
April 8th, 2009

Josephine Mandamin, Anishnawbe grandmother, continuing her walk for the water and our survival

A native grandmother's epic walk for the water

BC court rules Indian Act violates Charter of Rights when determining Indian Status

Sharon McIvor has won her case before the British Columbia Court of Appeal.

April 7th

Caring Across the Boundaries offering train-the-trainer workshop with First Nation youth

Touchstones for Leadership

Youth Train the Trainers Call for Participants

May 6-8, 2009


Caring Across the Boundaries is an interactive workshop that encourages collaboration between Aboriginal agencies and the Voluntary Sector.

Program Overview

The Caring Across the Boundaries: Touchstones for Youth Train the Trainer will provide the opportunity for 15-20 youth, between the ages of 15-29, to be trained in the new Advanced CAB youth curriculum.

Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership program inviting proposals to create jobs

Press Release 

Government of Canada to Provide Skills Training Opportunities for Aboriginal Canadians

By: Marketwire - Apr. 6, 2009

Sandy Lake First Nation walk the winter road raising money for wellness and prayer

Sandy Lake First Nation press release 

Sandy Lakers walk the winter road for prayer and healing: raises $5,000

Fri, 04/03/2009

Approximately 17 community members walked 50 km on the winter road yesterday in an effort to bring prayer and healing to the community.

The prayers were for community members who are sick and in poor health and for those who are struggling with drug and alcohol addictions, said Eddie Kakepetum, one of the walk's organizers.

April 6th

Health Council of Canada launches web site seeking Canadian feedback on health care services

Health Council of Canada press release

Canada’s Health Care System: Dissed in America 

TORONTO (April 6, 2009) – When U.S. President Barack Obama recently announced his intention to create a public health care system that would be accessible and affordable for all Americans, he touched off a firestorm of criticism with some south of the border saying Canadian-style health care is not the way to go.

North American First Nations hockey tournament in Kenora - April 10-12

North American First Nations

Tournament of Champions

Men's Recreation Hockey Tournament

featuring community based clubs with

two imports

Sandy Bay with the Routlette brothers

Giinogaming Hawks wtih Nathan O'Nabigon,

Colt King of the CHL and Mike Auski of Ryerson Rams

April 5th

SL First Nation Health Authority sponsoring new hostel name and logo contest

From SLFNHA web site ...


Ontario courts continuing to rule for developers over First Nation's traditional land protection


Judge bars natives from Hagersville development - Judge bars natives from Hagersville development

April 03, 2009 - Dana Brown - The Hamilton Spectator

A land developer building affordable townhomes in Hagersville has been granted an injunction barring Six Nations protesters from stopping work on the property.

The power of collective rights in First Nations for protecting individual and cultural rights

From Intercontinential Cry  

One for One and All for None: the Indian Revolution?

By John “Ahni” Schertow - April 3, 2009

Some people would have us believe that Indigenous People need a revolution in individual rights. That they need to be able to enjoy the secular wonders of colonial society - and know that, after 500 years of being kept face down as a people, they can finally have a chance to live “the good life”.