"With Respect, Canada’s North" - report on working with the people in Canada's north

With Respect, Canada’s North

Sixth Report of the Standing Senate Committee
on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources
May 2009

Click here for a copy of the report

Although the report defines the north as the three northern territories, EVERYTHING in this report applies equally well for the way southern Ontario treats the people and the development of northern Ontario! The people across southern part of the province could learn a lot by reading and understanding a little more about the northern hinterland that provides for the consumptive needs of the south.

From the report ...

The most important conclusion we reached, was that Canadians must listen to all northerners about what they need and want. Beyond just using the North as an economic or military frontier, we must respect that this is a homeland for northerners. The federal government can and should play an important role in economic development and supporting climate change adaptation efforts – but this must be in partnership with all northerners and according to their vision of the future.

The People of the North

"The vision of the North as homeland originates from those who live, work and play there, whereas its conception of a frontier has southern roots. The latter is solely motivated by a desire to exploit natural resources, while the former is informed by thousands of years of indigenous use of the land and the sea. The vision of the North as frontier is myopic and simplistic."
Dr. Karim-Aly S. Kassam, International Professor, University of Calgary. 2001

Press release (the same words apply to northwestern Ontario)

New Life for Old Mantra “Northern Control for Northern Resources”

YELLOWKNIFE (May 20, 2009) - Premier Floyd K. Roland said he is pleased to see an acknowledgment by Canada’s Senate that it is Northerners themselves who must be in charge of their future.

In its report titled ‘With Respect, Canada’s North’, the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources strongly suggests that the federal government should listen to people living in Canada's North before making decisions on a variety of issues concerning the North.

“Certainly this report reflects the same message that we as a Government have taken to Ottawa many times,” the Premier said. “We have seen signs in the last year that this message is being heard. This report is further evidence.”

Premier Roland said that the strength of the Northwest Territories (NWT) resource potential, the need for economic stimulus and increasing recognition that sovereignty over Canada’s North is best realized through prosperous, healthy and vibrant communities means opportunities long-sought by residents of the NWT may be within reach.

The Premier will convey this message to Aboriginal leaders during their quarterly meeting today in Yellowknife.

Northern control over the administration of lands, the regulatory system and resource revenues is a stated priority of the 16th Legislative Assembly under its goal to realize “A strong and independent North built on partnerships”.

“Canada and the international community have their eye on our North,” the Premier said. “In the absence of a recognized united voice for NWT residents, we risk important decisions about the North being made without the input of NWT residents.

Copies of the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources’ can be accessed here.

For more information contact:

Dane Mason
Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 669-2302