
September 29th, 2010

Truth and Reconciliation Commission challenged to deliver on all the program expectations

Presentation to the Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples By the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair Sept. 28, 2010

Mr. Chairman, committee members, distinguished witnesses and guests,

Commissioners Marie Wilson, Chief Wilton Littlechild and I are honoured to have the opportunity today to update you on the progress the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has made on a journey that in many ways began decades ago.

Effect of Poverty in remote First Nations highlighted in film about Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug

From the Toronto Star

Film shines light on Canada’s ‘Third World’

Sep 28 2010

Lili is featured in a film about the shocking conditions First Nations children endure in Ontario’s north. On Lili's 12th birthday in May 2006, her mother committed suicide. Lili found her.

Video: See the trailer

September 27th

Many Canadian mining practices around the world show human rights and environmental abuses

With the passing of Bill 191 and the increasing efforts to develop mines in Nishnawbe Aski Nation territory, the following briefing from December 2009 is still timely ... 

From Intercontinental Cry

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario raises concerns about climate change for the north

From the Toronto Star

Ontario on front line of climate change

Gord Miller -  Environmental Commissioner of Ontario - Sep 22 2010

Ontarians got a taste of what climate change is like this summer, and most of us didn’t worry about it, as we enjoyed the hot, sunny days, uninterrupted by rain.

September 26th

Far North Act will not apply in Shibogama First Nation territory without our consent


Far North Act will not apply in Shibogama Homelands without our Consent

The Indigenous Peoples of Kasabonika, Kingfisher, Wapekeka, Wawakapewin and Wunnumin Lake First Nations along with the Shibogama First Nations Council clearly state for the record once again that their concerns are not addressed or reflected in Bill 191, the Far North Act. We continue to support the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (NAN) opposition and call on Ontario to do the right thing and withdraw the bill.

September 25th

Lac Seul First Nation unofficial election results from Sept 26, 2010 vote

Lac Seul First Nation unofficial election results from Sept 26, 2010


Clifford Bull

Councillors (Frenchman's Head)

Elvis Trout
Floyd Vincent
Tom Peetwayway
David Gordon

Councillors (Whitefish Bay)

Brad Ross

Councillors (Kejick Bay)

Dean Ross
Karen Ningewance
Derek Maud

Fort Severn First Nation Community Telemedicine Coordinator presents telemental health paper

Press release

Perspectives of Remote and Rural First Nations Community Members on Telemental Health

How do rural and remote First Nations community members feel about using technology for telehealth? The success of telehealth and other community ICT projects depends on the willingness of community members to use the technology. However community members’ perspectives are often unknown or poorly understood.

September 24th

Wapekeka First Nation youth attending Pelican Falls High School wins COO logo contest

Samantha Roundsky wrote a short note (see below) about her experience in submitting the winning logo to COO for this week's AFN National Action for First Nation Education ....

 Hi all,