Caring Across the Boundaries offering train-the-trainer workshop with First Nation youth

Touchstones for Leadership

Youth Train the Trainers Call for Participants

May 6-8, 2009


Caring Across the Boundaries is an interactive workshop that encourages collaboration between Aboriginal agencies and the Voluntary Sector.

Program Overview

The Caring Across the Boundaries: Touchstones for Youth Train the Trainer will provide the opportunity for 15-20 youth, between the ages of 15-29, to be trained in the new Advanced CAB youth curriculum.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop leadership and facilitation skills
  • Learn about Aboriginal history and how to present it to a non-Aboriginal audience
  • Become familiar with the Touchstones of Hope
  • Create dialogue around issues of concern in Child Welfare
  • Develop an understanding of Reconciliation and its importance in Child Welfare
  • Network with youth from across Canada


This event will be a two and half day training session that will provide information, skills and resources for youth to facilitate reconciliation gatherings in their organizations and communities.

Selection Criteria

15-20 youth will be selected based on community experience, interest and capacity to continue with community sessions after the training. Considerations will be made to balance between nations (FN, Métis, Inuit) and geographical location.

How to Apply

Please complete the Application form and send by mail, fax or email no later than April 20, 2009. Applications will be reviewed and 15-20 youth will be formally invited to participate by April 24, 2009.

Travel and Accommodation

Costs associated with transportation, accommodation and meals will be covered according to FNCFCS policies.


This particular training session will be in English.


Due to limited capacity, it may not be possible to invite every applicant. However, efforts will be made to consider applicants for future training sessions.

Touchstones for Leadership Application Form

Youth Train the Trainers, Call for Participants

May 6-8, 2009

Ottawa, ON

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Organization/Community: _________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________


Email Address: _________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________

Due to limited capacity, it may not be possible to invite every applicant. If this is the case would you like to be considered for additional training sessions?


Briefly outline how you feel you can use this training:







Please attach a short paragraph about yourself and forward to:








Andrea Auger
Caring Across the Boundaries Coordinator
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society
Address: Suite 302 - 251 Bank Street, Ottawa ON K2P 1X3
Phone: (613) 230-5885, Fax: (613) 230-3080