
May 26th, 2009

Senate committee on Aboriginal Peoples reviewing Indian Act with meetings with First Nations


Opinions of First Nations sought in review of Indian Act

May 25, 2009

The standing Senate committee on Aboriginal Peoples is holding public hearings in Winnipeg and Dauphin this week.

It is hearing from First Nations peoples on issues such as self-governance, political accountability and election reform.

May 25th

Shibogama Education Support Services Program searching for 2 workers for First Nation students


On behalf of the First Nations of Kingfisher Lake, Wunnumin Lake, Wapekeka and Kasabonika Lake, Shibogama Education invites applications for the following positions:

Report - The Funding Requirement for First Nations Schools in Canada (May 2009)

Click on the following document to download a PDF copy

The Funding Requirement for First Nations Schools in Canada (May 2009)  

AFN press release 

Virtual Assistant business wins Aboriginal Business Plan Competition at Vision Quest gathering

Press release 

Canadian Virtual Assistant Chosen for Business Award

A Winnipeg-based virtual assistant receives acclamation from the Aboriginal community for business creativity and entrepreneurship.

Health Canada produces report telling Canadians that most are satisfied with health services

Health Canada press release  

Greater Life Expectancy, Reduced Smoking Rates Among Highlights of Healthy Canadians Report

May 21, 2009

Highlights from Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2008

OTTAWA - Healthy Canadians - A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2008 shows that most Canadians remain satisfied overall with health-care services.

May 23rd

"With Respect, Canada’s North" - report on working with the people in Canada's north

With Respect, Canada’s North

Sixth Report of the Standing Senate Committee
on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources
May 2009

Click here for a copy of the report

May 22nd

7 year old First Nation child forced to have hair cut by school staff person in Thunder Bay


Thunder Bay mom wants answers after teacher's aide chops off son's hair

May 21, 2009

A Thunder Bay woman is demanding an explanation after a teacher's aide at her son's school cut his long hair — an action her lawyer says is clearly assault while the Crown insists there are no grounds for charges.

CBC News is not naming the family to protect the child's identity.

May 21st

KO Telemedicine and Ontario Telemedicine Network signing Partnering Agreement - May 29

Making it Work...

Celebrating Partnerships

Keewaytinook Okimakanak and the Ontario Telemedicine Network

are hosting a Signing Ceremony
to celebrate the development of a formal

Partnering Agreement
