledge they need to qualify for job opportunities. Connectivity can also spur economic development, by bringing markets within reach of Aboriginal entrepreneurs, and can help to strengthen traditional cultures and revitalize ancient languages.

I’m convinced that forums such as this one play an important role in bringing the full potential of computer and satellite-based communications to First Nation, Inuit, Métis and Northern communities. And my conviction is reinforced by the high quality of work accomplished in the past two days.   

I congratulate the Forum organizers for their wise programming decisions. I believe their approach to the Forum helps break conventional thinking and inspire fresh ideas—and both are essential to sound long-range planning, especially in the rapidly evolving field of communications.

Aboriginal groups continue to develop innovative approaches to use new technologies in ways that benefit their communities. I share your view that each successful connectivity project helps improve the quality of life experienced by residents of Aboriginal communities.

Il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour assurer que les Autochtones puissent participer pleinement et équitablement à la prospérité du Canada. Il ne fait aucun doute que la connectivité peut avoir des répercussions positives importantes et durables sur la qualité de vie.

To ensure that a greater number of Aboriginal peoples can benefit from connectivity, though, we must overcome the challenges associated with the vast majority of projects. Common challenges include underdeveloped infrastructure, lack of community capacity,  limited coordination among public-sector agencies, and issues of sustainability.

Of course, many connectivity projects manage to overcome these obstacles and deliver a wide range of services to Aboriginal communities across Canada. Projects such as the Aboriginal Telehealth Planning Partnership and K-Net, and groups such as Nunavut  Broadband Development Corporation and Kativik Regional Government–to mention but a few–have all harnessed the potential of connectivity to deliver valuable benefits. I believe that successful projects manage to overcome the obstacles associated with connectivity by relying on three key strategies.

First, by responding to community demands and delivering real benefits; second, by featuring a significant level of local control and ownership; and finally, by being the product of collaboration among multiple partners. These strategies should inspire the design of future connectivity projects, although, on their own, they are no guarantee of long-term success.

Given the costs of Internet services in remote communities, the sustainability of projects is a common problem. Another issue is community capacity—residents of isolated communities must acquire the skills and expertise they need to design, implement and manage projects that deliver the necessary services.

However, the strategies used in successful projects can be readily applied elsewhere. We must encourage Aboriginal communities to consider their needs carefully. And we must make it easier to establish partnerships among communities, federal departments and agencies, Aboriginal organizations and the provinces and territories.

There’s no question that connectivity projects deliver precisely the kind of benefits that enable Aboriginal communities to thrive. We must do all we can to ensure that more communities can access the benefits associated with communications technologies.

Des collectivités autochtones prospères et auto-suffisantes peuvent apporter beaucoup au Canada, au point de vue social, économique et culturel.

Although I am unable to stay for the rest of the evening’s events, I look forward to hear about the results of your deliberations.

Thank you.

March 16th

Keewaytinook Okimakanak programs online at national economic development event

Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Kuhkenah Network (, Telehealth initiative ( and the Internet High School ( were highlighted for workshop participants located in Vancouver on Wednesday, March 15.

The online workshop was hosted as a pre-conference event during the 2006 National Conference on Community Ecomonic Development & the Social Economy being held in Vancouver this week.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) provided workshop participants with an opportunity for two of their funded Community Learning Networks from British Columbia and Keewaytinook Okimakanak in northern Ontario to share information about their local applications. The highlighted work has involved working with community members to build learning networks supported by Information Communications Technologies (ICT). The entire four hour session was archived and is available online.

Click here to visit the Pre-Conference Workshop site and check out the actual session.

Community Telehealth Coordinators launch local health information web sites

First Nations across the Sioux Lookout Health Zone are now being kept up-to-date about community health information sessions, workshops and discussions. Community Telehealth Coordinators are working together to support each, sharing information and skills in the development and maintenance of these web sites for their communities.

Barney Beaver recently launched the Webequie Telehealth web site at Links to other community telehealth web sites can be found from the menu box on the KO Telehealth web site at

March 13th

INAC launches a new web site, VTAC - "Virtual Tour of Aboriginal Canada"

At INAC's Connecting Aboriginal Canadians workshop in Ottawa this week, INAC officials used this opportunity to launch another web site called a "Virtual Tour of Aboriginal Canada". Aboriginal communities across the country need to now check to make sure their community's web site is properly linked (and updated) on INAC's web site.

The web site can be found at


by Connecting to Aboriginal Communities

by Connecting to Aboriginal Tourism Businesses


by connecting to the Aboriginal Business Centre

by connecting to the Aboriginal Tourism Resource Centre

Ever wonder who Aboriginal people really are, where they live, how they live, etc.?

Find out by visiting Aboriginal communities on line. Better yet come and visit us and you'll have an experience of a lifetime.

Indians, Metis & Inuit peoples with unique heritages, languages, cultural practices & spiritual beliefs.

Interestingly enough, this web site and all these conferences are funded from the corporate side of INAC. No new INAC funding programs to support First Nations in building and maintaining broadband infrastructure or for producing and maintaining their own community web sites and developing their own local capacity to do business online are being announced.